23 research outputs found

    Comparative study of anticancer efficacy of aсonitinecontaining agent BC1 against ascite and solid forms of Ehrlich’s carcinoma

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    Aim: To study anticancer activity of аconitine-containing agent BC1 in vivo. Methods: BC1 water solution was administered per os to mice bearing ascite or solid form of Ehrlich’s carcinoma. Anticancer effect of BC1 administered per os was evaluated by the indexes of tumor growth inhibition and average life span of experimental animals. Results: BC1 didn’t show anticancer activity in the case of ascite form of Ehrlich’s carcinoma. At the same time treatment with BC1 resulted in 77.3% growth inhibition of solid form of Ehrlich’s carcinoma (p < 0.05). Conclusion: BC1 is active in vivo against tumor with angiogenesis-dependent growth.Цель: изучить противоопухолевую активность аконитинсодержащего агента ВС1 in vivo.Методы: асцитную и солидную формы карциномы Эрлиха перевивали белым беспородным мышам внутрибрюшинно и подкожно соответственно. Противоопухолевую активность ВС1 оценивали по показателям ингибирования роста опухоли и средней продолжительности жизни животных. Результаты: ВС1 не оказывал противоопухолевого действия в отношении асцитной формы карциномы Эрлиха, но был активен против солидной формы, приводя к 77,3% ингибированию роста опухоли (p < 0,05). Выводы: ВС1 оказывает выраженное противоопухолевое действие в отношении злокачественных новообразований с ангиогенеззависимым ростом

    Influence of pro-angiogenic cytokines on proliferative activity and survival of endothelial cells

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    Tumor angiogenesis in contrast to physiological one is characterized by high level of malignant cell production of proangiogenic cytokines, which have different influence on functional activity of endothelial cells. The aim of the study – to carry out a comparative analysis of the influence of a vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and an epidermal growth factor (EGF) on proliferative activity and survival of endothelial cells upon their confluent and exponential growth. Methods. The proliferative activity of endothelial cells was determined by MTT-test and their viability was detected by the trypane blue exclusion test. Results. It was shown that EGF (irrespectively of the level of serum factors) in concentrations higher than 10 ng/ml activated the proliferative activity of confluent endotheliocytes in a concentration-dependent manner by 18–36 % (p < 0.05) as compared to the control, while this cytokine did not affect the endothelial cells in the exponential growth phase. VEGF in wide concentration range did not display the mitogenic effect on endotheliocytes in both confluent and exponential growth phases. Furthermore, VEGF in concentrations higher than 100 ng/ml inhibited proliferative activity of confluent endothelial cells by 12 % (p < 0.05). In case of deficiency of nutrients, EGF and VEGF promoted the survival of endothelial cells, considerably decreasing their death. Conclusions. EGF, in contrast to VEGF, stimulates proliferation and survival of the endothelial cells, whereas VEGF has significant influence only on the survival of the cells.Пухлинний ангіогенез на відміну від фізіологічного характеризується високим рівнем продукування пухлинними клітинами проангіогенних цитокінів, які по-різному діють на функціональну активність ендотеліальних клітин. Мета роботи – провести порівняльний аналіз впливу фактора росту ендотеліальних клітин (VEGF) та епідермального фактора росту (EGF) на проліферативну активність і виживання ендотеліальних клітин за їхнього експоненційного та конфлюентного росту. Методи. Проліферативну активність і виживання ендотеліальних клітин лінії МАЕС під впливом EGF та VEGF визначали за МТТ-тестом і підрахунком живих клітин з використанням трипанового синього. Результати. EGF (незалежно від рівня сироваткових факторів) у концентраціях, більших за 10 нг/мл, активує проліферативну активність ендотеліоцитів за умов конфлюентного росту на 18–36 % (р < 0,05) ефективніше порівняно з контролем, тоді як при експоненційному рості ендотеліоцитів суттєвого впливу зазначеного цитокіну на проліферацію клітин не виявлено. VEGF у широкому діапазоні концентрацій не проявляє мітогенного ефекту на ендотеліоцити за умов як конфлюентного, так і експоненційного росту. Більше того, у концентраціях, вищих за 100 нг/мл, VEGF на 12 % (р < 0,05) інгібує проліферативну активність ендотеліальних клітин в умовах конфлюентного росту. У разі дефіциту сироваткових факторів обидва цитокіни сприяють виживанню ендотеліальних клітин, суттєво зменшуючи їхню загибель. Висновки. EGF на відміну від VEGF стимулює як проліферацію ендотеліальних клітин, так і їхнє виживання, тоді як VEGF сприяє лише виживанню ендотеліоцитів.Опухолевый ангиогенез в отличие от физиологического характеризуется высоким уровнем продуцирования опухолевыми клетками проангиогенных цитокинов, по-разному влияющих на функциональную активность эндотелиальных клеток. Цель работы – провести сравнительный анализ действия фактора роста эндотелиальных клеток (VEGF) и эпидермального фактора роста (EGF) на пролиферативную активность и выживаемость эндотелиальных клеток при их конфлюэнтном и экспоненциальном росте. Методы. Пролиферативную активность и выживаемость эндотелиальных клеток линии МАЕС при влиянии EGF и VEGF определяли МТТ-тестом и подсчетом живых клеток с использованием трипанового синего. Результаты. EGF (независимо от уровня сывороточных факторов) в концентрациях выше 10 нг/мл активирует пролиферативную активность на конфлюэнтной стадии роста эндотелиоцитов на 18–36 % (р < 0,05) эффективнее по сравнению с контролем, тогда как при экспоненциальном росте эндотелиоцитов существенного влияния этого цитокина на пролиферацию клеток зафиксировано не было. VEGF в широком диапазоне концентраций не проявляет митогенного эффекта на эндотелиоциты при их конфлюэнтном и экспоненциальном росте. Более того, в концентрациях выше 100 нг/мл VEGF на 12 % (р < 0,05) ингибирует пролиферативную активность эндотелиальных клеток при конфлюэнтном росте. В случае дефицита сывороточных факторов оба цитокина способствуют выживанию эндотелиальных клеток, существенно уменьшая их гибель. Выводы. EGF в отличие от VEGF стимулирует как пролиферацию эндотелиальных клеток, так и их выживаемость, тогда как VEGF способствует только выживаемости эндотелиоцитов

