21 research outputs found

    Can Physician Champions Improve Kangaroo Care? Trends over 5 Years in Rural Western India

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    Introduction: In 2013, approximately 2.8 million children worldwide died within the neonatal period. India is at the epicenter of this tragedy, accounting for one-third of all neonatal mortalities. Prematurity and/or with low birth weight are the leading cause of neonatal mortality and India has the highest number of neonates born preterm and weighing less than 2,500 grams worldwide. It is estimated that Kangaroo Care can avert up to 48% of all neonatal deaths among premature babies by 2025. However, the promise of Kangaroo Care as a low-cost, safe, and efficacious intervention to reduce neonatal mortality in India has not been realized due to suboptimal implementation. Physician champions can improve Kangaroo Care implementation, but the magnitude of their impact is unknown. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 648 infants identified using clinical data from a NICU located in rural western India. Physicians who led Kangaroo Care training sessions with neonates and coached peer healthcare professionals were considered champions. Two Kangaroo Care champions were on staff full-time from January 2010 through June 2011, part-time from July 2011 through June 2012, and absent thereafter. We examined the effect of the withdrawal of physician champions on overall use using logistic regression, time to initiation using competing risk cox regression, and intensity using linear regression models of the two main components of Kangaroo Care, skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding, separately. Findings: In comparison to when Kangaroo Care champions were present, their absence was associated with a 45% decrease in the odds of receiving skin-to-skin care (95% CI): 64% to 17%), 38% decrease in the rate of initiation of skin-to-skin care (95% CI: 53% to 82%), and on average, 1.47 less hours of skin-to-skin care (95% CI: -2.07 to -0.86). Breastfeeding practices were similar across different champion environments. Interpretation: Withdrawal of Kangaroo Care champions from neonatal intensive care unit in rural western India is associated with diminished administration, delayed initiation, and shorter duration of skin-to-skin care, but did not impact breastfeeding practices. Training healthcare workers and community stakeholders to become champions could help in scaling up and maintaining Kangaroo Care practices. Funding: This research was supported by TL1-TR001454 (to A.S.) from National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, and P60-MD006912-05 (to J.A.) from National Institute on Minority Health and Disparities. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH

    Critical Analysis of PIM2 Score Applicability in a Tertiary Care PICU in Western India

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    Objective. Children have limited physiological reserve that deteriorates rapidly. Present study profiled patients admitted to PICU and determined PIM2 score applicability in Indian setting. Patients and Methods. Prospective observational study. Results. In 742 consecutive admissions, male : female ratio was 1.5 : 1, 35.6% patients were ventilated, observed mortality was 7%, and 26.4% were <1 year. The profile included septicemia and septic shock (29.6%), anemia (27.1%), pneumonia (19.6%), and meningitis and encephalitis (17.2%). For the first year, sensitivity of PIM2 was 65.8% and specificity was 71% for cutoff value at 1.9 by ROC curve analysis. The area under the curve was 0.724 (95% CI: 0.69, 0.76). This cutoff was validated for second year data yielding similar sensitivity (70.6%) and specificity (65%). Logistic regression analysis (LRA) over entire data revealed various variables independently associated with mortality along with PIM2 score. Another logistic model with same input variables except PIM2 yielded the same significant variables with Nagelkerke R square of 0.388 and correct classification of 78.5 revealing contribution of PIM2 in predicting mortality is meager. Conclusion. Infectious diseases were the commonest cause of PICU admission and mortality. PIM2 scoring did not explain the outcome adequately, suggesting need for recalibration. Following PALS/GEM guidelines was associated with better outcome

    Premenstrual syndrome in Anand District, Gujarat: A cross-sectional survey

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    Aim of Study: We assessed the prevalence and severity of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in adolescents and identified probable associations of PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) with age, locality, food habits, obesity, stress, genetic influence, menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea. Methods: Cross-sectional study in schools of Anand District in State of Gujarat, India. We conducted the study in 1702 girls in the age group of 8–23 years who had achieved menarche. Main Outcome Measures: Prevalence of PMS and PMDD using the self-administered Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool for Adolescents (PSST-A). Results: The prevalence of moderate to severe PMS was 19.3% and PMDD was 4.6%. Almost all (94.8%) girls had at least one PMS symptom with 65.7% having moderate to severe symptoms. We found dysmenorrhoea in 71.2% girls and menorrhagia in 15.2%. Physical symptoms were reported by 53.5%, disruption of daily activities by 41.7%, while 25.1% had to miss school/college. Majority (81.3%) felt that PMS was a normal part of menstruation and 53.0% reported moderate to severe stress. Multivariate logistic regression model revealed older age, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, high levels of stress and PMS in mother to be significantly associated with PMS. In addition to these, lower age at menarche and junk food significantly contributed to PMDD. Conclusion: Prevalence of moderate to severe PMS and PMDD in this population falls within the range reported elsewhere. PMS/PMDD affects the lives of many, significantly reducing their efficiency and worsening the quality of life

