576 research outputs found

    Spectroelectrochemical Studies of Metalloporphyrins in Room Temperature Ionic Liquid

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    The oxidation/reduction reactions of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins play an important role in medicinal, industrial and biochemical reactions. Metalloporphyrins are particularly useful as potential catalysts for a variety of processes including catalytic oxidations. The unique properties of metalloporphyrins make them good candidates as electrocatalysts for fuel cells. Metalloporphyrins also play some important roles in biological functions. By incorporating spectroscopic experiments such as UV-visible or infra-red spectroscopy along with electrochemical experiments such as cyclic voltammetry, one is able to determine the structural changes of the molecule when oxidation or reduction reaction is carried out

    A Comparison of China and Malaysia in International Business Negotiation

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    The real negotiation world particularly cross-cultural negotiation is very challenging and competitive compared to domestic negotiation as each party needs to have cultural intelligence when it comes to international business environment. As many companies are going global, seeking international growth as an importer-exporter, international business negotiation skills are very much needed. The participants in this study were Chinese and Malaysian business negotiators involved in China-Malaysia business. One hundred questionaires were conducted by sending emails or through WeChat to the participants who are based in China. In fact, China’s One Belt One Road’s plan has created plenty of opportunities for Malaysia to collaborate with Chinese government officials and business leaders in different areas. Based on our analysis, we found that between the two groups of Chinese and Malaysian business negotiators, interdependent self-contrual mediated the relation between cultural norms and interaction goals

    The Anti-Fungal Activity of Metal Derivatives of 3-Pyridinethiol*

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    Communicating in collectivistic culture: relationship between interdependent self-construal and cooperative communication in cross-cultural communication model

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    This concept paper proposes that when companies have expanded their business and operation throughout the Asian countries, the success or failure of a company abroad depends on how effectively its business negotiators can apply their cross-cultural communication skills in a new cultural environment.At the forefront of this change is interdependent self-construal, which stands as communication medium on interaction goals (international business negotiation outcome) in collectivistic culture. The international trade may bring about a lot in terms of cross-cultural communication and international business negotiation, but adopting cooperative communication in the international business negotiations will create more integrative agreements between the international business negotiators.Many scholars believe that if both parties have similarities in communication styles, it will lead to positive interaction (cooperative communication) that contributes to cooperation and influences the interaction goals (negotiation outcome).This paper offers critical insight into the theoretical link between interdependent self construal and interaction goals.The proposed cross-cultural communication model uses interdependent self-construal and cooperative communication to understand when collectivistic business negotiators develop relationships that promotes positive interaction goals (negotiation outcome)

    Exploring culture theory global leadership and organizational behaviour effectiveness in cross-cultural communication in Asian business negotiations

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    While certain in international business negotiations, having the knowledge of cross-cultural communication is essential especially in global business environments and thus, many researchers have spent numerous years to investigate how culture influences Asian business negotiation which has contributed to negotiation outcome.This article provides critical insight into the theoretical link of cultural dimensions of culture for international business negotiations.The proposed model suggested in this study helps to identify effective communicative behaviours in business negotiations which are useful insights for international business practitioners

    The SNARE Protein Syntaxin 3 Confers Specificity for Polarized Axonal Trafficking in Neurons.

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    Cell polarity and precise subcellular protein localization are pivotal to neuronal function. The SNARE machinery underlies intracellular membrane fusion events, but its role in neuronal polarity and selective protein targeting remain unclear. Here we report that syntaxin 3 is involved in orchestrating polarized trafficking in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. We show that syntaxin 3 localizes to the axonal plasma membrane, particularly to axonal tips, whereas syntaxin 4 localizes to the somatodendritic plasma membrane. Disruption of a conserved N-terminal targeting motif, which causes mislocalization of syntaxin 3, results in coincident mistargeting of the axonal cargos neuron-glia cell adhesion molecule (NgCAM) and neurexin, but not transferrin receptor, a somatodendritic cargo. Similarly, RNAi-mediated knockdown of endogenous syntaxin 3 leads to partial mistargeting of NgCAM, demonstrating that syntaxin 3 plays an important role in its targeting. Additionally, overexpression of syntaxin 3 results in increased axonal growth. Our findings suggest an important role for syntaxin 3 in maintaining neuronal polarity and in the critical task of selective trafficking of membrane protein to axons
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