    Analysis of growth kinetics and proliferative heterogeneity of Lewis lung carcinoma cells growing as unfed culture

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    Аim: To analyze the growth kinetics and proliferative heterogeneity of Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells during their growth in monolayer for 5 days without replacement of culture medium (unfed culture). Methods: Cell biology methods, sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) detection (ELISA), enzymatic glucose-oxidase method for glucose measurements, mathematical modeling. Results: Created mathematical model showed good fit to experimental data; that allowed to determine kinetic (model) parameters of LLC cells and predict the changes in number of proliferating and quiescent cells (proliferative heterogeneity) during their growth. It was shown that growth kinetics of viable LLC cells possesses non-monotonous character — during first three days of growth the number of cells raised exponentially, with following decrease after the maximal level was achieved. At the same time the decrease of number of viable cells/increase of number of dead cells has been observed upon complete depletion of culture medium by glucose content. Glucose dependence of cell transition rate from proliferation to resting state predicted by mathematical model possessed a pronounced two-phase character. At a wide range of relatively high glucose concentrations (> 1.0 mg/ml) the transition rate was close to zero. At concentrations lower than 0.7 mg/ml, the rate of transition swiftly increased resulting in sharp change in cellular composition. At an interval from 70 to 90 h, practically all proliferating cells transited to a resting state. The rate of quiescent cell death was relatively low, and this was in part caused by too low level of glucose consumption compared to proliferating cells. It was shown that during LLC cells growth VEGF production rate decreased monotonously in spite of the fact that the level of VEGF in incubation medium increased monotonously. Observed monotonous decrease of VEGF production rate could not be explained by VEGF degradation in incubation medium (our results displayed the stability of VEGF molecule during investigations). Conclusions: Weak dependence of cell transition rate from proliferating to resting state from glucose level (> 0.7 mg/ml) and low rate of cell death provided slow decrease of the pool of quiescent cells in the population, thus significantly increasing their chance to survive upon nutritional deficiency.Цель: провести анализ кинетики роста и пролиферативной гетерогенности клеток карциномы легкого Льюис (LLC) при их росте в монослое на протяжении 5 сут без замены культуральной среды (unfed culture). Методы: иммуноферментный метод определения уровня продукции VEGF опухолевыми клетками; глюкозооксидазный метод определения уровня глюкозы в среде инкубации; математическое моделирование. Результаты: предложенная математическая модель хорошо описывает экспериментальные данные, что позволяет определить кинетические параметры роста клеток LLC и предсказать изменения количества пролиферирующих и покоящихся клеток (пролиферативная гетерогенность) в процессе их роста. Кинетика роста клеток LLC носит немонотонный характер — в течение первых 3 сут их роста количество клеток экспоненциально увеличивается и далее, по достижении максимальной плотности, снижается. В то же время уменьшение количества живых клеток/увеличение количества мертвых клеток тесно связано с истощением глюкозы в среде инкубации. Зависимость скорости перехода клеток из состояния пролиферации в состояние покоя от содержания глюкозы в среде инкубации имеет выраженный двухфазный характер. В широком диапазоне относительно высоких концентраций глюкозы (> 1,0 мг/ мл) скорость перехода близка к нулю. При концентрациях < 0,7 мг/мл скорость перехода стремительно возрастает, что приводит к