    Prayers and beliefs among relatives of children admitted in pediatrics wards

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    Context: Spirituality/Religion is important to many parents and they may call upon God to make the child healthier and normal. Aims: We surveyed parents/relatives of children admitted to in-patient services for their praying practices and beliefs thereof. Settings and Design: Cross-sectional survey in 150 parents/relatives of patients admitted to pediatric ward, pediatric intensive care (PICU) unit, and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (50 each). Materials and Methods: We collected demographic, praying practices' information and asked them to fill a Prayer Questionnaire Score Chart which classified the individual's religiosity. Statistical Analysis Used: Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for analysis. Results: Hindus constituted 126 (84%) participants. In 118 (78.67%) cases, mothers responded to survey. Average time of prayer in PICU (159 min) was more than NICU (109 min) and pediatric ward (114 min). Average frequency of prayer before admission (10.49) was less significant than frequency of prayer after admission (13.64) (P value < 0.001). Most of the people, 91 (60.67%), prayed by standing near statues of God or praying silently while recalling God's images. Almost all people, 149 (99.33%), believed that both medical care and prayer were required for recovery of patient. According to patient's relatives, average 52% recovery of patient was due to medicine. Conclusions: Prayer was an integral component of parents/relatives' daily spiritual/religious ritual that was directed toward the admitted child's recovery. Statistically significant increase in frequency of praying after admission indicates the importance of prayers and spirituality in their minds as a part of treatment

    Cranio-spinal granulocytic sarcomas in childhood acute myeloid leukemia

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    Granulocytic sarcomas (GS) are extra-medullary tumors of myeloblasts. These tumors constitute a rare, though well-documented, manifestation of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Their frequency in patients with AML varies from 0.7-5%(1,2). GS may occur in any part of the body, the common sites being the subcutaneous tissue, eye orbits and paranasal sinuses(2). Cranio-spinal involvement is however uncommon. We report here two cases with such involvement

    Current Neonatal Resuscitation Practices among Paediatricians in Gujarat, India

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    Aim. We assessed neonatal resuscitation practices among paediatricians in Gujarat. Methods. Cross-sectional survey of 23 questions based on guidelines of Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) and Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (NSSK) was conducted using web-based tool. Questionnaire was developed and consensually validated by three neonatologists. Results. Total of 142 (21.2%) of 669 paediatricians of Gujarat, India, whose e-mail addresses were available, attempted the survey and, from them, 126 were eligible. Of these, 74 (58.7%) were trained in neonatal resuscitation. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with mechanical ventilation facilities was available for 54% of respondents. Eighty-eight (69.8%) reported correct knowledge and practice regarding effective bag and mask ventilation (BMV) and chest compressions. Knowledge and practice about continuous positive airway pressure use in delivery room were reported in 18.3% and 30.2% reported use of room air for BMV during resuscitation. Suctioning oral cavity before delivery in meconium stained liquor was reported by 27.8% and 38.1% cut the cord after a minute of birth. Paediatricians with NRP training used appropriate method of tracheal suction in cases of nonvigorous newborns than those who were not trained. Conclusions. Contemporary knowledge about neonatal resuscitative practices in paediatricians is lacking and requires improvement. Web-based tools provided low response in this survey

    Factors associated with internet addiction among school-going adolescents in Vadodara

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    Introduction: The internet is an important modern means of obtaining information and communicating with others which has converted the world into a global village. At the same time, increasing internet use among adolescents is also likely to pose a major public health concern that is internet addiction (IA). The aim was to assess the prevalence of IA among school-going adolescents and factors associated with IA. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed to survey adolescents studying in 8th to 11th standard of five schools of Vadodara. Information regarding sociodemography and various patterns of internet use were obtained using survey forms. IA test (IAT) was used to screen for IA. Descriptive analysis, univariate analysis, and logistic regression were done to analyze the data. Results: Seven hundred and twenty-four participants that completed IAT were analyzed. Internet use prevalence was 98.9%. Prevalence of IA was 8.7%. Male gender, owning a personal device, hours of internet use/day, use of smartphones, permanent login status, use of internet for chatting, making online friends, shopping, watching movies, online gaming, searching information online and instant messaging were found to be associated significantly with IA in univariate analysis. Internet use for online friendships was found to be a significant predictor of IA (odds ratio [OR] =2.4), and internet use for searching information was found to be protective (OR = 0.20) against IA on logistic regression. Conclusions: IA is prevalent in the adolescent population and requires awareness and intervention. Characteristics of internet usage found to be associated with IA needs to be considered while developing strategies for interventions

