923 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Application of IS900 PCR Using Blood as a Source Sample for the Detection of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis in Early and Subclinical Cases of Caprine Paratuberculosis

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    Efficacy of IS900 blood PCR was evaluated for the presence of MAP infection. Serum, fecal, and blood samples of kids, young, and adult goats from farm and farmer's herds in Mathura district were also screened by ELISA, microscopy and culture. Of 111 goats (kids: 40, young: 14, adults: 57) screened, 77.5% were positive by blood PCR. Of 76 goats, 90.8% (kids: 87.5% and adults: 94.4%) were positive by PCR. From 21 kids and 14 young goats, 42.8 and 57.1% were positive. gDNA from goats was genotyped as MAP “Indian Bison type”. Of 21 fecal samples of kids examined by microscopy, 66.7% were positive. In ELISA, 9.5 and 57.1% kids were positives as “type I” and “type II” reactors, respectively. Screening 14 young goats by culture of blood clots, 28.6% were positive. Agreement was substantial between PCR and microscopy. It was fair and moderate when PCR and microscopy were compared with type I and type II reactors, respectively. Presence of MAP in non-clinical kids and young goats indicate early or subclinical infection. Blood PCR was rapid, sensitive, and specific assay for detection of MAP in any stage (early, subclinical, and clinical) and age (kids, young, and adult) of goats

    Therapeutic Effects of a New “Indigenous Vaccine” Developed Using Novel Native “Indian Bison Type” Genotype of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis for the Control of Clinical Johne's Disease in Naturally Infected Goatherds in India

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    Therapeutic efficacy of an “Indigenous vaccine” has been evaluated with respect to a commercial vaccine (Gudair, Spain), for the control of clinical Johne's disease (JD) in naturally infected goatherds. Seventy-one goats (JD positive) were randomly divided into 3 groups (“Bison”, “Gudair” and “Sham-immunized”). After vaccination, goats were monitored for physical condition, morbidity, mortality, body weights, shedding of M. paratuberculosis (MAP) in feces, internal condition and lesions, as well as humoral and cell-mediated immune responses for 210 days. Study showed marked overall improvement in physical condition of vaccinated goats and average body weight gain was significantly higher (P < .05) in “Bison” group as compared to “Sham-immunized” goats. Mortality due to JD was significantly (P < .05) lower in vaccinated groups than in “sham-immunized”. Morbidity rates (due to diarrhea and weakness) were lower in “Bison” group as compared to other groups. Died goats from vaccinated groups showed regression of gross JD lesions and regeneration of fat layer around visceral organs while “Sham-immunized” goats exhibited frank lesions. Vaccinated goats had higher protective CMI response and also higher antibody titer for the trial period as compared to “Sham immunized”. Both vaccines also reduced shedding of MAP in feces significantly (P < .05). Though the two vaccines effectively restricted the severity of clinical symptoms of JD, however “Indigenous vaccine” was superior in many respects

    Impact of Maternal Air Pollution exposure on children's lung health: An Indian perspective

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    © 2018 by the authors. Air pollution has become an emerging invisible killer in recent years and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. More than 90% of the world's children breathe toxic air every day. India is among the top ten most highly polluted countries with an average PM 10 level of 134 μg/m 3 per year. It is reported that 99% of India's population encounters air pollution levels that exceed the World Health Organization Air Quality Guideline, advising a PM 2.5 permissible level of 10 μg/m 3 . Maternal exposure to air pollution has serious health outcomes in offspring because it can affect embryonic phases of development during the gestation period. A fetus is more prone to effects from air pollution during embryonic developmental phases due to resulting oxidative stress as antioxidant mechanisms are lacking at that stage. Any injury during this vulnerable period (embryonic phase) will have a long-term impact on offspring health, both early and later in life. Epidemiological studies have revealed that maternal exposure to air pollution increases the risk of development of airway disease in the offspring due to impaired lung development in utero. In this review, we discuss cellular mechanisms involved in maternal exposure to air pollution and how it can impact airway disease development in offspring. A better understanding of these mechanisms in the context of maternal exposure to air pollution can offer a new avenue to prevent the development of airway disease in offspring

