2,030 research outputs found


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    Uvod: Tjelesna temperatura je važan vitalan znak koji daje uvid u pacijentovo zdravstveno stanje. U jedinici intenzivnog liječenja mjerenje temperature standardizirani je postupak koji se provodi više puta dnevno i jedan je od osnovnih parametara monitoringa pacijenata. Cilj: Cilj je ispitati postoje li razlike u izmjerenim vrijednostima tjelesne temperature ovisno o načinu mjerenja temperature. Tjelesna temperatura mjerena je alkoholnim toplomjerom aksilarno, na membrani tympani i temperaturnom sondom koja je flasterom fiksirana na kožu i provodila je 24-satni monitoring temperature tijela. Specifični ciljevi ove studije bili su ispitati je li: dužina hospitalizacije, prehrana bolesnika, pokrivenost bolesnika, vrijeme mjerenja temperature, priključenost na mehaničku ventilaciju, te je li pacijent kirurški ili ne, imaju utjecaj na visinu izmjerene temperature kod sva tri primijenjena postupka mjerenja. Metode: U istraživanju su sudjelovale 124 osobe, hospitalizirane u JIL-u Opće županijske bolnice Požega, a u istraživanje su uključeni kirurški i nekirurški bolesnici. Mjerenja temperature provedena su od 5. ožujka 2019. do 30. travnja 2019. godine. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri skupine: u prvoj skupini od 41 ispitanika temperatura je mjerena od 08-16 sati, drugoj skupini od 42 ispitanika temperatura je mjerena od 16-22 sata i trećoj skupini od 41 ispitanika temperatura je mjerena od 22-06 sati. Rezultati: Uočeno je da je postupak mjerenja temperature na membrani tympani najmanje pouzdan (p=0,000). Vrijeme mjerenja (WilksLambda 0,986, F=0,658, p=0,684) i tjelesno stanje bolesnika (WilksLambda 0,987, F=0,522, p=0,668) nisu imali nikakav utjecaj na vrijednosti izmjerene temperature. Na visinu srednje vrijednosti temperature utjecala je hospitalizacija duža od 2 tjedna (Wilks’ Lambda= 0,677, F=8,560, p=0,000), hranjenje na nazogastričnu sondu (Wilks’ Lambda= 0,751, F=6,116, p = 0,000), pokrivenost plahtom(Wilks’ Lambda= 0,730, F=14,810, p = 0,000) i primjena mehaničke ventilacije kod sva tri postupka mjerenja. Više srednje vrijednosti temperature imali su nekirurški bolesnici kod sva tri postupaka mjerenja. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da je postupak mjerenja temperature na membrani tympani manje pouzdan od aksilarnog mjerenja i mjerenja sondom na površini kože. Na pouzdanost mjerenja na membrani tympani može utjecati otoskopski pravilno postavljanje senzora na bubnjić, nakupine u uhu, slaba vidljivost kod postavljanja senzora i drugi razlozi, a očitane vrijednosti temperature zbog navedenog mogu biti manje od stvarnih što je pokazalo i ovo istraživanje.Introduction: Body temperature is an important vital sign that gives insight into a patient\u27s medical condition. In the intensive care unit, temperature measurement is a standardized procedure that is performed several times a day and is one of the basic parameters of patient monitoring. The aim: Was to examine whether there is a difference in the measured body temperature values depending on the mode of measurement of three non-invasive temperature measurement procedures. The body temperature was measured by an axilla alcohol thermometer on a tympanic membrane and by a sensor thermometer, which was attached to the skin by using an adhesive patch and conducted 24-hour body temperature monitoring. The specific objectives of this study were to examine whether the temperature measured by means of all three measurement methods used was influenced by the following: length of in-hospital stay, patient diet, covering a patient’s body with a sheet, temperature measurement time, as well as whether patients were receiving mechanical ventilation, and whether they were surgical or non-surgical patients. Subjects and methods: The study included 124 adults of both genders, aged 18 and over, who were hospitalized in intensive care units of Požega General Hospital, and covered both surgical and non-surgical patients. Temperature measurement was carried out from 5 March 2019 to 30 April 2019. Respondents were divided into three groups. The first group consisted of 41 respondents whose temperature was measured from 8 am to 4 pm, the second group had 42 respondents whose temperature was measured from 4 pm to 10 pm, and the third group comprised 41 respondents whose temperature was measured from 10 pm to 6 am. The results: It was observed that the temperature measurement procedure on the tympani membrane was the least reliable (p = 0.000). The measurement time (WilksLambda 0.986, F = 0.658, p = 0.684) and the patient\u27s physical condition (WilksLambda 0.987, F = 0.522, p = 0.688) had no effect on the measured temperature values. The mean temperature was influenced by hospitalization longer than 2 weeks (Wilks \u27Lambda = 0.677, F = 8.560, p = 0.000), feeding on a nasogastric tube (Wilks\u27 Lambda = 0.751, F = 6.116, p = 0.000), sheet coverage (Wilks\u27 Lambda = 0.730, F = 14.810, p = 0.000) and the application of mechanical ventilation to all three measurement procedures. Non-surgical patients had higher mean values for all three measurement procedures. Conclusion: The study has shown that the method of measuring the temperature on the tympanic membrane is less reliable than the methods of measuring the temperature by an axilla alcohol thermometer and by a sensor thermometer on the surface of the skin. Reliability of measuring the temperature on the tympanic membrane can be influenced by correct otoscopic positioning of the sensor on the eardrum, ear bumps, poor visibility when positioning the sensors and other reasons, and due to the aforementioned, temperature readings may be less than the actual ones, which was also shown in this research

