622 research outputs found

    In-situ spectroscopy of intrinsic Bi2Te3 topological insulator thin films and impact of extrinsic defects

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    Combined in-situ x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, scanning tunnelling spectroscopy and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy of molecular beam epitaxy grown Bi2Te3 on lattice mismatched substrates reveal high quality stoichiometric thin films with topological surface states without a contribution from the bulk bands at the Fermi energy. The absence of bulk states at the Fermi energy is achieved without counter doping. We observe that the surface morphology and electronic band structure of Bi2Te3 are not affected by in-vacuo storage and exposure to oxygen, whereas major changes are observed when exposed to ambient conditions. These films help define a pathway towards intrinsic topological devices.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Estimation of Nuclear DNA Content in Some Aegilops Species: Best Analyzed Using Flow Cytometry

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    The genera Triticum and Aegilops have been considered as the main gene pool of wheat due to their features, such as tolerance of all types of abiotic and biotic stresses. This study was conducted to evaluate the cytogenetic analyses in 115 native and wild populations from eleven Aegilops species using their nuclear DNA quantification. Mean 2C nuclear DNA contents of different ploidy levels in the wild wheat of Turkey and Iran were measured using the flow cytometry technique. The obtained results showed that the mean nuclear DNA content in diploid species varied from 10.09 pg/2C (Ae. umbellulata) to 10.95 pg/2C (Ae. speltoides var. ligustica) in Turkey. In Iranian diploids, the mean nuclear DNA content varied from 10.20 pg/2C (Ae. taushii) to 11.56 pg/2C (Ae. speltoides var. ligustica). This index in the tetraploid species of Turkey varied from 18.09 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica) to 21.65 pg/2C (Ae. triaristata), and in Iranian species, it was from 18.61 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica) to 21.75 pg/2C (Ae. columnaris). On the other hand, in the hexaploid species of Turkey, this index varied from 31.59 pg/2C (Ae. crassa) to 31.81 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica); in the Iranian species, it varied from 32.58 pg/2C (Ae. cylindrica) to 33.97 pg/2C (Ae. crassa). There was a significant difference in the DNA content of Turkey and Iran diploid as well as tetraploid species; however, in hexaploid species, the difference was not significant. It was concluded that the variation in intraspecific genome size was very low in diploid and tetraploid populations; this means that the low variation is not dependent on geographic and climatic parameters. On the other hand, the interspecific variation is significant at the diploid and tetraploid populations. It is generally very difficult to distinguish Aegilops species from each other in natural conditions; meanwhile, in this study, all species could be, easily, quickly and unambiguously, distinguished and separated using the FCM technique

    Three-dimensional printed polymeric system to encapsulate human mesenchymal stem cells differentiated into islet-like insulin-producing aggregates for diabetes treatment

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    Diabetes is one of the most prevalent, costly, and debilitating diseases in the world. Pancreas and islet transplants have shown success in re-establishing glucose control and reversing diabetic complications. However, both are limited by donor availability, need for continuous immunosuppression, loss of transplanted tissue due to dispersion, and lack of vascularization. To overcome the limitations of poor islet availability, here, we investigate the potential of bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiated into islet-like insulin-producing aggregates. Islet-like insulin-producing aggregates, characterized by gene expression, are shown to be similar to pancreatic islets and display positive immunostaining for insulin and glucagon. To address the limits of current encapsulation systems, we developed a novel three-dimensional printed, scalable, and potentially refillable polymeric construct (nanogland) to support islet-like insulin-producing aggregates’ survival and function in the host body. In vitro studies showed that encapsulated islet-like insulin-producing aggregates maintained viability and function, producing steady levels of insulin for at least 4 weeks. Nanogland—islet-like insulin-producing aggregate technology here investigated as a proof of concept holds potential as an effective and innovative approach for diabetes cell therapy

    LCrowdV: Generating Labeled Videos for Simulation-based Crowd Behavior Learning

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    We present a novel procedural framework to generate an arbitrary number of labeled crowd videos (LCrowdV). The resulting crowd video datasets are used to design accurate algorithms or training models for crowded scene understanding. Our overall approach is composed of two components: a procedural simulation framework for generating crowd movements and behaviors, and a procedural rendering framework to generate different videos or images. Each video or image is automatically labeled based on the environment, number of pedestrians, density, behavior, flow, lighting conditions, viewpoint, noise, etc. Furthermore, we can increase the realism by combining synthetically-generated behaviors with real-world background videos. We demonstrate the benefits of LCrowdV over prior lableled crowd datasets by improving the accuracy of pedestrian detection and crowd behavior classification algorithms. LCrowdV would be released on the WWW

    Analysis of Nuclear DNA Content and Karyotype of Phaseolus vulgaris L.

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    The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), whose annual production is 26 million tons worldwide, is one of the main sources of protein and is known as one of the most important food sources. In this study, the karyotype variations and the genome size of four common bean genotypes in Turkey were investigated to determine whether the geographic variables in these regions affected the genome size and the karyotype parameters. In addition, it is known that as that the cytological and chromosomal parameters change under the influence of the climatic conditions of each region, appropriate and stable cytological methods for each plant facilitate and enable the determination of the chromosomal structure and the identification of specific chromosomes in the genotypes of the relevant region. Correct and valuable information such as this enables breeders and researchers to determine the correct shape and actual size of chromosomes. The genome size of the genotypes was measured with a flow cytometer, and chromosome analyses were performed with the squash method. For each genotype, the karyotype parameters, such as the number of somatic chromosomes, the Mean Total Chromosome Length (MTCL), the Mean Centromere Index (MCI), and the Mean Arm Ratio (MAR), were measured. The results showed that the highest and the lowest amounts of DNA per nucleus (3.28 pg and 1.49 pg) were observed in the Bitlis and Elaziğ genotypes. In addition, all genotype chromosome numbers were counted to be 2n = 2x = 22. The Mean Total Chromosome Length varied from 15.65 µm in Elaziğ to 34.24 µm in the Bitlis genotype. The Mean Chromosome Length ranged between 1.42 µm and 3.11 µm in the Elaziğ and Bitlis genotypes. The Hakkari and Van genotypes consist of eleven metacentric chromosomes, while the Bitlis and Elaziğ genotypes consist of ten metacentric chromosomes and one sub-metacentric chromosome. However, the Mean Centromere Index and Arm Ratio differed considerably among the genotypes. The highest (46.88) and the lowest (43.18) values of the Mean Centromere Index were observed in the Hakkari and Elaziğ genotypes, respectively. On the other hand, the lowest (1.15) and the highest (1.36) values of the Mean Arm Ratio were obtained in the Bitlis and Elaziğ genotypes, respectively. Eventually, intraspecies variations in genome size and chromosomal parameters were observed, and it was determined that the changes in nuclear DNA content and different chromosomal parameters among the four Phaseolus genotypes from four different regions of Turkey indicate the effect of climate change in the regions on these parameters. Such information in these areas can be used as useful information for the improvement of this plant and breeding programs