резким изменениям клеточного состава клеточной популяции. В интервале от 70 до 90 ч практически все пролиферирующие клетки переходят в состояние покоя. Скорость гибели покоящихся клеток относительно низкая, что, в частности, связано с низким уровнем потребления глюкозы этими клетками по сравнению с таковым пролиферирующими клетками. Установлено, что в процессе роста скорость продукции VEGF клетками LLC монотонно снижается, несмотря на то, что в среде инкубации его уровень монотонно нарастает. Выводы: низкая зависимость скорости перехода клеток LLC из состояния пролиферации в состояние покоя от уровня глюкозы (> 0,7 мг/мл) в среде инкубации, а также низкий уровень их гибели обусловливает медленное снижение пула покоящихся клеток в популяции, что значительно повышает их шансы выжить в условиях дефицита питательных субстратов

    Cytotoxic activity of metformin in vitro does not correlate with its antitumor action in vivo

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    It is known that metformin is a hypoglycemic drug used to treat type II diabetes mellitus. Recently active studies of its antitumor activity in relation to different types of malignant cells are conducted. Aim: To determine the relationship between cytotoxic activity of metformin in vitro and its antitumor activity in vivo. Materials and Methods: The rat C6 glioma cell line and mouse Lewis lung carcinoma cells (LLC) were used in this work. The number of living cells in the cytotoxic test was evaluated using sulforhodamine B. Parameters of tumor cell susceptibility to metformin activity in vitro were calculated using nonlinear and linear regression of experimental data. The antitumor action of metformin in vivo was evaluated routinely by the extension of survival time (ST) (in rats with intracerebral C6 glioma) and its effect on the volume of the primary tumor, the number and volume of metastases (in mice with LLC). Results: In cultured LLC cells in vitro, the proportions of metformin-resistant (A₁, %) and metformin-sensitive (A₂, %) subpopulations were 10.0 ± 2.2% and 92.0 ± 3.5%, respectively, in terms of the total number of living cells. Parameter t, which characterizes the sensitivity of cancer cells to metformin action (the lower is the value of this parameter the higher is sensitivity of cells to metformin cytotoxicity), for metformin-resistant and metformin-sensitive subpopulations was: t1(mM) = ∞ and t2(mM) = 2.9 ± 0.3, correspondingly. For metformin-sensitive subpopulation of LLC cells IC₅₀ (mM) = 2.42 ± 0.34. The volume of the primary tumor, the amount and volume of metastases in mice receiving metformin at a dose of Dmin (0.15 g/kg) and Dmax (0.3 g/kg) values did not significantly differ from those in the control. However, in the case of Dmin, there was a tendency to increased volume of the primary tumor, in the case of Dmax, there was a tendency to increased volume of metastases. The analogical parameters (A₁, A₂, b₁, b₂, IC₅₀ (1), IC₅₀ (2)) characterizing cell sensitivity to the action of metformin in vitro were obtained in relation to C6 glioma cells. In metformin-resistant subpopulation, these parameters were: A₁ (%) = 72.3 ± 1.4; b1 (%/mM) = 0.43 ± 0.005; IC₅₀ (1) (mM) = 84.1 ± 2.4. For metformin-sensitive subpopulation, these parameters were: A₂ (%) = 30.8 ± 2.3; b2 (%/mM) = 2.87 ± 0.4; IC₅₀ (2) (mM) = 5.37 ± 0.45. In vivo, a statistically significant anti-glioma effect of metformin was observed: at a dose of Dmax (5.2 g/kg) administration of this preparation resulted in a prolongation of the mean ST of tumor-bearing rats by 23% (p < 0.05) compared with that in the control. Conclusions: We found no correlation between the cytotoxic/cytostatic action of metformin in vitro and its antitumor activity in vivo on the two types of tumor cells; these results indicate a significant contribution of the tumor microenvironment to the implementation of the antitumor activity of the drug