    Epithelial–mesenchymal transition is driven by transcriptional and post transcriptional modulations in copd: Implications for disease progression and new therapeutics

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    © 2019 Eapen et al. COPD is a common and highly destructive disease with huge impacts on people and health services throughout the world. It is mainly caused by cigarette smoking though environmental pollution is also significant. There are no current treatments that affect the overall course of COPD; current drugs focus on symptomatic relief and to some extent reducing exacerbation rates. There is an urgent need for in-depth studies of the fundamental pathogenic mechanisms that underpin COPD. This is vital, given the fact that nearly 40%– 60% of the small airway and alveolar damage occurs in COPD well before the first measurable changes in lung function are detected. These individuals are also at a high risk of lung cancer. Current COPD research is mostly centered around late disease and/or innate immune activation within the airway lumen, but the actual damage to the airway wall has early onset. COPD is the end result of complex mechanisms, possibly triggered through initial epithelial activation. To change the disease trajectory, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms in the epithelium that are switched on early in smokers. One such mechanism we believe is the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition. This article highlights the importance of this profound epithelial cell plasticity in COPD and also its regulation. We consider that understanding early changes in COPD will open new windows for therapy

    Zinc modulates several transcription-factor regulated pathways in mouse skeletal muscle cells

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    Zinc is an essential metal ion involved in many biological processes. Studies have shown that zinc can activate several molecules in the insulin signalling pathway and the concomitant uptake of glucose in skeletal muscle cells. However, there is limited information on other potential pathways that zinc can activate in skeletal muscle. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify other zinc-activating pathways in skeletal muscle cells to further delineate the role of this metal ion in cellular processes. Mouse C2C12 skeletal muscle cells were treated with insulin (10 nM), zinc (20 µM), and the zinc chelator TPEN (various concentrations) over 60 min. Western blots were performed for the zinc-activation of pAkt, pErk, and pCreb. A Cignal 45-Reporter Array that targets 45 signalling pathways was utilised to test the ability of zinc to activate pathways that have not yet been described. Zinc and insulin activated pAkt over 60 min as expected. Moreover, the treatment of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells with TPEN reduced the ability of zinc to activate pAkt and pErk. Zinc also activated several associated novel transcription factor pathways including Nrf1/Nrf2, ATF6, CREB, EGR1, STAT1, AP-1, PPAR, and TCF/LEF, and pCREB protein over 120 min of zinc treatment. These studies have shown that zinc’s activity extends beyond that of insulin signalling and plays a role in modulating novel transcription factor activated pathways. Further studies to determine the exact role of zinc in the activation of transcription factor pathways will provide novel insights into this metal ion actions

    Sero-Surveillance of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis Infection in Domestic Livestock in North India Using Indigenous Absorbed ELISA Test

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    oai:ojs2.e-journal.sospublication.co.in:article/3A total of 829 serum samples belonging to domestic livestock (Cattle, buffaloes, goat and sheep) and driven from different parts of North India between 2005 to 2008, were screened to estimate the seroprevalence of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) infection using 'indigenous absorbed ELISA kit'. Seroprevalence of MAP in the domestic livestock was 23.1%. Prevalence was higher in large ruminants (24.1%) as compared to small ruminants (22.5%). Highest seropositivity was in cattle (26.9%), followed by goats (23.9%), buffaloes (20.2%), and sheep (19.0%). In cattle region-wise, 25.8, 29.1 and 30.7% animals were positive from Mathura (UP), Rohtak (Haryana), and Bareilly (UP) regions, respectively. In buffaloes, the highest prevalence was found at Bareilly (26.6%) followed by Rohtak (20.0%) and Bhaghpat (18.4%) regions. In goats, 19.6, 37.5, 40.0 and 21.9% animals were positive from Mathura (farm herd), Etawah, Agra and Ajmer (farmers herd) regions, respectively. In sheep, prevalence of MAP was 25.5 and 16.3% in Mathura and Mannavanur regions, respectively. In sheep, prevalence was higher in Northern region as compared to the Southern region of the country. The present study showed that the prevalence of MAP in domestic livestock was moderately higher; therefore there is an urgent need to control the disease at National level in order to improve per animal productivity in the country

    Implementing lean management/Six Sigma in hospitals: beyond empowerment or work intensification?

