145 research outputs found

    The myoepithelial cell: its role in normal mammary glands and breast cancer

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    Mammary gland epithelium is composed of an inner layer of secretory cells (luminal) and an outer layer of myoepithelial cells (MEC) bordering the basal lamina which separates the epithelial layer from the extracellular matrix. Mature MECs morphologically resemble smooth muscle cells; however, they exhibit features typical for epithelial cells, such as the presence of specific cytokeratin filaments. During lactation, secretory cells synthesize milk components, which are collected in alveoli and duct lumen, and transported to the nipple as a result of MEC contraction. Although the induction of MEC contraction results from oxytocin action, also other, still unknown auto/paracrine mechanisms participate in the regulation of this process. As well as milk ejection, MECs are involved in mammary gland morphogenesis in all developmental stages, modulating proliferation and differentiation of luminal cells. They take part in the formation of extracellular matrix, synthesizing its components and secreting proteinases and their inhibitors. In addition, MECs are regarded as natural cancer suppressors, stabilizing the normal structure of the mammary gland, they secrete suppressor proteins (e.g. maspin) limiting cancer growth, invasiveness, and neoangiogenesis. The majority of malignant breast cancers are derived from luminal cells, whereas neoplasms of MEC origin are the most seldom and usually benign form of breast tumours. MECs are markedly resistant to malignant transformation and they are able to suppress the transformation of neigh boring luminal cells. Therefore, a deeper insight into the role of MECs in the physiology and pathology of mammary glands would allow a better understanding of cancerogenesis mechanisms and possible application of specific MEC markers in the diagnosis and therapy of breast cancer. Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 1: 1-1

    Professional stress and job satisfaction of nurses working in infectious diseases wards during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic brings many challenges to the daily work of nurses who put their lives and health at risk for the general public every day. This causes them to be highly stressed at work, causes mental strain, and lowers the level of job satisfaction. The aim of the research was to assess the level of stress and job satisfaction of nurses working in infectious diseases wards. Materials and methods The survey was conducted among 169 nurses in the period from February to April 2022. The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method, the technique was a questionnaire survey, and the survey tool was a survey questionnaire provided in a Google Form. The differences between the qualitative variables were analyzed using the χ2 test of independence. We use the χ2 test of independence (non-parametric significance test for two or more independent samples) to test whether the variables measured at the nominal level or higher in the comparison groups differ from each other. The significance level of the study was p <0.05. The calculations were made with the SPSS 25 software. Results Work in direct contact with people infected with the coronavirus was performed by the majority of the respondents. Only about 18.0% of nurses used psychological assistance during the pandemic. Among the harmful and nuisance factors in the workplace, the respondents mentioned stress, contact with potentially infectious material, coronavirus infection despite appropriate personal protective equipment and cuts. Conclusions Stress in the workplace was felt especially due to the need to operate specialized equipment, not yet operated by the respondents. Nurses in the workplace were mainly exposed to stress related to performing difficult and responsible activities. Only a small part of the respondents was definitely satisfied with their work

    Maspin and c-erbB-2 expression in correlation with microvessel density in invasive ductal breast cancer

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    Maspin is a unique member of the serpin family involved in regulation of cell migration, apoptosis and angiogenesis in breast and prostate cancers. In this study maspin expression in comparison with c-erbB-2 (HER2/neu) oncogene expression and microvessel density was investigated. The examined material included specimens of primary invasive ductal breast cancer derived from 69 patients. They were analyzed immunocytochemically to assess maspin and c-erbB-2 expression, as well as microvessel density using endothelium marker CD31. In the studied cancers, maspin expression in cancer cells was detected in more than half of the cases (50.73%). Although statistically insignificant (p=0.27), maspin expression showed decreasing tendency with the increase of tumor grade. C-erbB-2 oncogene expression was observed in 78.26% of the examined cancers. Statistically significant positive correlation was found between c-erbB-2 expression and tumor grade (