    The evaluation of prooxidant and antioxidant state of two variants of lewis lung carcinoma: a comparative study

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    The aim of this paper is to study the functional activity of enzymatic component of antioxidant system and to evaluate an intensity of prooxidative processes in Lewis lung carcinoma variants (LLC and LLC/R9)

    Impact of lactic acidosis on the survival of lewis lung carcinoma cells

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    Aim: To investigate the effect of lactic acidosis on the survival of Lewis lung carcinoma cells under glucose-deprived conditions. Materials and Methods: LLC/R9 variant of Lewis lung carcinoma cells was cultured in glucose deficit or complete culture medium. Conditions of lactic acidosis, lactosis, and acidosis were generated in glucose deficit medium. Cell survival, cell cycle, apoptosis, autophagy, and the content of glucose, lactate, vascular endothelial growth factor in the culture medium were determined. Light and fluorescent microscopy, flow cytometry, spectrophotometry, and ELISA were used. Results: It has been found that 24 h incubation of tumor cells under lactic acidosis caused (i) the reduction of the number of living cells by 33% (p < 0.05) and 56% (p < 0.05); (ii) the inhibition of apoptosis by 4.3-fold (p < 0.05) and 3.3-fold (p < 0.05); (iii) the reduction of the rate of glucose consumption by 2-fold (p < 0.05) and 2.5-fold (p < 0.05); (iv) an increase of lactate production more than twice (p < 0.05) and 1.6-fold (p < 0.05) compared with these indexes under conditions of glucose deficiency or complete glucose-containing medium, respectively. However, on the second day of culture under lactic acidosis, the number of viable cells reached a maximum, in contrast to culture in the complete medium. The number of live cells on the seventh day of culture under lactic acidosis exceeded almost 2–3 times (p < 0.05) that in the culture under conditions of the glucose deprivation or in complete medium. On the third day under lactic acidosis the autophagolysosomes count was 54% (p < 0.05) lower that that under glucose deficit. Conclusions: Lactic acidosis promoted the survival and proliferation of Lewis lung carcinoma cells by energy system reprogramming directed on inhibition of apoptosis and autophagy, a significant decrease in the rate of glucose utilization and activation of glutaminolysis and, consequently, increase of the lactate production rate. Inhibition of lactate production by tumor cells may be considered as a promising approach for more efficient antiangiogenic treatment of cancer

    Changes in VEGF level and tumor growth characteristics during lewis lung carcinoma progression towards CIS-DDP resistance

