629 research outputs found

    Genetic Variation in Endemic and Widespread Plant Species

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    Population genetic theory and methodology were applied to the study of endemic plant species. Levels of genetic variability were compared between endemic species and their more widespread relatives. Six of seven narrowly distributed taxa of Saxifragaceae had significantly reduced genetic diversity relative to species of Saxifragaceae with broader distributions. Two endemic species of the fern Polystichum maintained significantly lower levels of genetic variation than did their more widespread congeners. The implications of these data and those reported for other endemic plant species for designing management strategies are also discussed

    Homeolog loss and expression changes in natural populations of the recently and repeatedly formed allotetraploid Tragopogon mirus (Asteraceae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although polyploidy has long been recognized as a major force in the evolution of plants, most of what we know about the genetic consequences of polyploidy comes from the study of crops and model systems. Furthermore, although many polyploid species have formed repeatedly, patterns of genome evolution and gene expression are largely unknown for natural polyploid populations of independent origin. We therefore examined patterns of loss and expression in duplicate gene pairs (homeologs) in multiple individuals from seven natural populations of independent origin of <it>Tragopogon mirus </it>(Asteraceae), an allopolyploid that formed repeatedly within the last 80 years from the diploids <it>T. dubius </it>and <it>T. porrifolius</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using cDNA-AFLPs, we found differential band patterns that could be attributable to gene silencing, novel expression, and/or maternal/paternal effects between <it>T. mirus </it>and its diploid parents. Subsequent cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analyses of genomic DNA and cDNA revealed that 20 of the 30 genes identified through cDNA-AFLP analysis showed additivity, whereas nine of the 30 exhibited the loss of one parental homeolog in at least one individual. Homeolog loss (versus loss of a restriction site) was confirmed via sequencing. The remaining gene (<it>ADENINE-DNA GLYCOSYLASE</it>) showed ambiguous patterns in <it>T. mirus </it>because of polymorphism in the diploid parent <it>T. dubius</it>. Most (63.6%) of the homeolog loss events were of the <it>T. dubius </it>parental copy. Two genes, <it>NUCLEAR RIBOSOMAL DNA </it>and <it>GLYCERALDEHYDE-3-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE</it>, showed differential expression of the parental homeologs, with the <it>T. dubius </it>copy silenced in some individuals of <it>T. mirus</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Genomic and cDNA CAPS analyses indicated that plants representing multiple populations of this young natural allopolyploid have experienced frequent and preferential elimination of homeologous loci. Comparable analyses of synthetic F<sub>1 </sub>hybrids showed only additivity. These results suggest that loss of homeologs and changes in gene expression are not the immediate result of hybridization, but are processes that occur following polyploidization, occurring during the early (<40) generations of the young polyploid. Both <it>T. mirus </it>and a second recently formed allopolyploid, <it>T. miscellus</it>, exhibit more homeolog losses than gene silencing events. Furthermore, both allotetraploids undergo biased loss of homeologs contributed by their shared diploid parent, <it>T. dubius</it>. Further studies are required to assess whether the results for the 30 genes so far examined are representative of the entire genome.</p

    On the road to diploidization? Homoeolog loss in independently formed populations of the allopolyploid Tragopogon miscellus (Asteraceae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polyploidy (whole-genome duplication) is an important speciation mechanism, particularly in plants. Gene loss, silencing, and the formation of novel gene complexes are some of the consequences that the new polyploid genome may experience. Despite the recurrent nature of polyploidy, little is known about the genomic outcome of independent polyploidization events. Here, we analyze the fate of genes duplicated by polyploidy (homoeologs) in multiple individuals from ten natural populations of <it>Tragopogon miscellus </it>(Asteraceae), all of which formed independently from <it>T. dubius </it>and <it>T. pratensis </it>less than 80 years ago.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 13 loci analyzed in 84 <it>T. miscellus </it>individuals, 11 showed loss of at least one parental homoeolog in the young allopolyploids. Two loci were retained in duplicate for all polyploid individuals included in this study. Nearly half (48%) of the individuals examined lost a homoeolog of at least one locus, with several individuals showing loss at more than one locus. Patterns of loss were stochastic among individuals from the independently formed populations, except that the <it>T. dubius </it>copy was lost twice as often as <it>T. pratensis</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study represents the most extensive survey of the fate of genes duplicated by allopolyploidy in individuals from natural populations. Our results indicate that the road to genome downsizing and ultimate genetic diploidization may occur quickly through homoeolog loss, but with some genes consistently maintained as duplicates. Other genes consistently show evidence of homoeolog loss, suggesting repetitive aspects to polyploid genome evolution.</p

