3 research outputs found

    Effect of storage temperature on blackberry postharvest conservation

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    Blackberries have a relatively short shelf life, due to their fragile structure, high metabolism and incidence of diseases, thus requiring a careful storage. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of different temperatures on blackberry (Brazos cultivar) conservation, characterizing its physical and chemical attributes and quantifying the pathogens responsible for rottenness. A completely randomized experimental design, in a factorial scheme (temperatures x orchards), with three replications of 10 fruits per treatment, was used. The temperatures of 2 ÂșC and 5 ÂșC were effective in delaying the color change and degradation of organic acids. There was a significant increase in rottenness incidence with increasing storage temperature. Incidences lower than 7 % were observed at the end of storage at 2 ÂșC and 5 ÂșC, however, they exceeded 20 % at temperatures from 15 ÂșC. The main pathogens detected were Cladosporium spp. and Colletotrichum spp. Refrigeration at 2 ÂșC and 5 ÂșC is an efficient alternative to maintain the quality of blackberries up to nine days, for delaying fruit ripening and rottenness development

    Postharvest diseases and physicochemical characteristics of ‘RĂ©gis’ peach produced in Presidente Prudente-SP

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    A ocorrĂȘncia de doenças pĂłs-colheita em pĂȘssegos (Prunus persicae) compromete a qualidade e a quantidade dos frutos colhidos. Neste trabalho objetivou-se caracterizar as podridĂ”es e avaliar as caracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas de pĂȘssego ‘RĂ©gis’, produzido em Presidente Prudente-SP. Os frutos foram individualizados e incubados em cĂąmara Ășmida durante 24 h, permanecendo a 25±2 ?C e 65±5% de UR por mais seis dias. A incidĂȘncia de podridĂ”es foi avaliada apĂłs dois e sete dias de armazenamento. Os frutos apresentaram, em mĂ©dia, firmeza de 4,50 Kgf e teores de sĂłlidos solĂșveis de 11,86 Brix, acidez titulĂĄvel de 0,56% de ĂĄcido cĂ­trico e 7,08 mg de ĂĄcido ascĂłrbico por 100 g de polpa, 24 h apĂłs a colheita. A incidĂȘncia de podridĂ”es fĂșngicas foi de 16,6% dois dias apĂłs a colheita e 50,3% apĂłs sete dias da colheita. Infestação por moscas-das-frutas atingiu 18,1% dos frutos. Os principais patĂłgenos encontrados foram Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (22,0%), Fusicoccum sp. (10,4%) e Rhizopus stolonifer (6,1%). As caracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas estudadas nĂŁo influenciaram na ocorrĂȘncia das podridĂ”es. A elevada incidĂȘncia de podridĂ”es constitui-se na principal causa de danos pĂłs-colheita em pĂȘssego ‘RĂ©gis’ cultivado em Presidente Prudente-SP, evidenciando a necessidade de manejo fitossanitĂĄrio adequado no campo e na pĂłs-colheita, visando Ă  obtenção de frutos de qualidade comercial satisfatĂłria.The occurrence of postharvest diseases in peaches (Prunus persicae) compromises the quality and quantity of fruit harvest. The objectives of this paper were to characterize the postharvest diseases and to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of ‘RĂ©gis’ peaches grown in Presidente Prudente-SP. Fruits were individualized and kept in a humid chamber for 24 h, and more six days at 25±2 ?C and 65±5% RH. The incidence of rots was assessed after two and seven days of storage. The fruits presented a firmness of 4.50 Kgf on average and soluble solids content of 11.86 Brix, titratable acidity of 0.56% of citric acid and ascorbic acid of 7.08 mg.100 g-1 of pulp, 24 h after harvest. The incidence of fungi rots was 16.6% two days after harvest, and 50.3% six days after harvest. Infestation by fruit flies reached 18.1% of fruits. The main pathogens detected were Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (22.0%), Fusicoccum sp. (10.4%) and Rhizopus stolonifer (6.1%). The physico-chemical characteristics evaluated did not influence the occurrence of fungi rots. The high incidence of rots is the main cause of postharvest damages in ‘RĂ©gis’ peach cultivated in Presidente Prudente-SP, evidencing the necessity of a careful phytosanitary procedure in the field and during post harvest stage aiming to produce commercial quality fruits

    Postharvest diseases and physicochemical characteristics of mango / <br> Doenças e características físicas e químicas pós-colheita em manga

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    The objective of this work was to identify and to quantify the postharvest diseases and to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of mango fruits cvs. Haden, Tommy Atkins, Palmer and Keitt, submitted or not to the treatment with the fungicide carbendazim. The fruits had been harvested in a commercial orchard in President Prudente-SP, individualized and kept in a humid chamber for 24h, remaining eight days at 25±2ÂșC and 70-80% RH. The incidence of diseases, the firmness and the loss of mass were evaluated periodically, during nine days. Before and to the end of the storage, the fruits had been characterized to titratable acidity and soluble solids content. There was high occurrence of rots in the four mango cultivars. Anthracnose was the most frequent disease, with practically 100% of incidence in the fruits. The Lasiodiplodia stem-end rot had greater incidence in cv. Tommy Atkins (68%), followed for the Haden (36%). The treatment with carbendazim presented changeable efficiency in the control of the rots, in function of mango cultivar. This treatment is recommended for the control of the stem-end in cvs. Haden and Palmer and also to reduce the severity of anthracnose in cvs. Haden and Keitt. The fungicide application did not influence soluble solids and titratable acidity content and ratio of mango cultivars, except in Palmer that presented minor ratio when treated with fungicide. The ethefon application did not influence the ripening process of mango cv. Haden.<p><p>O presente trabalho objetivou identificar e quantificar as doenças pĂłs-colheita e avaliar as caracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sicas e quĂ­micas de frutos de manga cultivares Haden, Tommy Atkins, Palmer e Keitt submetidos, ou nĂŁo, ao tratamento com o fungicida carbendazim. Os frutos foram colhidos em um pomar comercial em Presidente Prudente-SP, individualizados e submetidos a 24h de cĂąmara Ășmida, permanecendo por mais oito dias a 25±2ÂșC e 70-80% de UR. A incidĂȘncia de doenças, a firmeza e a perda de massa foram avaliadas periodicamente, durante nove dias. Antes e ao final do armazenamento, os frutos foram caracterizados quanto aos teores de acidez titulĂĄvel e sĂłlidos solĂșveis. A ocorrĂȘncia de podridĂ”es foi elevada nas quatro cultivares de manga. A antracnose foi a doença mais freqĂŒente, com praticamente 100% de incidĂȘncia nos frutos. A podridĂŁo peduncular de Lasiodiplodia teve maior incidĂȘncia na cv. Tommy Atkins (68%), seguida pela Haden (36%). O tratamento com carbendazim apresentou eficiĂȘncia variĂĄvel no controle das podridĂ”es, em função da cultivar de manga, podendo ser recomendado para o controle da podridĂŁo peduncular nas cvs. Haden e Palmer e tambĂ©m para reduzir a severidade da antracnose nas cvs. Haden e Keitt. A aplicação de fungicida nĂŁo influenciou nos teores de sĂłlidos, acidez titulĂĄvel e “ratio” das cultivares de manga, exceto na Palmer que apresentou menor “ratio” quando tratada com fungicida. A aplicação de ethefon nĂŁo interferiu no processo de amadurecimento da manga cv. Haden