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    Aim: To study the relationship between tumor angiogenic potential and its growth and metastasis using Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) models with different degree of resistance to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (cis-DDP). Methods: LLC and its two cis-DDP-resistant variants (LLC-9 и LLC-19), were used. For determination of angiogenic potential of LLC, LLC-9 and LLC-19, the level of VEGF production by these tumor cells in vitro and the level of circulating VEGF during tumor growth in vivo was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Progressive decrease of LLC-9 and LLC-19 sensitivity to action of cis-DDP evidenced in vitro (IC50 = 0.0077 ± 0.0005 mg/ml and 0.0156 ± 0.0008 mg/ml respectively vs. 0.004 ± 0.0003 mg/ml for LLC, p < 0.05) and in vivo (index of primary tumor growth inhibition by cis-DDP was 26% and 3% respectively vs. 46%; index of metastasis inhibition — 46% and 11% vs. 65%, p < 0.05) was accompanied by the significant changes of tumor angiogenic potential. The level of VEGF production by primary culture of LLC-9 in vitro was 1.5 fold higher (p < 0.05) than that by primary culture of LLC, whereas there were no differences in the level of VEGF production between LLC-19 and LLC. The level of circulating VEGF drastically increased in the initial phase of LLC-9 and LLC-19 growth in vivo, whereas in LLC bearing mice the dynamic changes of VEGF level are characterized by the presence of long-term latent period (tlag = 17.0 ± 0.3 days). In LLC bearing mice the character of changes of circulating VEGF level significantly correlated with the number of metastases (p < 0.001) but not with tumor volume; while in LLC-9 bearing mice — with tumor volume (p < 0.01) and the number of metastases (p < 0.05). Although maximum level of circulating VEGF was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in LLC-9 bearing mice than that in LLC bearing mice, maximum number of lung metastases was significantly (p < 0.05) lower in LLC-9 bearing mice vs LLC. In contrast to LLC-9, in LLC-19 bearing mice the level of metastatic injury was significantly elevated (p < 0.05) and the level of circulating VEGF considerably correlated with both tumor volume (p < 0.01) and metastatic index (p < 0.01). Conclusion: There is revealed a direct correlation between the level of circulating VEGF and all parameters of tumor progression observed only in the cases of highly resistant tumors, whilst elevation of circulating VEGF level during tumor growth in vivo could be considered as a marker of metastasis not dependent on a drug resistance of tumor.Цель: изучить взаимосвязь между ангиогенным потенциалом опухоли и распространенностью опухолевого процесса на модели карциномы Льюис разной степени резистентности к действию cis-DDP. Методы: в работе использовали карциному легкого Льюис (LLC), а также два ее варианта (LLC-9 и LLC-19), полученные на 9-м и 19-м этапе экспериментальной прогрессии LLC в направлении формирования резистентности к cis-DDP in vivo. Ангиогенный потенциал LLC, LLC-9 и LLC-19 оценивали иммуноферментным методом по уровню продукции VEGF первичными культурами in vitro, а также по динамике изменений уровня циркулирующего VEGF в процессе роста LLC in vivo. Результаты: прогрессивное снижение чувствительности LLC-9 и LLC-19 к действию cis-DDP, подтверждавееся in vitro ( 50 = 0,0077 ± 0,0005 мг/мл для LLC-9 и 0,0156 ± 0,0008 мг/мл для LLC-19 против 0,004 ± 0,0003 мг/мл для LLC, p < 0,05) и in vivo (индекс торможения цитостатиком роста LLC-9 и LLC-19 cоставлял 26 и 3% соответственно против 46% для LLC; метастазирования — 46 и 11% против 65% для LLC, p < 0,05), сопровождалось значительными изменениями ее ангиогенного потенциала. Уровень продукции in vitro n vitro первичной культурой LLC-9 был в 1,5 раза выше (p < 0,05) по сравнению с таковым первичной культурой LLC, тогда как уровень продукции VEGF первичной культурой LLC-19 практически не отличался от такового для LLC. У ровень циркулирующего VEGF резко повышался уже на ранних этапах роста LLC-9 и LLC-19 in vivo, тогда как у мышей с LLC динамика изменения его уровня характеризовалась длительным латентным периодом (tlag = 17,0 ± 0,3 сут). Характер изменений уровня циркулирующего VEGF в процессе роста LLC (p < 0,001) коррелировал с количеством метастазов; у животных с LLC-9 — с объемом опухоли (p < 0,01) и количеством (p < 0,05) метастазов. Несмотря на то, что максимальный уровень циркулирующего VEGF у мышей с LLC-9 значительно (p < 0,05) выше, чем у мышей с LLC, максимальное количество метастазов в легких у мышей с LLC-9 достоверно (p < 0,05) меньше, чем у мышей с LLC. В отличие от LLC-9, в процессе роста LLC-19, сопровождавшегося повышением уровня метастатического поражения легких p < 0,05), уровень циркулирующего VEGF коррелировал как с объемом опухоли (p < 0.01), так и с исследованными показателями метастазирования (p 0.01). Выводы: прямую корреляционную взаимосвязь между уровнем циркулирующего VEGF и изученными показателями распространенности опухолевого процесса выявляют лишь для опухолей с высокой степенью лекарственной резистентности, тогда как повышение уровня циркулирующего VEGF в процессе роста опухоли можно рассматривать в качестве маркера имеющихся метастазов независимо от степени ее резистентности

