17 research outputs found
The development of the banking industry can not be separated from the Central Bank of Indonesia as an authority to supervise banks in Indonesia. Law number 23 year 1999 about the central bank of Indonesia is a reference to the regulations of central bank in carrying out their duties. In the 34 sections of Law number 23 year 1999 as amended by Law number 3 year 2004 mandated the transfer of authority to the supervision of central bank to new institutions, namely the Financial Services Authority. But in the 4 sections (1) subsections was declared the authority of Bank Indonesia, the central bank one of which is to regulate and supervise banks. So there is a conflict between the norms of the sections. So there is a conflict between the norm of the sections. There is also the contradiction of sections in the law number 21 in 2011 about financial services authority which led to a norm that is blurred namely between sections 40 to sections 7 of the letters d and sections 39 with sections 8 of the letters d related to the authority which has moved to the financial services authority but bank indonesia can still carry it out.Keywords: supervision, Indonesia Bank, Financial Services Authorit
The development of the banking industry can not be separated from the Central Bank of Indonesia as an authority to supervise banks in Indonesia. Law number 23 year 1999 about the central bank of Indonesia is a reference to the regulations of central bank in carrying out their duties. In the 34 sections of Law number 23 year 1999 as amended by Law number 3 year 2004 mandated the transfer of authority to the supervision of central bank to new institutions, namely the Financial Services Authority. But in the 4 sections (1) subsections was declared the authority of Bank Indonesia, the central bank one of which is to regulate and supervise banks. So there is a conflict between the norms of the sections. So there is a conflict between the norm of the sections. There is also the contradiction of sections in the law number 21 in 2011 about financial services authority which led to a norm that is blurred namely between sections 40 to sections 7 of the letters d and sections 39 with sections 8 of the letters d related to the authority which has moved to the financial services authority but bank indonesia can still carry it out.Keywords: supervision, Indonesia Bank, Financial Services Authorit
Karakteristik Pendidik dalam Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Mudatsir Ayat 2-7 Menurut Tafsir Ibn Katsir (Analisis Ilmu Pendidikan Islam)
Pada dasarnya tujuan pendidikan tidak hanya pengembangan aspek individualitas dan sosialitas, melainkan juga mengarahkan perkembangan kemampuan dasar tersebut kepada pola hidup yang dibutuhkan manusia dalam bidang keduniawian dalam bidang fisik (material) dan mental (spiritual) yang harmonis atau dalam istilah lain “insan kamil” Untuk mewujudkan semua itu tentunya diperlukan mediator yang dalam pendidikan disebut pendidik yang mempunyai kepribadian sempurna pula, yaitu yang dapat menempatkan sebagai panutan, teladan, serta orang yang mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap anak didiknya. Namun akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali kelakuan oknum pendidik yang meyimpang dari kodrat seorang pendidik, sehingga mencemarkan wibawa dan citra pendidik. Mengingat sosok pendidik adalah contoh tauladan bagi peserta didik dan masyarakat. Untuk itu dipilihlah pokok permasalahan tentang karakteristik pendidik dalam al-Qur’an surat al-Mudatsir ayat 2-7 menurut Tafsir Ibn Katsir
Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain (1) untuk untuk mengetahui karakteristik pendidik menurut Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (2) untuk mengetahui penafsiran Ibn Katsir terhadap al-Quran surat al-Mudatsir ayat 2-7, (3) untuk mengetahui analisis karakteristik pendidik yang tekandung dalam al-Qur’an surat al-Mudatsir ayat 2-7 menurut tafsir Ibn Katsir.
Karakteristik pendidik sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pengembangan peserta didik. Kepribadian yang mantap dari seorang pendidik akan memberikan teladan yang baik terhadap anak didik, sehingga pendidik akan tampil sebagai sosok yang patut untuk ditaati segala nasehat, ucapan dan perintahnya, dan patut untuk dicontoh sikap dan prilakunya, dengan kata lain guru pantas untuk “digugu” dan “ditiru”.
Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif mengenai karakteristik pendidik dalam Al-Qur’an surat Al-Mudatsir ayat 2- 7 menurut tafsir Ibn Katsir. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik studi pustaka dari tafsir Ibn Katsir dan buku-buku ilmu pendidikan Islam. Kemudian analisis datanya menggunakan proses satuan, kategorisasi, penafsiran, serta menarik simpulan.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada Al-Qur’an surat Al-Mudatsir ayat 2-7, bahwa karakteristik pendidik menurut Ibn Katsir adalah : senantiasa beriman kepada Allah, ikhlas,bekerja keras, membersihkan hati dan pakaian, meninggalkan perbuatan dosa dan sabar. Hal ini diharapkan dapat mengefektifkan dan mengefisiensikan proses pembelajaran serta menjadikan salah satu faktor untuk mencapai pendidikan yang ideal
Dampak Pengembangan Pariwisata Di Pantai Cemara Cipanglay Terhadap Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Initially, Cemara Cipanglay Beach was not productive. If it was developed in a tourist area, it would certainly affect the municipality's economic growth. This study aims to determine the strategy, process and impact of tourism development on Cemara Cipanglay Beach on community empowerment. The method used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The results of the study show that this tourism development strategy maximizes the strength aspect of the potential of natural resources owned, namely there are three elements of natural charm, namely the agricultural, forestry and marine sectors contained in one beach tourist object. In carrying out the tourism development process at Cemara Cipanglay Beach, it involves the role as well as the Village Government, Community Empowerment Institutions (LPM), Youth Organizations, District Leadership Conferences (Muspika), Community Mobilization Groups (Kompepar), Forest Farmers Groups (KTH), Tourism Awareness Groups and the Cidamar Village community starting from the process of planning, implementing, managing up to evaluation, the result of tourism development at Cemara Cipanglay Beach is an increase in community participation in the implementation of tourism development based on public awareness to make change
An Indonesian muslim communities da’wah in a multicultural country: A portrait of da’wah acceptance and rejection from Australia
Australia is the largest multicultural country where different religions exist including Islam. As a close neighbor, some Muslim communities from Indonesia have settled and involved in da’wah—teaching the religion of Islam—in this country: in the state of Victoria, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory. This study aims (a) to obtain a picture of contributions of da’wah done by Indonesian Muslim communities to the expansion of Islam in Australia, and (b) to examine the acceptance of Australian nonMuslims residing in those states about Islam and the da’wah. This research utilizes a descriptive analytic approach. The findings reveal that Indonesian Muslims in Australia and their approaches in da’wah has contributed to the spread of Islam including its Indonesian influence. One challenge faced is the attitude of communal inclination, desire to gather with fellow Indonesians and people with similar religion and to show the ethnicity and religious identity causing resistance among local peopl
Growth Performance of Daphnia sp. Cultured in Different Concentration of Rice Washing Water
Abstract. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the administration of rice washing water in culture medium on the growth performance of Daphnia sp. This research using three different doses of rice washing water i.e 1 mL/L, 3mL/L, and 5 mL/L. Daphnia sp. was cultured with an initial density of 20 ind/L. Observed parameters include growth parameters (population density, size and specific growth rate) and water quality. This result showed that a concentration of 3 mL/L created the highest population of Daphnia sp. density about 620±20 ind/L, number small size (young stage) 81.2%, and the highest specific growth rate about 56.68±0.55%. The water quality content of DO, temperature and pH during this study were in the good range of Daphnia sp. life and reproduction. The research has a conclusion that rice washing water can be used to nutritional sources of Daphnia sp. In the future, it is necessary to make further observations about the reproductive performance of Daphnia sp, given rice washing water through clone culture.Keywords: Live food, Population density, Rice washing water, Size of Daphnia sp., Specific growth rat
Kajian dakwah multiperspektif teori, metodologi, problem dan aplikasi
Upaya mengkonstruksi fenomena dakwah menjadi sebuah disiplin ilmu sudah sukses dilakukan oleh para pakar dakwah sekitar abad ke-20. Hal ini ditandai dengan keberhasilannya dalam menyusun konstruk dan struktur bangunan ilmu dakwah. Pada periode selanjutnya area kajian dakwah terus meluas meliputi berbagai sudut dunia dakwah, yang merentang mulai dari wilayah sumber-sumber normatif hingga daratan empirik beragam praktik dakwah Pendekatan kajian dakwah juga seiring berkembang dengan polarisasi wajah dan area serta keragamaan objek kajian dakwah
Ikan padi Oryzias javanicus adalah spesies yang euryhaline, mudah dipelihara, dan dikembangbiakkan sehingga dapat menjadi ikan model untuk penelitian di laboratorium. Ikan ini juga memiliki potensi sebagai ikan hias untuk akuaskap. Budidaya ikan O. javanicus belum populer sehingga pengadaan ikan ini mengandalkan hasil tangkapan alam. Ikan liar hasil tangkapan alam membutuhkan adaptasi di dalam wadah terkontrol. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi performa adaptasi awal yaitu kepadatan ikan selama pengangkutan sistem tertutup. Kondisi yang terlalu padat berdampak pada performa adaptasi ikan yang kurang baik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji performa adaptasi O. javanicus selama pemeliharaan pascapengangkutan. Performa berkaitan dengan sintasan, tingkah laku, dan jumlah telur selama 15 hari pemeliharaan. Kepadatan ikan yaitu 24 ekor/L (perlakuan A) dan 40 ekor/L (perlakuan B) yang dikemas selama 6 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengangkutan ikan O. javanicus dapat dilakukan dengan kepadatan 40 ekor/L selama 6 jam. Kepadatan tersebut menghasilkan sintasan saat pengangkutan yaitu 100%, sintasan selama pemeliharaan pascapengangkutan yaitu 92,00%, tingkah laku adaptasi yang baik, sehingga menghasilkan total telur 522 butir selama 15 hari pemeliharaan. Kata kunci: adaptasi pascapengangkutan, Oryzias javanicus, sintasan, tingkah laku adaptas