20 research outputs found
Oxyrhynchus Saite necropolis
La ciudad grecorromana de Oxirrinco, que corresponde a la faraónica Pemdye, cuenta con una importante
necrópolis, la Necrópolis Alta, con una ocupación desde época faraónica hasta época bizantina. La mayor parte
de las tumbas corresponden a la época saíta, con una tipología muy variada: desde estructuras muy sencillas
con un pozo que conduce a la cámara sepulcral, hasta plantas complejas en forma radial o con salas adosadas.
Hasta el momento se han desenterrado cinco tumbas correspondientes a esta época, algunas en proceso de
excavación. La más significativa es la tumba número 1, con siete salas abovedadas y una cámara decorada y
con inscripciones jeroglíficas. El estudio de las tumbas nos ha permitido conocer su proceso de construcción
y sus características técnicas, así como relacionarlas con el Osireion de Oxirrinco.The Graecoroman city of Oxyrhynchus, named Pemdje in Pharaonic times, has an important necropolis, the
Upper Necropolis, which was in use from the Pharaonic era until the Byzantine period. It contains tombs dating
from the Saite, Roman and Coptic period, most displaying a varied typology, from simple structures with
a shaft which leads to the burial chamber to those with a complex ground plan showing radial form or with
side chambers. At least five of the tombs excavated to date are the Saite Period. Tomb number 1 is the most
remarkable example of a shaft tomb, with seven vaulted chambers, one of them decorated with hieroglyphic
inscriptions. The study of these tombs, has enabled us to understand the construction process and its technical
features, as well as how to relate them to the Osireion of Oxyrhynchus
Aportació documental a l'estudi dels orgues barrocs de la diòcesi de Tarragona. L'orgue de Riudoms
Entre la nombrosa documentació que de Riudoms conserva l'Arxiu Històric Arxidiocesà de Tarragona, es troba el projecte de construcció de l'orgue que es pensava fer per a l'Església Parroquial de la Vila a meitat del segle XVIII. Malhauradament, l'instrument fou destruit durant els estralls dels anys 1936-1939 i d'ell sols ens resta la fotografia que s'inclou en aquest treball. D'aquí que el document a estudiar sigui d'una importància cabdal si tenim en compte que la minuciosa descripció que ens dóna, permet conèixer amb tota fidelitat les característiques de l'orgue, a més del detallat procés de construcció que se seguiria per a dur-lo a terme
Spatial organization in cyclic Lotka-Volterra systems
We study the evolution of a system of interacting species which mimics
the dynamics of a cyclic food chain. On a one-dimensional lattice with N<5
species, spatial inhomogeneities develop spontaneously in initially homogeneous
systems. The arising spatial patterns form a mosaic of single-species domains
with algebraically growing size, , where
(1/2) and 1/3 for N=3 with sequential (parallel) dynamics and N=4,
respectively. The domain distribution also exhibits a self-similar spatial
structure which is characterized by an additional length scale, , with and 2/3 for N=3 and 4, respectively. For
, the system quickly reaches a frozen state with non interacting
neighboring species. We investigate the time distribution of the number of
mutations of a site using scaling arguments as well as an exact solution for
N=3. Some possible extensions of the system are analyzed.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, revtex, also available from
Formation of Pegylated Polyurethane and Lysine-Coated Polyurea Nanoparticles Obtained from O/W Nano-emulsions
The present work describes the formation of Pegylated polyurethane and Lysine-coated polyurea nanoparticles obtained from O/W nano-emulsions via an interfacial polycondensation process in the aqueous solution/polysorbate 80/diisocyanate/medium chain triglyceride systems. The initial nano-emulsions were prepared using the phase inversion composition (PIC) method. Dynamic light scattering studies revealed the changes in the particle size occurring during the process of nanoparticle formation. Well-defined polymeric nanoparticles with a small particle diameter (below 80 nm) and low polydispersity index were obtained using a highly hydrophilic component (polyethylene glycol or lysine) and an aliphatic diisocyante monomer. FT-IR and AFM studies showed that the polymeric matrix of nanoparticles was built by copolymers derived from reaction between the diisocyanate and the hydroxyl groups of both nonionic surfactant and the highly hydrophilic component. Pegylated-polyurethane and lysine-coated polyurea nanoparticles designed in this study are promising tools for future applications in biomedical sciences.The authors acknowledge financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, DGI (CTQ 2008-06892-C03-02/PPQ), “Generalitat de Catalunya” DURSI (Grant 2009 SGR-961), and CIBER-BBN. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008–2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fundation.Peer reviewe
Avaliação de resultados e financiamento em organizações culturais não-empresariais
Diferentes aspectos relativos à gestão de organizações não empresariais vêm despertando o interesse de gestores e acadêmicos da área de estudos organizacionais. Uma destas questões que merece destaque consiste na busca por financiamento por parte destas organizações e as relações de poder estabelecidas neste processo. Assim, analisam-se neste trabalho os critérios de avaliação de desempenho utilizados por fontes financiadoras de grupos teatrais existentes em Florianópolis - SC. Foram analisadas seis fontes financiadoras: duas públicas, uma para-estatal e três organizações privadas. Investigou-se o processo de financiamento considerando os aspectos: captação dos projetos; exigências das propostas; avaliação das propostas e acompanhamento da execução dos projetos. Com base nos dados observou-se a presença de diversos critérios: qualificação pessoal, controle de despesas, registros internos, qualidade do espetáculo, impactos na sociedade. Critérios explorados pelo SESC despertam a curiosidade por estarem menos relacionados aos processos organizacionais internos, diminuindo possivelmente impactos na estruturação dos grupos em direção ao modelo burocrático