259 research outputs found

    Salpingoporella donatae n.sp. (Dasycladales) from Upper Cretaceous Limestone of the Environs of Primosten (Dalmatia, Croatia)

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    A new species of the dasyclad genus Salpingoporella, S. donatae, is characterized by wavy primary ramifications, which makes it easily distinguishable from other species of the genus. It derives from platy algal pelletal packstones and grainstones from the Lower Coniacian to Campanian deposits of the environs of Primosten, Dalmatia. Uragiella matzi SOKAC & VELIC has already been described from the same deposits

    Linoporella vesiculifera n.sp., A New Calcareous Alga (Dasycladales) from the Upper Barremian of Mt. Biokovo (Karst Dinarides, Croatia)

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    According to all the main characteristics, the new species belongs to the genus Linoporella. At the species-specific level, Linoporella vesiculifera n.sp. is characterized by visibly widened distal ends of the secondary branches, which gives a vesiculiferous appearance to the outer surface of the thallus. The distal widenings are spherically or conically shaped and open outwards in a funnel-like form. A short review of the taxonomic validation of some Linoporella species is also given. The new species is derived from the Barremian deposits of Mt. Biokovo (central Dalmatia, Croatia)

    On Some Peri-Mediterranean Lower Cretaceous Dasyclad Species (Calcareous Algae; Dasycladales) Previously Assigned to Different Genera

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    The taxonomic position of some dasyclad species which were previously assigned to the same taxon or, alternatively, were assigned to different genera by different authors, is discussed and revised, respectively. The material described and figured as Cylindroporella lyrata MASSE & LUPERTO-SINNI is shown to be heterogeneous (also partly described as Salpingoporella robusta SOKAC) and some figured sections are shown to possess new characteristic features. These forms are therefore singled out and described as Biokoviella n.gen. with two species: B. robusta (SOKAC) n.comb. and B. gusici n.sp. Macroporella aptiensis SOKAC is shown to represent the infertile (sterile) forms of Neomeris cretacea STEINMANN and, consequently, has to be regarded as the younger objective synonym of the latter. New material, with clearly visible morphological characteristics, has enabled the ā€œresurrectionā€ of the controversial genus Korkyrella SOKAC & VELIC, 1981, and its species, K. texana (JOHNSON), which was originally invalidly described

    On the species of the genus Selliporella SARTONI & CRESCENTI, 1962 from the Middle Jurassic of the coastal Dinarides of Croatia

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    Emended diagnosis of the genus Selliporella and its type-species, S. donzellii SARTONI & CRESCENTI is proposed, based on the definitely proven existence of non-ramified branches in the older (basal) part of thallus and their ramifying in its higher (younger) parts. Based on the differences in the morphological characteristics of branches in the upper thallus parts, the type-species has been split into two varieties: S. donzellii var. donzellii SARTONI & CRESCENTI and S. donzellii var. galaeformis n. comb. Selliporella cornutuformis n. sp. is proposed, characterized by distinctly articulated (segmented) and spiky thallus, with each primary branch bearing a bundle of several trichophorous secondaries. Generic attribution of species originally described as Diplopora johnsoni PRATURLON and Triploporella neocomiensis RADOIČIĆ has been reviewed, resulting in their being unified as the same species, which, according to its newly observed morphological characters, has been ascribed to the genus Pseudoclypeina. Because Diplopora johnsoni has been validly described, Triploporella neocomiensis becomes, taxonomically, the younger synonym of Pseudoclypeina johnsoni (PRATURLON) n. comb

    Montenegrella? gracilis n. sp., a new calcareous alga (Dasycladales) from the Upper Barremian of Mt. Biokovo (Dinarides Mts., Croatia)

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    Montegrella? gracilis n.sp. (Dasycladales) is characterized by thick calcareous envelope and narrow central cavity. Bipartite branches are arranged alternately in consecutive whorls. The primaries are visibly differentiated into a thin, tendril-like stalk in the proximal part and a club-shaped or ellipsoidal inflated swelling in the distal part. The secondaries are poorly visible, of unclear shape and number, with a supposedly common starting point. On the type-locality, the alga occurs within a rich, typically Upper Barremian, algal assemblage. The validity of the genus Montenegrella, being disputed by BARATTOLO (1983), is commented upon by showing the generic attribution of the same or different species either to Suppiluliumaella or to Montenegrella by different authors

    Dissocladella bystrickyi n.sp., a New Calcareous Alga (Dasycladaceae) from Upper Triassic Dolomites of Mt. Medvednica (Northern Croatia)

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    Dissocladella bystrickyi n.sp. occurs in early diagenetic Upper Triassic dolomites, that were deposited in tidal flat and tidal channel environments in the carbonate platform interior. The new alga, assigned to the genus Dissocladella, is characterized by verticillate and distally flattened primary ramifications which give rectangular pores and each bear 5-7 club-shaped secondaries. Its stratigraphic position is probably within the Norian-Rhaetian

    On some Salpingoporella species from the Lower Cretaceous of Dinaric karst

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    In this paper a new species Salpingoporella tari n.sp. is established, found in a sample of Barremian intraclastic grainstone. It is similar to S. annulata (LORENZ) and S. grudii (RADOIČIĆ), but visibly more robust. It has few branches per whorl, and the whorls being spaced far apart. The branches are laterally compressed at their distal ends, therefore being vertically elongated. New fi nding of Salpingoporella cemi (RADOIČIĆ) gave the new data on the variability of the shape of its branches, and on the precise stratigraphic position of the investigated localities. Besides, Salpingoporella patruliusi BUCUR is illustrated, this being its first find outside Monti Apuseni (south Carpathians) and its geographic range thus encompassing also the Dinarides. Also, a large observed number of specimens of Salpingoporella muehlbergii (LORENZ) with ramifi ed thallus makes that feature both its species-specific and generic characteristic. Quite strongly varying values of various biometric parameters, depending on the position on the thallus in one and the same specimen, raises serious questions as to their reliability and usefulness as a distinguishing factor in comparing both the specimens of one and the same species and of species of the same genus

    Palaeoecology of the Late Badenian foraminifera and ostracoda from the SW Central Paratethys (Medvednica Mt., Croatia)

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    The quantitative study of microfossil communities from the Late Badenian marls at the Sveta Barbara locality (eastern Medvednica Mt.) enabled reconstruction of three different palaeoenvironments: middle shelf, outer shelf and upper bathyal. The dominant factors influencing the distribution of biota were the deepening of the depositional basin and fluctuations of the oxygenation rate. The outer shelf biota existed under conditions of decreased oxygen levels in bottom water, compared to communities from the middle shelf and upper bathyal environments
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