    Influence of metformin, sodium dichloroacetate and their combination on the hematological and biochemical blood parameters of rats with gliomas C6

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    Background: The efficacy of antimetabolic therapy of malignant neoplasms could not be explained solely by the direct mechanisms of action of such energy metabolism inhibitors as sodium dichloroacetate (DCA) and metformin (MTF). The indirect effects of DCA and MTF on the organs and tissues, which could play significant role in the antitumor activity of these agents, have not been tho­roughly explored. Aim: To investigate the effect of MTF, DCA and their combination on the survival of rats with C6 glioma and major haematological and biochemical blood parameters. Materials and Methods: DCA and MTF were administered orally to inbred female rats for 11 days starting from the second day after tumor cell transplantation at a total dose of 1.1 and 2.6 g/kg, respectively. When combined treatment was used, MTF was administered 3 hours after the administration of DCA. The content of lactate and pyruvate in blood plasma was determined on the ChemWell® 2910 (Combi) automatic analyzer. Blood parameters were determined using the Particle Counter PCE-210 automatic hematology analyzer. Results: The administration of DCA did not significantly affect the life span of rats with C6 glioma. Duration of life of rats, which were administered with MTF only, was significantly higher (by 19.1%, p < 0.01). Combined administration of DCA + MTF prolonged life span of animals with glioma by 50% (p < 0.001). The positive result of antitumor activity of MTF alone and in combination with DCA correlated with a decrease in the mean platelet volume/platelet count (MPV/PLT) ratio by 75.0% (p < 0.05) compared with tumor control. In addition, the expressed antitumor effect of combination therapy with DCA and MTF was associated with a decrease (p < 0.05) in glucose and lactate levels in blood plasma of rats with C6 glioma by 10% and 41.4%, respectively, compared to tumor control. Analysis of blood parameters showed that the growth of C6 glioma was accompanied by the development of leukopenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia. The introduction of DCA caused the correction of manifestations of anemia and leukopenia, but did not affect the level of platelets in the blood of animals with glioma. MTF alone and in combination with DCA positively influenced the number of white blood cells and caused complete thrombocytopenia correction, increasing platelet count by more than 200% (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The ability of MTF either used alone or in combination with DCA to influence the development of C6 glioma which is manifested in an increase in the lifespan of rats has been revealed. The most pronounced antitumor effect was recorded against the background of the combined use of these agents, which may be due to their ability to lower the levels of lactate and glucose in the blood of tumor-bearing rats. It is proved that MTF both in monotherapy and in combination with DCA provides correction of anemia and thrombocytopenia, which arise at the background of glioma C6 growth. Key Words: sodium dichloroacetate, metformin, C6 glioma, hematological indices, lactate, glucose