    Coupling of energy conversion systems and wellbore heat exchanger in a very deep oil well

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    The conventional geothermal power plants use the reinjection wells mostly to avoid the depletion of the geothermal reservoir gathering in the underground of the produced brine. Nevertheless, reinjection operations entail high economic costs and some risks. An alternative is the extraction of the heat without geothermal fluids production, the wellbore heat exchanger. The goal of the present paper is the analysis of the power production of the wellbore heat exchanger (WBHX) in time and the comparison between two different conversion systems of the thermal energy into electrical: the organic ranking cycle (ORC) plant and the Stirling motor. The selected case study is the oil field of Villafortuna Trecate, a medium enthalpy geothermal resource. The simulation results show a substantial decrease of the wellhead temperature in the first 6 months. After 1 year, the thermal power extracted with the WBHX is greater than 1.3 MW. The design parameters are 20 m3/h for the flow rate, outlet temperature 100.38 °C and the inlet temperature is 40 °C. The R-C318 has been selected as working fluid in the ORC plant: the net electrical power is 121 kW. The air is the working fluid in the Stirling motor: the evaluated net electrical power is 152 kW. The Stirling engine has an efficiency greater than 41 % compared to a system ORC

    Razvoj uređaja za ocjenu termodinamičke valjanosti sa zeotropskim smjesama

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    U radu je razvijena mjerna linija s rashladnim uređajem koji omogućuje rad po načelu Lorenzovog procesa (primjena zeotropske smjese) i Carnotovog procesa (primjena azeotropske smjese, odnosno jednokomponentne radne tvari). Osnovni elementi uređaja su poluhermeticki štapni kompresor, protustrujni cijev-u-cijevi isparivač i kondenzator, te termoekspanzijski ventil. Uredaj je opremljen instrumentima i osjetnicima za mjerenje svih relevantnih veličina (temperature, tlaka i protoka), te je spojen na sustav za njihovo pohranjivanje i obradu. U radu se provodi analiza termodinamičke valjanosti ljevokretnog rashladno-ogrjevnog procesa u radu sa zeotropskom smjesom R407C i uspoređuje s procesom u radu s jednokomponentnom radnom tvari R22. Eksperiment na rashladnom uređaju sastoji se od mjerenja temperatura na ulazima i izlazima iz izmjenjivača, kako na strani radne tvari tako i na strani hladenog medija, odnosno, rashladne vode, mjerenja protoka u primarnom krugu i u oba sekundarna kruga, mjerenja tlaka isparivanja i tlaka kondenzacije, mjerenja pada tlaka na izmjenjivacima i mjerenja elektricne snage elektromotora kompresora. Mjerene vrijednosti temperature, tlaka i protoka obraduju se priredenim LabVIEW programom koji koristi izvorne datoteke REFPROP programa za izračunavanje termodinamičkih i fizikalnih svojstava radnih tvari, te daje rezultate za učin isparivača i kondenzatora za obje korištene radne tvari. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da će ekološka radna tvar R407C , koja je prema današnjim standardima prihvatljiva obzirom na zaštitu okoliša, biti dobra zamjena za jednokomponentnu radnu tvar R22 pri visim temperaturama isparivanja. Iako su teorijski rezultati ukazivali da će, energetski gledano, R407C biti bolja radna tvar nego R22 rezultati su to opovrgli. Razlozi leže u slabijem prijelazu topline u procesu s radnom tvari R407C

    Different kinds of matrix multiplication

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    U članku se analiziraju različiti načini množenja matrica. Svaki od njih ilustriran je primjerom.The paper analyses different kinds of matrix multiplication. Each of them is illustrated by an example

