18 research outputs found

    L'Allemagne et l'opinion publique francaise (1964)

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    Prejudices and stereotypes of the French regarding Germans. Topics: The content of the questionnaire is identical to that of ZA Study No. 0200. Demography: age (classified); sex; school education; occupation; city size. Interviewer rating: social class of respondent.Vorurteile und Stereotype der Franzosen gegenĂŒber Deutschen. Themen: Persönliche Beziehungen zu Deutschen; EinschĂ€tzung der Sympathie verschiedener NationalitĂ€ten; Einstellung zu Deutschen (Skala); deutsch-französische Freundschaft; Bekanntheitsgrad des deutschen Kanzlers; Auslandsreisen. Demographie: Alter (klassiert); Geschlecht; Schulbildung; Beruf; OrtsgrĂ¶ĂŸe. Interviewerrating: Schichtzugehörigkeit des Befragten

    L'Allemagne et l'opinion publique francaise (1957)

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    Prejudices and stereotypes of the French regarding Germans. Topics: Personal relations with Germans; assessment of the sympathy of various nationalities; attitude to Germans (scale); German-French friendship; degree of familiarity of the German chancellor; trips abroad. Demography: age (classified); sex; school education; occupation; party preference; city size; possession of durable economic goods; media usage. Interviewer rating: social class of respondent.Vorurteile und Stereotype der Franzosen gegenĂŒber Deutschen. Themen: Persönliche Beziehungen zu Deutschen; EinschĂ€tzung der Sympathie verschiedener NationalitĂ€ten; Einstellung zu Deutschen (Skala); deutsch-französische Freundschaft; Bekanntheitsgrad des deutschen Kanzlers; Auslandsreisen. Demographie: Alter (klassiert); Geschlecht; Schulbildung; Beruf; ParteiprĂ€ferenz; OrtsgrĂ¶ĂŸe; Besitz langlebiger WirtschaftsgĂŒter; Mediennutzung. Interviewerrating: Schichtzugehörigkeit des Befragten

    L'Allemagne et l'opinion publique francaise (1959)

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    Prejudices and stereotypes of the French regarding Germans. Topics: The content of the questionnaire is identical to that of ZA Study No. 0200. Demography: age (classified); sex; school education; occupation; party preference; city size; possession of durable economic goods; media usage. Interviewer rating: social class of respondent.Vorurteile und Stereotype der Franzosen gegenĂŒber Deutschen. Themen: Persönliche Beziehungen zu Deutschen; EinschĂ€tzung der Sympathie verschiedener NationalitĂ€ten; Einstellung zu Deutschen (Skala); deutsch-französische Freundschaft; Bekanntheitsgrad des deutschen Kanzlers; Auslandsreisen. Demographie: Alter (klassiert); Geschlecht; Schulbildung; Beruf; ParteiprĂ€ferenz; OrtsgrĂ¶ĂŸe; Besitz langlebiger WirtschaftsgĂŒter; Mediennutzung. Interviewerrating: Schichtzugehörigkeit des Befragten

    Common ideas about foreign countries 1956

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    Attitude towards people in other countries / stereotypes / attitude to European integration / acquaintance with other countries. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ organizational membershi

    Europese vrouwen in loondienst, 1980

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    This study was carried out at the request of the 'ad hoc' Commission for Women's Rights (set up by the European Parliament in October 1979), in order to ascertain how female workers saw themselves compared with their male colleagues. Employment situation / degree of responsibility held / adequate use of abilities / voluntary or involuntary unemployment / sex of immediate superior / sex of colleagues / sexual discrimination at work / advantage of particular gender in certain areas: promotion, salary level, taxation, retirement age / usefulness of educational qualifications / sexual harassment / knowledge of existence of national laws concerning equality of treatment at work / EC - European Community - and trade unions activities in this respect. The data of this survey originally were distributed by the Belgian Archives for the Social Sciences ( BASS ). Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membershi

