13 research outputs found
Scenarioer for fremtidens smarte distribusjonsnett
Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra en scenariostudie gjennomført høsten 2012 som en del av DeVID-prosjektet. Det ble laget fire scenarioer som beskriver mulige fremtidsbilder for anvendelse og utbredelse av SmartGrids-teknologier i fremtidens elektriske distribusjonsnett mot 2030. Scenarioene dannet grunnlag for identifisering av muligheter og utfordringer knyttet til SmartGrid for ulike aktører. Viktigst for det videre arbeidet i DeVID-prosjektet er anbefalingene som ble identifisert med bakgrunn i scenarioene. I kapittel 1 er scenarioprosessen kort beskrevet, etterfulgt av en opplisting av aktuelle drivkrefter og aktører for SmartGrid i kapittel 2. Ordlista er ment som hjelp for lesing av hovedscenarioene. Hovedscenarioene finnes i kapittel 3, mens muligheter, utfordringer og anbefalinger basert på analyse av scenarioene er gitt i kapittel 4 og 5. Referanser finnes i kapittel 6. I vedlegg er det gitt en oversikt over deltagerne i scenarioprosessen og miniscenarioene som ble laget.Scenarioer for fremtidens smarte distribusjonsnettpublishedVersio
Framework and methodology for active distribution grid planning in Norway
The long-term planning frameworks currently used by electricity distribution grid companies are not designed to account for new challenges such as variable distributed generation or for new opportunities of active grid measures. Various advanced optimization methods for active grid measures are presented in the research literature, but they are rarely used in practice and are not always well suited to informing decision processes in distribution grid planning. To bridge this gap, this paper presents a framework for active distribution grid planning that takes as a starting point the traditional planning framework commonly used by Norwegian grid companies. The framework with selected, probabilistic methodologies is demonstrated through a case study considering voltage problems due to distributed photovoltaic (PV) generation, and battery energy storage systems and PV curtailment as active measures to defer grid reinforcement. The paper moreover discusses how probabilistic approaches can contribute to better informed distribution grid planning decisions.acceptedVersio
Risiko ved manglende skogrydding i lavspenningsnett
The enactment of multiple return-to-work bodies in labour and welfare administration: a qualitative study of compulsory stakeholder meetings
This article explores how caseworkers in a Scandinavian street-levellabour and welfare administration run their return-to-work program.Observations and interviews from compulsory meetings between thewelfare administration, the person on sick leave, the employer and thesick-listing GP are analysed. The analysis draws on the philosopherAnnemarie Mol’s theory of multiple bodily enactments and rendersvisible how the stakeholders enact different bodies and how thesebodies are negotiated and coordinated to make sure that they arehandling the same situation and condition. Four bodies are enacted inthe meetings: a suffering body, a diagnosed body, a working body andan active body. An in-depth analysis of selected cases demonstrates thenegotiations that take place between the individual, the workplace andthe health and welfare institutions based on their interests and under-standings. The analytical approach of this article is founded on Mol’stheoretical approach on multiple bodily enactment and the translation ofit from the hospital setting into the predominantly linguistic practices ofthe welfare administration. The aim is to broaden the understanding ofdialogical practices in this type of meeting and to expand the knowledgebase of professional work in return-to-work processes–processes whichare often confused by unclear roles and responsibilities
Contribution of energy storage for large-scale integration of variable generation
The amount of wind power and other timevariable non-dispatchable renewable energy sources (VRES) such as photovoltaics (PV) is rapidly increasing in the world. Several power systems in Europe are already facing a very high penetration from variable renewables which is posing concerns on the operational stability limits that are being surpassed for extreme RES generation conditions. Most transmission system operators are defining VRES limits of penetration, thus, requiring the renewable energy excess to be curtailed, exported or stored. Energy storage may play a relevant role in maximizing the long term penetration of VRES if used as a technical mean to regulate the daily, weekly and annual profiles of variable generation (VG). This paper reviews the storage technologies that are available and may be used on a power system scale and performs a cost/benefit analysis discussing their advantages and disadvantages for the integration of fastgrowing renewables, such as wind power and PV
Utfordringer og muligheter for norsk vannkraft ved integrasjon med vind- og solkraft i Europa. En oppsummering fra HydroPEAK-prosjektet
Killingtveit, Å. (red.). 2017. Utfordringer og muligheter for norsk vannkraft ved integrasjon med vind- og solkraft i Europa. En oppsummering fra HydroPEAK-prosjektet. – NINA Temahefte 71. 91 s