    Nuclear maspin expression as a good prognostic factor in human epithelial ovarian carcinoma

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    Maspin, a protein belonging to the serpin superfamily, seems to exert tumour-suppressive activity. Its significance in ovarian cancer prognosis is currently under investigation. In the present work, immunocytochemical maspin expression in 132 invasive epithelial ovarian carcinomas was assessed independently in the nucleus and cytoplasm, in correlation with histopathological and clinical data. Positive maspin expression was found in 117 cases: nuclear/cytoplasmatic in 71, exclusive nuclear in 29, and only cytoplasmatic in 17 cases. Cytoplasmatic maspin expression was positively correlated with tumour grade (p = 0.000), FIGO stage (p = 0.002), and distant metastases (p = 0.000) but exhibited no significant correlation with tumour type (p = 0.078). Nuclear maspin expression showed negative correlation with tumour grade (p = 0.025), FIGO stage (p = 0.05), distant metastases (p = 0.001), and cancer remission (p = 0.000) but showed no significant relationship with the patients’ age (p = 0.948) or cancer subtype (p = 0.261). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that strong cytoplasmatic maspin expression was correlated with shorter disease-free survival (p = 0.000) whereas strong nuclear expression was correlated with longer survival (p = 0.000). In Cox regression analysis, low nuclear maspin expression (score 2 and 3) remained a significant independent prognostic factor (p = 0.001) with a relative death risk of 5.337. The obtained results suggest that maspin expression may be a significant marker in epithelial ovarian carcinoma prognosis with its nuclear expression being a good prognostic factor. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 4: 20-4212


