4 research outputs found

    Ketentuan Hukum Perlindungan Hak Anak Jalanan Bidang Pendidikan

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    National Education System, explains that education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to have state power, self-control, personality of intelligence, noble character, as well as skills needed him, society, nation and country. Legal provisions for the protection of the rights of street children are legal provisions both at the level of laws, provincial and district / municipal regulations governing the protection, survival value, development, maintenance, welfare, education, physical health, moral social and mental spiritual. Legal provisions on the education of children should have a harmonious regulation both at the level of regulations issued by the government, provincial and municipal governments and districts that contain provisions both in terms of responsibility, to the involvement of the community in managing education based on the basic ideals of the Republic Indonesi

    Government Responsibility for Health Right Service in field of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Hospital

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    The quality of the hospital is very much determined by two main factors, namely the service by hospital staff and the building and infrastructure of the hospital itself. In contrast to numerous studies and case reports on the physical complications of genital mutilation, little scientific research is available on the sexual and psychological effects of the practice. The impact that can be caused when both of these factors are not met with good is the poor hospital services, both in normal circumstances and during a disaster. Likewise, if there is an incident of malpractice in a hospital of the same type, then the law enforcement officers will easily to examine by simply checking the service standards set by the government by looking the type of hospital. It recommended that the government should be responsible establish the National Service Standards in each hospital of the same type in which it should have the same standard operating procedures in its care. In this context, the Provincial Government of South Sulawesi established a legal institution that houses hospitals or patients so that not only patients have the right to complain about their disappointment with hospital services, but hospitals can complain about patients violating the rules set by the government so that the principle of justice is achieved. Keywords: Obstetrics and Gynecology; Responsibility; Health Right; Local Governmen