    Critical Analysis of PIM2 Score Applicability in a Tertiary Care PICU in Western India

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    Objective. Children have limited physiological reserve that deteriorates rapidly. Present study profiled patients admitted to PICU and determined PIM2 score applicability in Indian setting. Patients and Methods. Prospective observational study. Results. In 742 consecutive admissions, male : female ratio was 1.5 : 1, 35.6% patients were ventilated, observed mortality was 7%, and 26.4% were <1 year. The profile included septicemia and septic shock (29.6%), anemia (27.1%), pneumonia (19.6%), and meningitis and encephalitis (17.2%). For the first year, sensitivity of PIM2 was 65.8% and specificity was 71% for cutoff value at 1.9 by ROC curve analysis. The area under the curve was 0.724 (95% CI: 0.69, 0.76). This cutoff was validated for second year data yielding similar sensitivity (70.6%) and specificity (65%). Logistic regression analysis (LRA) over entire data revealed various variables independently associated with mortality along with PIM2 score. Another logistic model with same input variables except PIM2 yielded the same significant variables with Nagelkerke R square of 0.388 and correct classification of 78.5 revealing contribution of PIM2 in predicting mortality is meager. Conclusion. Infectious diseases were the commonest cause of PICU admission and mortality. PIM2 scoring did not explain the outcome adequately, suggesting need for recalibration. Following PALS/GEM guidelines was associated with better outcome

    Breastfeeding Practices, Demographic Variables, and Their Association with Morbidities in Children

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    Appropriate feeding practices are the key contributor to reducing morbidities and mortalities in under-five children. A cross-sectional questionnaire based survey of mothers of children aged less than 5years was conducted in 781 mothers. More than half of mothers (57.5%) started feeding within an hour of birth, 55.9% gave exclusive breastfeeding for six months, 89.1% of the mothers stopped breastfeeding before two years of age, 18.2% of the mothers bottle-fed the babies, and 15.6% had problems during breastfeeding in first 6 months. Early initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth promoted exclusive breastfeeding, and breastfeeding for longer duration. Exclusive breastfeeding increased frequency of feeds. Multivariable logistic regression showed that initiation of breastfeeding after an hour of birth (p = 0.035), not providing exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months (p < 0.0001), unemployed mothers (p = 0.035), having two or more kids (p = 0.001), and complementary feeds given by person other than mother (p = 0.007) increased hospitalization. Starting breastfeeding after an hour of birth (p = 0.045), severe malnutrition (p = 0.018), and breastfeeding for < two years (p = 0.026) increased rates of diarrhea. Breastfeeding practices were not optimum and interventions to improve these practices need to be strengthened

    A time–motion analysis of the mothers staying in the neonatal care unit

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    Context: In addition to various barriers studied for kangaroo mother care (KMC), time opportunities for better implementation of KMC need to be studied. Aim: Time–motion analysis of the mother's daily activities was carried out to identify scope to improve KMC. Settings and Design: This is a 24-h recall-based questionnaire study. Mothers were interviewed whose newborns were admitted at a tertiary and secondary care neonatal care unit of western India over a period of 9 months from November 2015 to July 2016. Materials and Methods: Mothers were approached when the preterm neonate and mother dyad was eligible for KMC, that is, when mothers were physically healthy and newborns were physiologically stable. A total of 60 mothers were enrolled in the study. Mothers' daily activities were noted, and time spent in each activity was charted for 3 consecutive days. Missed time opportunities which could be used to increase daily KMC hours were studied. Statistical Analysis Used: To compare quantitative variables, two-sample unpaired t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used. Results: The average time of activities which consumed most was 8.24 h for sleep/rest, 3.46 h for meals/snacks, 4.89 h for breastfeeding, and a daily average of only 1.4 h was used for KMC. A quite a significant proportion, that is, 3.89 h, was spent for meeting relatives which could be used for KMC as well without affecting social meetings. Conclusion: Time–motion analysis was helpful to find out weak links in KMC implementation. Providing family-centered environment in terms of implementing KMC during meeting hours with family may augment KMC hours