322 research outputs found

    Review Essay

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    Potentially limitless in its military destructiveness and boundless in its ability to provide carbon-free power, nuclear energy all but begs viewing through the conjectural political lenses of infinity and zero. As a result, much of what passes for sound policy and insight regarding its management is not just reckless and self-defeating but technically impracticable. Sir Michael Quinlan (1930–2009), with whom I had the good fortune to work, understood this. An intelligent, modest, and religiously curious man, Quinlan helped shape much of the British nuclear weapons policy

    Present Danger: Nuclear Power Plants in War

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    After Russia’s unprecedented seizure of Ukraine’s nuclear plant at Zaporizhzhya, the United States needs to adjust its military planning and policies to cope with hostile military forces’ targeting, seizure, and garrisoning of armed forces at large, operating nuclear plants and clarify its policies regarding possible US targeting of such plants. This article is the first to analyze these concerns. It compares Russia’s assaults with previous strikes against research reactors and nonoperating nuclear plants in the Middle East and clarifies what new military measures and policies will be needed to cope with military operations against large, operating nuclear plants. US Army and Pentagon officials, as well as militar

    Present Danger: Nuclear Power Plants in War

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    After Russia’s unprecedented seizure of Ukraine’s nuclear plant at Zaporizhzhya, the United States needs to adjust its military planning and policies to cope with hostile military forces’ targeting, seizure, and garrisoning of armed forces at large, operating nuclear plants and clarify its policies regarding possible US targeting of such plants. This article is the first to analyze these concerns. It compares Russia’s assaults with previous strikes against research reactors and nonoperating nuclear plants in the Middle East and clarifies what new military measures and policies will be needed to cope with military operations against large, operating nuclear plants. US Army and Pentagon officials, as well as military and civilian staff, will discover ways to mitigate and reduce future military harm to civilians in war zones and understand the operational implications of military assaults on and seizures of civilian nuclear facilities

    Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future (Second Edition)

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    Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future

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    Beyond Parallel Play : Creating a Realistic Model of Integrative Learning with Community College Freshmen

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    What does interdisciplinary integration actually look like for students beginning their college studies? This article describes what a LaGuardia Community College teaching team, who typically share a theme and consult periodically but keep their classes distinct—discovered when they designed an integrative assignment for a paired developmental learning community pilot. During the semester, students in Introduction to Algebra and Critical Thinking completed three common assignments exploring the environment through mathematics: they collected data on their energy consumption, made sense of the numbers in an essay, and were asked how critical thinking and math contributed to their understanding of the environment theme. An examination of student work revealed that becoming an able integrative thinker involves learning very basic integrative skills. In turn faculty realized they needed to design an assessment tool which would reflect the developmental stages of integrative learning


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    This study aims to explore the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), the most prestigious mathematical competition a high-school student could aspire to participate. One of the main reasons this topic was selected is that the 2017 IMO was held in Brazil. The first part of this work addresses the IMO history, its format, the performance by country, in particular, by Brazil and its medalists. The second part of this work shows some IMO problems that: share some similarity with PROFMAT, or are considered famous, or considered hard, or were presented at 2017 IMO in Brazil. It also shows a proposed solution to each selected problem.O objetivo deste trabalho é divulgar a Olimpíada Internacional de Matemática (IMO, sigla em inglês para International Mathematical Olympiad). A IMO é a competição de Matemática mais importante que um aluno do Ensino Médio pode participar. O Brasil sediou a IMO em 2017, sendo este um dos fatores para a escolha do tema. O trabalho está dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte traz um histórico da IMO, formato da competição, desempenho dos países participantes, em especial do Brasil e seus medalhistas. A segunda parte traz alguns problemas da IMO, que foram escolhidos por tratarem de conceitos abordados no PROFMAT, ou serem considerados famosos, ou serem considerados difíceis, ou serem escolhidos para a edição realizada no Brasil em 2017. Além disso, traz uma solução proposta para cada problema selecionado

    Assessment of the Acoustic Microclimate in the Zone of the Switch Unit in the Heavy Roller Conveyor Line – Case Study

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    The sign of the so called human engineering policy introduced in the industry is decreasing the occupational hazards and making the workplaces as comfortable as possible. That tendency finds expression in the tightened industrial safety-code. Among the annoying /damaging physical factors occurred in the workplace environment, the noise is of especially great importance. One of the most active noise sources in the warehouse systems are the conveyor lines for continuous transport of palletized load units. The measurement results of the main acoustic quantities in the zone of the heavy switch unit in the roller conveyor line are presented. The noise hazards, the speech intelligibility and the perception of the warning acoustic signal in this area are determined

    Getting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran

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    As Iran edges closer to acquiring a nuclear bomb and its missiles extend an ever darker diplomatic shadow over the Middle East and Europe, Iran is likely to pose three threats. First, Iran could dramatically up the price of oil by interfering with the free passage of vessels in and through the Persian Gulf as it did during the l980s or by threatening to use terrorist proxies to target other states\u27 oil facilities. Second, it could diminish American influence in the Gulf and Middle East by increasing the pace and scope of terrorist activities against Iraq, Saudi Arabia, other Gulf states, Israel, and other perceived supporters of the United States. Finally, it could become a nuclear proliferation model for the world and its neighbors (including many states that otherwise would be more dependent on the United States for their security) by continuing to insist that it has a right to make nuclear fuel under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and then withdrawing once it decides to get a bomb. To contain and deter Iran from posing such threats, the United States and its friends could take a number of steps: increasing military cooperation (particularly in the naval sphere) to deter Iranian naval interference; reducing the vulnerability of oil facilities in the Gulf outside of Iran to terrorist attacks, building and completing pipelines in the lower Gulf region that would allow most of the non-Iranian oil and gas in the Gulf to be exported without having to transit the Straits of Hormuz; diplomatically isolating Iran by calling for the demilitarization of the Straits and adjacent islands, creating country-neutral rules against Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty state members who are suspected of violating the treaty from getting nuclear assistance from other state members and making withdrawal from the treaty more difficult; encouraging Israel to set the pace of nuclear restraint in the region by freezing its large reactor at Dimona and calling on all other states that have large nuclear reactors to follow suit; and getting the Europeans to back targeted economic sanctions against Iran if it fails to shut down its most sensitive nuclear activities.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1726/thumbnail.jp

    A Community Oriented Vision and Plan for the Rural America Arts Plaza Plainview, Minnesota

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    The goal of the Community-Oriented Vision and Plan for the Rural America Arts Plaza--a project based in Plainview, Minnesota that is funded by the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA)-- was to create a community-oriented place outside the Jon Hassler Theater that in time would become a destination for the arts in the community, the town, and the region. The intent of the project was to integrate the plaza into the town core, the town's culture in order to enhance Plainview's art community and the economy of Plainview.Prepared in partnership with the Rural America Arts Partnership by the Community Assistanship Program (CAP), administered by the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) at the University of Minnesota