    Phylogenetic diversification of glycogen synthase kinase 3/SHAGGY-like kinase genes in plants

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    BACKGROUND: The glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)/SHAGGY-like kinases (GSKs) are non-receptor serine/threonine protein kinases that are involved in a variety of biological processes. In contrast to the two members of the GSK3 family in mammals, plants appear to have a much larger set of divergent GSK genes. Plant GSKs are encoded by a multigene family; analysis of the Arabidopsis genome revealed the existence of 10 GSK genes that fall into four major groups. Here we characterized the structure of Arabidopsis and rice GSK genes and conducted the first broad phylogenetic analysis of the plant GSK gene family, covering a taxonomically diverse array of algal and land plant sequences. RESULTS: We found that the structure of GSK genes is generally conserved in Arabidopsis and rice, although we documented examples of exon expansion and intron loss. Our phylogenetic analyses of 139 sequences revealed four major clades of GSK genes that correspond to the four subgroups initially recognized in Arabidopsis. ESTs from basal angiosperms were represented in all four major clades; GSK homologs from the basal angiosperm Persea americana (avocado) appeared in all four clades. Gymnosperm sequences occurred in clades I, III, and IV, and a sequence of the red alga Porphyra was sister to all green plant sequences. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that (1) the plant-specific GSK gene lineage was established early in the history of green plants, (2) plant GSKs began to diversify prior to the origin of extant seed plants, (3) three of the four major clades of GSKs present in Arabidopsis and rice were established early in the evolutionary history of extant seed plants, and (4) diversification into four major clades (as initially reported in Arabidopsis) occurred either just prior to the origin of the angiosperms or very early in angiosperm history

    Polyploidy : an evolutionary and ecological force in stressful times

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    Polyploidy has been hypothesized to be both an evolutionary dead-end and a source for evolutionary innovation and species diversification. Although polyploid organisms, especially plants, abound, the apparent non-random long-term establishment of genome duplications suggests a link with environmental conditions. Whole-genome duplications seem to correlate with periods of extinction or global change, while polyploids often thrive in harsh or disturbed environments. Evidence is also accumulating that biotic interactions, for instance, with pathogens or mutualists, affect polyploids differently than non-polyploids. Here, we review recent findings and insights on the effect of both abiotic and biotic stress on polyploids versus non-polyploids and propose that stress response in general is an important and even determining factor in the establishment and success of polyploidy

    Trajectories of Homoeolog-Specific Expression in Allotetraploid Tragopogon castellanus Populations of Independent Origins

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    Polyploidization can have a significant ecological and evolutionary impact by providing substantially more genetic material that may result in novel phenotypes upon which selection may act. While the effects of polyploidization are broadly reviewed across the plant tree of life, the reproducibility of these effects within naturally occurring, independently formed polyploids is poorly characterized. The flowering plant genus Tragopogon (Asteraceae) offers a rare glimpse into the intricacies of repeated allopolyploid formation with both nascent (&lt; 90 years old) and more ancient (mesopolyploids) formations. Neo- and mesopolyploids in Tragopogon have formed repeatedly and have extant diploid progenitors that facilitate the comparison of genome evolution after polyploidization across a broad span of evolutionary time. Here, we examine four independently formed lineages of the mesopolyploid Tragopogon castellanus for homoeolog expression changes and fractionation after polyploidization. We show that expression changes are remarkably similar among these independently formed polyploid populations with large convergence among expressed loci, moderate convergence among loci lost, and stochastic silencing. We further compare and contrast these results for T. castellanus with two nascent Tragopogon allopolyploids. While homoeolog expression bias was balanced in both nascent polyploids and T. castellanus, the degree of additive expression was significantly different, with the mesopolyploid populations demonstrating more non-additive expression. We suggest that gene dosage and expression noise minimization may play a prominent role in regulating gene expression patterns immediately after allopolyploidization as well as deeper into time, and these patterns are conserved across independent polyploid lineages