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    There were examined 105 women with combined hyperandrogeny aged from 19 to 38 years. The studies show that the main causes of reproductive disorders of patients with hyperandrogeny is anovulation (47.1 %) and luteal phase deficiency (52.9 %). In anovulatory form of the reproductive system disorders there are characteristic clinical and laboratory signs of both ovarian and adrenal hyperandrogenism, but with a predominance of ovarian component. Violation of menstrual function mainly caused by opsomenorrhea - 60.6 % in 9.1 % of cases. Reproductive function of patients with hyperandrogenic anovulatory form affected with high frequency of primary infertility - 63.6 %. For patients with hyperandrogeny and luteal phase deficiency there are characteristic clinical and laboratory signs of both ovarian and adrenal hyperandrogenism, but with a predominance of adrenal component. Menstrual function characterized as opsomenorrhea in 27.0 % of patients. Reproductive function of patients with luteal phase defect is characterized by a high incidence of spontaneous abortion before 12 weeks - 24.4% and primary infertility - 35.1 %. Conducting individual hormonal correction of metabolism of androgens taking into account the identified violations of the reproductive system in patients with hyperandrogeny, reduces clinical manifestations of androgen dependent dermopathies, normalization of menstrual function and stable recovery of reproductive function, and the overall effectiveness of therapy is 68.0 % ( anovulatory form - 67.6 % and the luteal phase deficiency - 68.4 %). Laboratory criterias of anovulatory hyperandrogenism forms are: lack of dynamic changes of steroid profile during the menstrual cycle and significant increase in major androgens and their correlation with estradiol - total testosterone, free testosterone, androstenedione and moderate increase of dihydrotestosterone; increased ratio of LH / FSH> 2 and the prevalence rate of estrogen type anovulation - 75.6 %. In the luteal phase deficiency basic laboratory criteria considered: hypoestrogenic state on the 5th-7th day of menstrual cycle and a moderate increase in total and free testosterone, androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone significant increase; high level of correlations of total testosterone to estradiol, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol to the pronounced rise in the ratio of estradiol to free testosterone on the 21st-23rd day of menstrual cycle.Было обследовано 105 женщин с гиперандрогенией сочетанного генеза в возрасте от 19 до 38 лет. Результаты проведенных исследований свидетельствуют, что основными причинами нарушения репродуктивной функции пациенток с гиперандрогенией являются ановуляция (47,1 %) и недостаточность лютеиновой фазы (52,9 %). При ановуляторной форме нарушения репродуктивной системы характерны клинические и лабораторные признаки как яичниковой, так и надпочечниковой гиперандрогении, но с преобладанием яичникового компонента. Генеративная функция пациенток с ановуляторной формой гиперандрогении проявляется высокой частотой первичного бесплодия - 63,6 %. Для пациентов с гиперандрогенией и недостаточностью лютеиновой фазы характерны клинические и лабораторные признаки как яичниковой, так и надпочечниковой гиперандрогении, но с преобладанием надпочечникового компонента. Генеративная функция пациенток с недостаточностью лютеиновой фазы характеризуется высокой частотой как непроизвольного прерывания беременности сроком до 12 недель - 24,4%, так и первичного бесплодия - 35,1 %. Проведение индивидуальной гормональной коррекции с учетом показателей метаболизма андрогенов обнаруженных нарушений репродуктивной системы у пациенток с гиперандрогенией способствует уменьшению клинических проявлений андрогенозависимой дермопатии, нормализации менструальной и стойкому восстановлению репродуктивной функций, при этом общая эффективность терапии составляет 68,0 %. Було обстежено 105 жінок з гіперандрогенією поєднаного генезу у віці від 19 до 38 років. Результати проведених досліджень свідчать, що основними причинами порушення репродуктивної функції пацієнток з гіперандрогенією є ановуляція (47,1 %) і недостатність лютеїнової фази (52,9 %). При ановуляторній формі порушення репродуктивної системи характерні клінічні та лабораторні ознаки як яєчникової, так і наднирковозалозної гіперандрогенії, але з переважанням яєчникового компонента. Репродуктивна функція пацієнток з ановуляторною формою гіперандрогенії проявляється високою частотою первинного безпліддя - 63,6 %. Для пацієнтів з гіперандрогенією і недостатністю лютеїнової фази характерні клінічні та лабораторні ознаки як яєчникової, так і наднирковозалозної гіперандрогенії, але з переважанням наднирковозалозного компонента. Репродуктивна функція пацієнток з недостатністю лютеїнової фази характеризується високою частотою як мимовільного переривання вагітності терміном до 12 тижнів - 24,4%, так і первинного безпліддя - 35,1 %. Проведення індивідуальної гормональної корекції з врахуванням показників метаболізму андрогенів виявлених порушень репродуктивної системи у пацієнток з гіперандрогенією сприяє зменшенню клінічних проявів андрогенозалежної дермопатії, нормалізації менструальної та стійкому відновленню репродуктивної функцій, при цьому загальна ефективність терапії становить 68,0 %


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    The paper describes an approach to the problem of creating a domain model, and a parametric model of controlled engineering objects. The approach is based on using set theory and the concepts of frames, explained all the necessary concepts and attributes of the models are explained, and an option is offered of a computer (machine) implementation.The paper describes an approach to the problem of creating a domain model, and a parametric model of controlled engineering objects. The approach is based on using set theory and the concepts of frames, explained all the necessary concepts and attributes of the models are explained, and an option is offered of a computer (machine) implementation

    Evaluation of apoptosis, proliferation intensity and metallothionein (MT) expression in comparison with selected clinicopathological variables in primary adenocarcinomas of the large intestine

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    Tumour growth and expansion are the result of proliferative activity and the capacity to eliminate cells by apoptosis and/or necrosis. The present study was aimed at comparing the apoptosis and proliferation intensity in cells of adenocarcinomas of the large intestine with the expression of metallothionein (MT), the grade of the tumour and the depth to which the tumour infiltrated the intestinal wall. The TUNEL technique and immunocytochemical reactions (expression of caspase-3, Ki-67, MT) were used to detect apoptosis. The results demonstrated augmented levels of all the variables examined, positively correlated with grade of malignancy, G, and with the depth of intestinal wall infiltration by the tumour cells. The testing of apoptosis, proliferation and MT expression may prove useful in the appraisal of the growth and progression of primary adenocarcinomas in the large intestine