    Dužinsko-maseni odnos pedeset litoralnih i obalnih riba u istočnom Jadranu

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    The length–weight relationship parameters are reported for the fifty littoral and coastal marine fish species from the Eastern Adriatic. Captures were made between the years 2004 and 2017 during sport fishing competitions. The parameters a and b of the equation W = aLb were estimated. The b values ranged from 2.1972 for Spicara smaris (Linnaeus, 1758) to 3.7044 for Salaria pavo (Risso, 1810). The L-W relation for Scyliorhinus stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Gobius bucchichi Steindachner 1870, Gobius geniporus Valenciennes 1837 and Lipophrys trigloides (Valenciennes, 1836) are not available in FishBase and presents new data for these species. For some other species, such as Labrus mixtus Linnaeus 1758, there are only two relationships, but none from the Mediterranean, for Gobius paganellus Linnaeus 1758 only four relationships and none from Central and Eastern Mediterranean, while for Labrus merula Linnaeus 1758, Symphodus mediterraneus (Linnaeus, 1758), Symphodus roissali (Risso, 1810), Gobius cobitis Pallas 1814, Gobius cruentatus Gmelin 1789, Gobius niger Linnaeus 1758, Parablennius gatorugine (Linnaeus, 1758), Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814), Salaria pavo (Risso, 1810), and Bothus podas (Delaroche, 1809) very low number of relationships are presented and none from the Adriatic Sea.Parametri dužinsko-masenog odnosa su prijavljeni za 50 litoralnih i obalnih rba iz istočnog Jadrana. Svi primjerci su ulovljeni u periodu 2004-2017 za vrijeme natjecanja u sportskom ribolovu. Parameteri a i b od jednadžbe W = aLb su prezentirani. Vrijednosti b parametra su varirale od2.1972za Spicara smaris (Linnaeus, 1758) do3.7044 za Salaria pavo (Risso, 1810). Dužinsko-maseni odnosi za Scyliorhinus stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Gobius bucchichi Steindachner 1870, Gobius geniporus Valenciennes 1837 i Lipophrys trigloides (Valenciennes, 1836) dosad nisu bili dostupni u FishBase. Za neke druge vrste, primjerice Labrus mixtus Linnaeus 1758, postoje samo dva prijavljena odnosa, pri čemu niti jedan nije iz Mediterana, za Gobius paganellus Linnaeus 1758 postoje samo 4 odnosa i nijedan iz središnjeg i istočnog Mediterana, dok za Labrus merula Linnaeus 1758, Sym-phodus mediterraneus (Linnaeus, 1758), Symphodus roissali (Risso, 1810), Gobius cobitis Pallas 1814, Gobius cruentatus Gmelin 1789, Gobius niger Linnaeus 1758, Parablennius gatorugine (Linnaeus, 1758), Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814), Salaria pavo (Risso, 1810) i Bothus podas (Delaroche, 1809) postoji veoma mali broj dužinsko-masenih odnosa, pri čemu niti jedan nije prijavljen za Jadransko more, osim za T. radiates

    The history of fine art photography

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    ThesisArt is a subjective term as it is subject to personal taste and opinion. It is impossible to definitely derme what art is. In fme art photography there is no distinctive subject matter, there is no one thing that is photographed like with other fields of photography. Art is not guided by any specific rules or techniques. Any subject can be photographed or explored. It is a favourable opinion that fme art is about personal expression, emotion and symbolism. Fine art is more about the way the artist sees his subject than it is ahout the subject itself (Leggat, 1999:1). Photographic art comprises those images that meet the criteria of any visual art. The basic nature of photography is first, its registration and second, the artist's choice and control of the pictorial elements. For photography to be transformed into art, the observable world must be seen artistically (Kaufman, 1989:3). When photography used the conventions of painting, either replicating subject matter or simulating painterly effects, it achieved limited success. The result was found to be either artificial or unacceptable to the medium's unique potential to record facts. Pictorialism was responsible for gaining photographs entry into art museums around the world, despite its drawbacks. It also paved the way for photographs to be included in fme art exhibitions and in determining that photography was noljust a mechanical process but a creative art form (McAdam, 2003: 1). In the earliest stages of the history of photography there already existed a strong conflict with regard to photography being a science or an art (Leggat, 1999: I)

    Sea Surface Salinity Retrievals from Aquarius Using Neural Networks

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    Even though the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) retrieved from Aquarius are generally very close to in-situ measurements, the level of similarity varies with the region and with the circumstances of the observations (wind speed, sea surface temperature, etc.). SSS is currently retrieved from the brightness temperatures measured by Aquarius and applying the current theoretical model for the propagation and emission of the natural thermal radiation. In this contribution we consider an alternative retrieval approach based on a Neural Network (NN) with the goal of improving the subsets of Aquarius SSS data that are in poorer agreement within-situ measurements. The subset considered here are the SSS retrieved at latitudes higher than 30 . The output of the NN approach are compared against in-situ measurements using four statistical metrics (correlation coefficient, bias, RMSD and 5% trimmed range). The output of the NN and the nominal Aquarius SSS are compared against SSS values from in-situ measurements and from ocean models. From these comparisons it appears that the output of the NN matches the in-situ measurements better than the nominal Aquarius SSS