    MarkerMiner 1.0: a new application for phylogenetic marker development using angiosperm transcriptomes

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    Premise of the study: Targeted sequencing using next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms offers enormous potential for plant systematics by enabling economical acquisition of multilocus data sets that can resolve difficult phylogenetic problems. However, because discovery of single-copy nuclear (SCN) loci from NGS data requires both bioinformatics skills and access to high-performance computing resources, the application of NGS data has been limited. Methods and Results: We developed MarkerMiner 1.0, a fully automated, open-access bioinformatic workflow and application for discovery of SCN loci in angiosperms. Our new tool identified as many as 1993 SCN loci from transcriptomic data sampled as part of four independent test cases representing marker development projects at different phylogenetic scales. Conclusions: MarkerMiner is an easy-to-use and effective tool for discovery of putative SCN loci. It can be run locally or via the Web, and its tabular and alignment outputs facilitate efficient downstream assessments of phylogenetic utility, locus selection, intron-exon boundary prediction, and primer or probe development

    Foliar endophyte diversity in Eastern Asian-Eastern North American disjunct tree species – influences of host identity, environment, phylogeny, and geographic isolation

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    IntroductionThe well-known eastern Asian (EA) and eastern North American (ENA) floristic disjunction provides a unique system for biogeographic and evolutionary studies. Despite considerable interest in the disjunction, few studies have investigated the patterns and their underlying drivers of allopatric divergence in sister species or lineages isolated in the two areas. Endophyte diversity and assembly in disjunct sister taxa, as an ecological trait, may have played an important role in the processes of allopatric evolution, but no studies have examined endophytes in these lineages. Here we compared foliar endophytic fungi and bacteria-archaea (FEF and FEB) in 17 EA-ENA disjunct species or clade pairs from genera representing conifers and 10 orders of five major groups of angiosperms and 23 species of Cornus from EA and North America. MethodsMetagenomic sequencing of fungal ITS and bacterial-archaeal 16S rDNA was used to capture the foliar endophytic communities. Alpha and beta diversity of fungi and bacteria were compared at multiple scales and dimensions to gain insights into the relative roles of historical geographic isolation, host identity, phylogeny, and environment from samples at different sites in shaping endophytic diversity patterns. ResultsWe found that beta diversity of endophytes varied greatly among plant individuals within species and between species among genera at the same sampling site, and among three sampling sites, but little variation between region-of-origin of all plant species (EA vs ENA) and between EA-ENA disjunct counterparts within genera. Various numbers of indicator fungal species differing in abundance were identified for each plant genus and Cornus species. An overall significant correlation between endophyte community dissimilarity and phylogenetic distance of plants was detected among the disjunct genera but not among species of Cornus. However, significant correlations between beta diversities at different taxonomic scales of endophytes and phylogenetic distances of Cornus species were observed. DiscussionOur results suggest important roles of host identity and environment (sampling sites), and a likely minor role of phylogenetic divergence and historical biogeographic isolation in shaping the pattern of foliar endophyte diversity and assembly in the EA-ENA disjunct genera and Cornus. The results lead to a hypothesis that the sister taxa in EA and ENA likely differ in FEF and FEB when growing in native habitats due to differences in local environments, which may potentially drive allopatric divergence of the functional features of species

    Phylogeny and evolutionary history of glycogen synthase kinase 3/SHAGGY-like kinase genes in land plants