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    Мета дослідження – оцінити особливості перебігу захворювань шийки матки залежно від гормональних порушень. Матеріали та методи. Відповідно до мети дослідження, під нашим спостереженням перебували 105 жінок віком від 18 до 42 років. Середній вік обстежених становив (25,92±0,61) року. Критеріями для включення пацієнток у дослідження були патологічні процеси шийки матки і порушення менструального циклу. Усім жінкам проводили загальноклінічне обстеження, передбачене наказом МОЗ України від 31.12.2004 року № 676 (огляд шийки матки в дзеркалі, мікроскопія мазків з піхви, Pap-тест, кольпоскопія і, при потребі, біопсія шийки матки), а також додаткові клініко-лабораторні методи обстеження: виявлення ВПЛ методом ПЛР у зскрібку з цервікального каналу та гормональні обстеження (визначення рівнів дигідротестостерону, пролактину, андростендіолу-глюкороніду, 17-кетостероїдів, індексу вільного тестостерону, рівнів фолікулостимулюючого гормону, лютеїнізуючого гормону, естрадіолу (Е2), дигідроепіандростерону-сульфату на 2–3 день та на 21–22 дні менструального циклу). Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. При дослідженні гормональних показників у жінок обстежуваних груп до проведеного лікування було виявлено підвищення рівнів андрогенів вище референтних значень загалом у 14 (35,0 %) пацієнток 1 групи і у 23 (57,5 %) – 2 групи. Зниження рівня прогестерону спостерігалося в 11 (27,5 %) жінок 1 групи і 15 (37,5 %) – 2 групи. Підвищення естрогенів було відмічено у 5 (12,5 %) пацієнток 1 групи і 4 (10,0 %) – 2 групи. Висновок. При аналізі проведених досліджень були виявлені такі варіанти гормональних порушень у пацієнток із захворюваннями шийки матки: – НЛФ була характерна для 65 % пацієнток; – СПКЯ був характерний для 22,5 % хворих; – ГГН було виявлено у 5,0 % жінок

    Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of quercetin on human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines EPP85-181P and EPP85-181RDB.

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    Polyphenols are present in several edible plants and for many years induce high interest mainly due to their antioxidative and anti-inflammatory influence. At present, numerous studies are conducted on antineoplastic effects of the compounds. One of most effective biopolyphenols involves the flavonol quercetin. Our studies aimed at evaluation of antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of quercetin alone and in combinations with daunorubicin on cells of human pancreatic carcinoma lines. The experiments were conducted on two cell lines, sensitive to daunorubicin EPP85-181P line, and its resistant variant EPP85-181RDB. Effect of studied substances on cell proliferation was detected using sulphorhodamine B (SRB) protein staining method. Apoptotic damage was estimated using comet and TUNEL techniques. Our data demonstrated that quercetin exerted cytotoxic action on cells of the both neoplastic cell lines in concentration-dependent manner. In the case of EPP85-181RDB cell line, quercetin seemed to sensitize resistant cells to daunorubicin. In parallel, the effect of both substances on the sensitive cell line was synergistic. Results of the studies confirmed that quercetin may probably break resistance of neoplastic cells to chemotherapy. On the other side, studied flavonol augmented action of cytostatic drug in case of sensitive tumour cells what suggest, that it might allow to decrease dosage of cytostatic drugs and reduce negative side effects of the treatment


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    The article analyzes the prevalence of emotional burnout syndrome in Ukraine and abroad, as well as factors that contribute to the occurrence of the disease.У статті проаналізовано поширеність синдрому професійного вигорання  в Україні та за її межами, а також фактори, що спричиняють виникнення даного захворювання