    Biodistribution analysis of cisplatin in liposomal form in animals with cisplatinresistant and cisplatin-sensitive carcinoma

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    Aim: To analyze the relation between pharmacokinetics of cisplatin in liposomal form and antitumor efficacy toward cisplatinresistant and cisplatin-sensitive variants of Guerin carcinoma. Concentration of platinum was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (С115М1 “Selmi”, Ukraine). Elimination constant was calculated based on the dynamics of cisplatin concentration in time period between 1 h to 24 h using nonlinear regression analysis. Area under curve (AUC24) was calculated by the trapezium method. Results: It was shown that for liposomal form of cisplatin (LCp) AUC24 in tumor practically didn’t depend on the level of the tumor sensitivity, while in animals with the resistant variant (CpRGC), AUC24 for free cisplatin (FCp) decreased by 70% less (p < 0.001) as compared to the sensitive tumor strain (CpSGC). Significant decrease of elimination constant of LCp compared to FCp in blood serum of rats bearing either CpRGC or CpSGC tumors favors cisplatin accumulation in tumor tissues with low vascularization level. The dynamics of cisplatin concentration in CpRGC variant was characterized by 90% higher level in 24 h after administration of LCp as compared to FCp (p < 0.05). This fact may explain increased antitumor efficacy of LCp compared to FCp toward CpRGC variant. In the study of kidney function, AUC24 index for LCp was by 68.6% (p < 0.01) and 50.7% (p < 0.05) lower than AUC24 index for FCp in rats with CpRGC and CpSGC variants, respectively. No significant differences have been found in biodistribution of cisplatin in both pharmaceutical forms in liver and lung in CpRGC-r CpSGC-bearing rats. Conclusion: The results suggest that cisplatin in liposomal form possesses higher specificity of antitumor action than free cisplatin

    Hypoxia enhances antitumor activity of dichloroacetate

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    It is known that glycolysis contributes to the survival of tumor cells by providing them with energetic and plastic substrates. Dichloroacetate (DCA) as inhibitor of kinase pyruvate dehydrogenase shifts balance of energy metabolism of tumor cells from aerobic glycolysis towards oxidative phosphorylation. The aim of the study was to investigate cytostatic/cytotoxic effect of DCA on glioma C6 cells at the conditions of different oxygenation of the cell incubation medium. Materials and Methods: DCA action on glioma C6 cells was investigated upon the conditions of normoxia, hypoxia (1% of oxygen) and hyperoxia (30% and 95% of oxygen) in vitro. The number and viability of tumor cells were assessed using trypan blue dye-exclusion test. Apoptosis was determined using dye Hoechst 33258. Lactate production by tumor cells was determined by enzymatic method using lactate dehydrogenase. Cell cycle distribution was studied using flow cytometry. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) content was evaluated using 2´,7´-dichlorofluorescein diacetate. Results: By the data of in vitro cytotoxicity, upon hypoxia IC50 value of DCA was three times lower (p < 0.05) than that upon normoxic conditions (18.2 ± 3.9 mM vs. 51.2 ± 8.1 mM). Hypoxia itself enhanced the ROS production in glioma cells by 113.5% (p < 0.05) that correlated with increase of apoptosis by 292% (p < 0.05). In hypoxic glioma C6 cells DCA did not significantly influence the ROS production, but decreased hypoxia-induced apoptosis by 3.5–6.5 times (p < 0.05) and significantly increased cell death rates via necrosis (p < 0.05). In contrast to hypoxia, upon the conditions of hyperoxia IC50 values for DCA did not differ from the corre­sponding values upon the normoxia conditions and at 30% and 95%oxygen content were equal to 35.8 ± 7.2 mM and 42.3 ± 5.1 mM respectively. Conclusion: According to the obtained results, hypoxia enhances cytostatic/cytotoxic effects of DCA in glioma C6 cells via high level of DCA-induced necrosis of tumor cells and hypoxia-induced ROS hyperproduction. Key Words: dichloroacetate, glioma C6, hypoxia, hyperoxia, reactive oxygen species, apoptosis