    European Election Studies, 1989, wave 2

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    Second wave of the European election studies 1989 contains information about interest in and knowledge of several aspects of the European Community and voting behaviour/intentions, three months before the European elections 1989. date and duration of interview, persons present at interview, cooperation of respondent / being entitled to vote / intended electoral participation European elections 1989 and intended party choice / intended electoral participation in national elections and intended party choice / participation and party choice in last national elections / European Parliament party group 1984 of the intended party choice of European elections in 1989 / probability to vote for parties at European elections / information and knowledge of - the powers of - the European Parliament / impression of the Commission of the European Community / has heard of the Single European Market ( SEM ) / feeling european / for or against european unification / membership of European Community ( EC ) is good or bad / own country benefits from EC / feelings about dissolution of EC / opinion about SEM and Common Agricultural Policy / EC is considered ( not ) important / ( dis )advantages of SEM: no more customs control/ may reside and work in entire EC/ buy products from and carry money in entire EC/ Value added tax ( VAT ) harmonisation/ easy payments within EC/ freedom of banking and contracting / importance of several issues: 4 national issues/ unemployment/ stable prices/ european unification/ arms limitation/ agricultural surplus/ environment/ Turkey in EC/ realization of SEM / party best able to handle first, second and third most important issue / Inglehart's materialist post-materialist index / left-right position and political interest of respondent / opinion about violence / participation in: citizen action group, signing petition, boycott, lawful demonstration, rent strike and tax-strike, wildcat strike, occupying factories, blocking traffic, damaging property, violence against others / ( dis )approval of government reactions: police baton charges/ severe penalties/ prohibit public protest/ troops to break strikes / satisfaction with democracy / preference for revolution or maintain status quo / party attachment: strength and direction / age when respondent left school / size of firm and number of people supervised by respondent / former occupation / life satisfaction. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

    European Election Studies, 1989, wave 3

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    Third wave of the European election studies 1989 contains information about interest in and knowledge of several aspects of European Community and voting behaviour/intentions, short after the European elections 1989. date and duration of interview, persons present at interview, cooperation of respondent / being entitled to vote / participation in European elections 1989 ( EE89 ) and party choice / reasons for not voting / party choice in EE89 based on domestic or european reasons / vote EE89 expresses attitude to national government / intended electoral participation in national elections and intended party choice / participation and party choice in last national elections / European Parliament party group 1984 of the party choice of EE89 and European Parliament party group 1989 of the party choice of EE89 / probability to vote for parties at national elections / interest of respondent in European elections campaign / campaign information sources / campaign related activities like reading, watching television, listening to the radio, talking with other people / detailed information about campaign on television / impression of European Parliament and the Commission of the European Community / has heard of the Single European Market ( SEM ) and the European summit / success of European summit / cooperation of the members of the European Parliament ( MEP ) should be based on national arguments or on political arguments / national decision or European Community ( EC ) decision in case of: environment, energy supply, development aid, unemployment, fight against poverty, regional development, defense, currency, health and social welfare, cooperation with 3rd world, education, massmedia, science and technology, rates of value added tax ( VAT ), foreign policy, industrial relations, privacy protection / for or against european unification / membership of EC is good or bad / own country benefits from EC / feelings about dissolution of EC / opinion about SEM / EC is considered ( not ) important / do viable alternatives exist for EC / importance of several issues: 4 national issues/ unemployment/ stable prices/ european unification/ arms limitation/ agricultural surplus/ environment/ Turkey in EC/ realization of SEM/ energy supply/ development aid/ poverty/ regional development / Inglehart's materialist post-materialist index / left-right position and political interest of respondent / subjective left-right position of national parties / satisfaction with democracy / does EC work democratically / ( dis )approve of national government / first and second preferred government over current one / importance of elected institutes / party attachment: strength and direction / age when respondent left school / size of firm and number of people supervised by respondent / former occupation / respondents condition better-worse in 5 years / more-less satisfied then 5 years ago / life satisfaction. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi