5,426 research outputs found

    Products of Beta matrices and sticky flows

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    A discrete model of Brownian sticky flows on the unit circle is described: it is constructed with products of Beta matrices on the discrete torus. Sticky flows are defined by their ``moments'' which are consistent systems of transition kernels on the unit circle. Similarly, the moments of the discrete model form a consistent system of transition matrices on the discrete torus. A convergence of Beta matrices to sticky kernels is shown at the level of the moments. As the generators of the n-point processes are defined in terms of Dirichlet forms, the proof is performed at the level of the Dirichlet forms. The evolution of a probability measure by the flow of Beta matrices is described by a measure-valued Markov process. A convergence result of its finite dimensional distributions is deduced

    Microbial spoilage of liquid egg products and its control by the detection of genetic or chemical markers

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    Microbial spoilage of liquid egg products and its control by the detection of genetic or chemical markers. journée scientifique "science des aliments et valorisation des bio-produits

    Resilience in middle-aged partners of patients diagnosed with incurable cancer : a thematic analysis

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    Background : Providing care for patients with advanced cancer is often the responsibility of the partner. Being confronted with an incurable cancer diagnosis can be highly disruptive for the patient's partner and can be considered a potentially traumatic event. However, most caregivers seem to adapt well during the process of providing care. This finding is in line with the concept of resilience in literature: a dynamic process of adapting well, resulting from the interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic resources and risks. Resilience is age-related, with the elderly population being higher in resilience as compared to the younger generation. However, resilience has been understudied in middle-aged caregivers. Aim : To explore what intrinsic and extrinsic resources facilitate or hamper resilience in the middle-aged partner of a patient with incurable cancer. Methods : Nine middle-aged partners of patients who died at home of cancer were selected and interviewed in depth within the first year following the death of their partner. A thematic analysis utilizing an inductive approach was conducted. Findings : Resilience was challenged by the partner's diagnosis of incurable cancer. All participants made use of a set of interacting, caregiver-specific and context-related resources, facilitating a resilient process and leading to positive feelings and even personal growth. The partners demonstrated individual competences: adaptive flexibility, positivism, a sense of self-initiative and adaptive dependency. Furthermore, they relied on their context: cancer-related professionals and relatives. Context and situation interact continuously. The resulting dynamics were based on the context-availability, meaningful relationships and the patient's role. Conclusion : A resilient trajectory results from an interplay between individual and contextual resources. To build resilience in middle-aged partners of patients with incurable cancer, health care professionals should address all available resources. Moreover, they should be aware of being part of the caregiver's context, a complex adaptive system that can be either resilience-supporting or -threatening

    Canine recurrent flank alopecia: a synthesis of theory and practice

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    Canine recurrent flank alopecia is a non-inflammatory, non-scarring alopecia of unknown etiology and has a visually striking clinical presentation. Although this disease entity is relatively common in the northern hemisphere, there is only scant information in the literature regarding case descriptions. The aim of this article was to review the literature and to describe clinical presentations recognized in practice, which are not always extensively documented in the literature

    Ipséité et passivité : le montage narratif du soi (Paul Ricoeur, Wilhelm Schapp et Antonin Artaud)

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    Le phĂ©nomĂšne de la vie — toujours mienne ou tienne — se donne Ă  voir et Ă  comprendre dans sa cohĂ©sion et son identitĂ© propre Ă  partir d’un montage narratif. C’est l’hypothĂšse qu’explore cet article en tĂąchant de dĂ©terminer si ce montage narratif renvoie Ă  un « coup monté », comme le suggĂšre Artaud, ou s’il s’agit, selon l’analyse trĂšs diffĂ©rente de Ricoeur, d’une intrigue dans laquelle un personnage, intriquĂ© dans ses propres expĂ©riences, lutte contre l’éparpillement de soi, ou encore, comme chez Schapp, si chacun est empĂȘtrĂ© dans ses histoires et dans celles des autres, sans pouvoir s’atteindre autrement qu’à travers ces empĂȘtrements.The phenomenon of life — yours, or mine always — is given to be seen or to be understood in its cohesion and in its proper identity through a narrative “montage”. This is the hypothesis which this article explores in trying to determine if the narrative montage refers to a “staged coup”, as Artaud suggests, or if instead it is not, following the very different analysis by Ricoeur, a plot in which the character, entangled in his or her own experiences, fights against the scattering of the self, or again, as according to Schapp, if each person is not simply involved in his or her own stories as well as in those of others, with no other means of reaching himself or herself than through such tangles

    Threshold concepts and metalearning capacity

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    This study operationalises the empowering concept of metalearning in the specific context of engagement with a threshold concept. An experience of metalearning was constituted in two parts. First students' awareness of themselves as learners is prompted by, and focuses on, a learning profile that is generated online through the completion of the Reflections on Learning Inventory (RoLI). Second, students are given an opportunity to interpret their respective profiles and write a short and undirected reflective account of their interpretation. The second part of the experience focuses not only on students' awareness but also on their capacity to control their future learning on the basis of their heightened awareness.

    Self-assembly mechanism of pH-responsive glycolipids : micelles, fibers, vesicles, and bilayers

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    A set of four structurally related glycolipids are described: two of them have one glucose unit connected to either stearic or oleic acid, and two other ones have a diglucose headgroup (sophorose) similarly connected to either stearic or oleic acid. The self-assembly properties of these compounds, poorly known, are important to know due to their use in various fields of application from cleaning to cosmetics to medical. At basic pH, they all form mainly small micellar aggregates. At acidic pH, the oleic and stearic derivatives of the monoglucose form, respectively, vesicles and bilayer, while the same derivatives of the sophorose headgroup form micelles and twisted ribbons. We use pH-resolved in situ small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) under synchrotron radiation to characterize the pH-dependent mechanism of evolution from micelles to the more complex aggregates at acidic pH. By pointing out the importance of the COO-/COOH ratio, the melting temperature, T-m, of the lipid moieties, hydration of the glycosidic headgroup, the packing parameter, membrane rigidity, and edge stabilization, we are now able to draw a precise picture of the full self-assembly mechanism. This work is a didactical illustration of the complexity of the self-assembly process of a stimuli-responsive amphiphile during which many concomitant parameters play a key role at different stages of the process

    Invariant subspaces of X∗∗X^{**} under the action of biconjugates

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    summary:We study conditions on an infinite dimensional separable Banach space XX implying that XX is the only non-trivial invariant subspace of X∗∗X^{**} under the action of the algebra A(X)\mathbb{A}(X) of biconjugates of bounded operators on XX: A(X)={T∗∗ T∈B(X)}\mathbb{A}(X)=\lbrace T^{**}\: T \in \mathcal {B}(X)\rbrace . Such a space is called simple. We characterize simple spaces among spaces which contain an isomorphic copy of c0c_{0}, and show in particular that any space which does not contain ℓ1\ell _1 and has property (u) of Pelczynski is simple