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    Background: GSK3 (glycogen synthase kinase 3) genes encode signal transduction proteins with roles in a variety of biological processes in eukaryotes. In contrast to the low copy numbers observed in animals, GSK3 genes have expanded into a multi-gene family in land plants (embryophytes), and have also evolved functions in diverse plant specific processes, including floral development in angiosperms. However, despite previous efforts, the phylogeny of land plant GSK3 genes is currently unclear. Here, we analyze genes from a representative sample of phylogenetically pivotal taxa, including basal angiosperms, gymnosperms, and monilophytes, to reconstruct the evolutionary history and functional diversification of the GSK3 gene family in land plants. Results: Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic analyses resolve a gene tree with four major gene duplication events that coincide with the emergence of novel land plant clades. The single GSK3 gene inherited from the ancestor of land plants was first duplicated along the ancestral branch to extant vascular plants, and three subsequent duplications produced three GSK3 loci in the ancestor of euphyllophytes, four in the ancestor of seed plants, and at least five in the ancestor of angiosperms. A single gene in the Amborella trichopoda genome may be the sole survivor of a sixth GSK3 locus that originated in the ancestor of extant angiosperms. Homologs of two Arabidopsis GSK3 genes with genetically confirmed roles in floral development, AtSK11 and AtSK12, exhibit floral preferential expression in several basal angiosperms, suggesting evolutionary conservation of their floral functions. Members of other gene lineages appear to have independently evolved roles in plant reproductive tissues in individual taxa. Conclusions: Our phylogenetic analyses provide the most detailed reconstruction of GSK3 gene evolution in land plants to date and offer new insights into the origins, relationships, and functions of family members. Notably, the diversity of this “green” branch of the gene family has increased in concert with the increasing morphological and physiological complexity of land plant life forms. Expression data for seed plants indicate that the functions of GSK3 genes have also diversified during evolutionary time

    Similar patterns of rDNA evolution in synthetic and recently formed natural populations of Tragopogon (Asteraceae) allotetraploids

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Tragopogon mirus </it>and <it>T. miscellus </it>are allotetraploids (2<it>n </it>= 24) that formed repeatedly during the past 80 years in eastern Washington and adjacent Idaho (USA) following the introduction of the diploids <it>T. dubius</it>, <it>T. porrifolius</it>, and <it>T. pratensis </it>(2<it>n </it>= 12) from Europe. In most natural populations of <it>T. mirus </it>and <it>T. miscellus</it>, there are far fewer 35S rRNA genes (rDNA) of <it>T. dubius </it>than there are of the other diploid parent (<it>T. porrifolius </it>or <it>T. pratensis</it>). We studied the inheritance of parental rDNA loci in allotetraploids resynthesized from diploid accessions. We investigate the dynamics and directionality of these rDNA losses, as well as the contribution of gene copy number variation in the parental diploids to rDNA variation in the derived tetraploids.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using Southern blot hybridization and fluorescent <it>in situ </it>hybridization (FISH), we analyzed copy numbers and distribution of these highly reiterated genes in seven lines of synthetic <it>T. mirus </it>(110 individuals) and four lines of synthetic <it>T. miscellus </it>(71 individuals). Variation among diploid parents accounted for most of the observed gene imbalances detected in F<sub>1 </sub>hybrids but cannot explain frequent deviations from repeat additivity seen in the allotetraploid lines. Polyploid lineages involving the same diploid parents differed in rDNA genotype, indicating that conditions immediately following genome doubling are crucial for rDNA changes. About 19% of the resynthesized allotetraploid individuals had equal rDNA contributions from the diploid parents, 74% were skewed towards either <it>T. porrifolius </it>or <it>T. pratensis</it>-type units, and only 7% had more rDNA copies of <it>T. dubius</it>-origin compared to the other two parents. Similar genotype frequencies were observed among natural populations. Despite directional reduction of units, the additivity of 35S rDNA locus number is maintained in 82% of the synthetic lines and in all natural allotetraploids.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Uniparental reductions of homeologous rRNA gene copies occurred in both synthetic and natural populations of <it>Tragopogon </it>allopolyploids. The extent of these rDNA changes was generally higher in natural populations than in the synthetic lines. We hypothesize that locus-specific and chromosomal changes in early generations of allopolyploids may influence patterns of rDNA evolution in later generations.</p
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