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    This article analyses a process improvement project based on Lean Six Sigma (LSS) techniques in the emergency department (ED) of a large Australian hospital. We consider perspectives of the clinical and managerial staff involved in the project implementation, its implications for empowerment and work intensification. We find that the project appeared to improve patient flow from the ED to the wards and to have positive implications for some staff. However, these achievements tended to be the result of senior staff using the project to leverage resources and create desirable outcomes, rather than the result of the use of LSS, in particular. We found some evidence of work intensification, but this was attributable to wider systemic issues and budget constraints, rather than being a direct consequence of the use of LSS. We argue that translating LSS from a manufacturing context into the politicised and professionalised context of healthcare changes the usual questions about empowerment or work intensification to questions about the influences of powerful stakeholders

    A multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial of cardiac resynchronization therapy guided by invasive dP/dt

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    Background: No periprocedural metric has demonstrated improved cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) outcomes in a multicenter setting. Objective: We sought to determine if left ventricular (LV) lead placement targeted to the coronary sinus (CS) branch generating the best acute hemodynamic response (AHR) results in improved outcomes at 6 months. Methods: In this multicenter randomized controlled trial, patients were randomized to guided CRT or conventional CRT. Patients in the guided arm had LV dP/dtmax measured during biventricular (BIV) pacing. Target CS branches were identified and the final LV lead position was the branch with the best AHR and acceptable threshold values. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with a reduction in LV end-systolic volume (LVESV) of ≥15% at 6 months. Results: A total of 281 patients were recruited across 12 centers. Mean age was 70.8 ± 10.9 years and 54% had ischemic etiology. Seventy-three percent of patients in the guided arm demonstrated a reduction in LVESV of ≥15% at 6 months vs 60% in the conventional arm (P = .02). Patients with AHR ≥ 10% were more likely to demonstrate a reduction of ESV ≥ 15% (84% of patients with an AHR ≥10% vs 28% with an AHR <10%; P < 0.001). Procedure duration and fluoroscopy times were longer in the pressure wire-guided arm (104 ± 39 minutes vs 142 ± 39 minutes; P < .001 and 20 ±16 minutes vs 28 ± 15 minutes; P = .002). Conclusions: AHR determined by invasively measuring LV dP/dtmax during BIV pacing predicts reverse remodeling 6 months after CRT. Patients in whom LV dP/dtmax was used to guide LV lead placement demonstrated better rates of reverse remodeling

    Coupling of ventricular action potential duration and local strain patterns during reverse remodeling in responders and non-responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    BACKGROUND: The high risk of ventricular arrhythmias in heart failure patients remains despite the benefit of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). An electromechanical interaction between regional myocardial strain patterns and the electrophysiological substrate is thought to be important. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the in-vivo relation between left ventricular (LV) activation recovery interval (ARI), as a surrogate measure of activation potential duration (APD), and local myocardial strain patterns in responders and non-responders to CRT. METHODS: ARI were recorded from the left ventricular epicardium in 20 CRT patients 6 weeks and 6 months post implant. Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography was performed at the same time to assess myocardial strains. Patients with ≥15% reduction in end-systolic volume at 6-months were classified as responders. RESULTS: ARI reduced in responders, 263±46ms vs. 246±47ms, p145ms and QRS shortening with biventricular pacing was associated with ARI shortening during CRT. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in ventricular wall mechanics predict local APD lengthening or shortening during CRT. Non-responders have a worsening of myocardial strain and local APD. Baseline QRS >145ms and QRS shortening on biventricular pacing identified patients who exhibited improvement in APD