9 research outputs found

    Estimation of acoustical, physical and mechanical properties of the Leucaena leucocephala wood

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    Orientador: Cinthya Bertoldo PedrosoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgrícolaResumo: A espécie arbórea Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit é uma árvore invasora que se distribui amplamente pelo território nacional e em diferentes continentes. Ela é encontrada com frequência e abundância em diversos estados brasileiros, avançando sobre áreas desocupadas, agrícolas e em estados de regeneração. Uma estratégia adotada pelo estado de São Paulo para conter a sua proliferação é por meio da flexibilização da legislação ambiental de modo a favorecer a sua supressão. Consequentemente, a madeira proveniente da poda ou de sua supressão torna-se abundante e disponível, entretanto, grande parte dela é destinada para aterros sanitários, visto que poucos dados referentes às propriedades mecânicas de sua madeira se encontram na literatura científica que justifiquem uma aplicação tecnológica ou um uso mais nobre. Tendo em vista esse cenário, o objetivo do projeto foi estimar as propriedades mecânicas, utilizando ensaios destrutivos e não destrutivos, assim como as propriedades físicas e acústicas da madeira de leucena. Para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa foram realizados ensaios de ultrassom em árvores e em toras recém abatidas de leucena. As toras foram então desdobradas e destas foram retirados corpos de prova para realização de ensaios estáticos (flexão, compressão paralela às fibras e dureza Janka), para determinação de propriedades de resistência, rigidez e dureza; ensaios dinâmicos (ultrassom em poliedros), para obtenção de constantes elásticas e coeficientes de Poisson e, ensaios para obtenção de propriedades físicas (densidades básica e aparente, índices de retratibilidade e inchamento e variação volumétrica). As propriedades obtidas para a leucena permitem inferir que a espécie tem propriedades compatíveis com outras folhosas, cuja aplicação da madeira se dá, inclusive, para o uso moveleiro e para a confecção de instrumentos musicais. Do ponto de vista acústico, a velocidade de propagação de ondas na árvore viva foi superior à obtida na tora recém abatida, comportamento também compatível com outras espécies de folhosasAbstract: Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit is an invasive tree that widely occurs in national territory and in different continents. This tree is often observed in abundance on many Brazilian states, advancing over unoccupied, agricultural and in regeneration state areas. A strategy adopted in the state of São Paulo to contain its proliferation was establishing a flexible environmental legislation regarding its suppression. Due to the suppression policy, leucena wood becomes abundant and available, however, most of the wood are destined to landfill, since there are few studies and data about the mechanical properties of its wood in scientific literature that justifies a technological application or nobler use. Therefore, the aim of this project was to estimate the mechanical properties, employing destructives and non-destructives tests, and estimate the physical and acoustical properties of leucena wood. In order to achieve the research objectives, ultrasonic tests were conducted in standing trees and in freshly felled logs. Then, the logs were cut in samples that were employed in static tests (bending, compression and Janka-hardness tests) to determine strength, stiffness and hardness of the wood; samples for the dynamic test (ultrasound test in polyhedron) used to obtain the elastic constants and Poisson¿s ratio and samples used to determine the physical properties (basic and apparent density, swelling, shrinkage and volumetric shrinkage ratio). The properties obtained to leucena wood suggests that the specie features properties similar to hardwood species, which are also employed in the manufacture of furniture and musical instruments. Acoustically, the velocity of ultrasonic wave propagation in standing trees was higher than in freshly felled logs, this relationship is also observed in other hardwoods speciesMestradoMétodos não Destrutivos Aplicados a Materiais, Estruturas e ÁrvoresMestre em Engenharia Agrícola133158/2018-7CNPq

    Real-Time Propagation Measurement System and Scattering Object Identification by 3D Visualization by Using VRML for ETC System

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    <p/> <p>In the early deployment of electric toll collecting (ETC) system, multipath interference has caused the malfunction of the system. Therefore, radio absorbers are installed in the toll gate to suppress the scattering effects. This paper presents a novel radio propagation measurement system using the beamforming with 8-elmenet antenna array to examine the power intensity distribution of the ETC gate in real time without closing the toll gates that are already open for traffic. In addition, an identification method of the individual scattering objects with 3D visualization by using virtual reality modeling language will be proposed and the validity is also demonstrated by applying to the measurement data.</p

    Mutations in COQ2 in familial and sporadic multiple-system atrophy the multiple-system atrophy research collaboration

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    Background: Multiple-system atrophy is an intractable neurodegenerative disease characterized by autonomic failure in addition to various combinations of parkinsonism, cerebellar ataxia, and pyramidal dysfunction. Although multiple-system atrophy is widely considered to be a nongenetic disorder, we previously identified multiplex families with this disease, which indicates the involvement of genetic components. Methods: In combination with linkage analysis, we performed whole-genome sequencing of a sample obtained from a member of a multiplex family in whom multiple-system atrophy had been diagnosed on autopsy. We also performed mutational analysis of samples from members of five other multiplex families and from a Japanese series (363 patients and two sets of controls, one of 520 persons and one of 2383 persons), a European series (223 patients and 315 controls), and a North American series (172 patients and 294 controls). On the basis of these analyses, we used a yeast complementation assay and measured enzyme activity of parahydroxybenzoate-polyprenyl transferase. This enzyme is encoded by the gene COQ2 and is essential for the biosynthesis of coenzyme Q10. Levels of coenzyme Q10 in lymphoblastoid cells and brain tissue were measured on high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: We identified a homozygous mutation (M78V-V343A/M78V-V343A) and compound heterozygous mutations (R337X/V343A) in COQ2 in two multiplex families. Furthermore, we found that a common variant (V343A) and multiple rare variants in COQ2, all of which are functionally impaired, are associated with sporadic multiple-system atrophy. The V343A variant was exclusively observed in the Japanese population. Conclusions: Functionally impaired variants of COQ2 were associated with an increased risk of multiple-system atrophy in multiplex families and patients with sporadic disease, providing evidence of a role of impaired COQ2 activities in the pathogenesis of this disease.12 page(s

    Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation and History of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights from GARFIELD-AF

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    BACKGROUND: Many patients with atrial fibrillation have concomitant coronary artery disease with or without acute coronary syndromes and are in need of additional antithrombotic therapy. There are few data on the long-term clinical outcome of atrial fibrillation patients with a history of acute coronary syndrome. This is a 2-year study of atrial fibrillation patients with or without a history of acute coronary syndromes

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes