10 research outputs found

    Примена lc–ms/ms технике са јонском покретљивошћу за хемијску анализу екстраката прополиса са антимикробним потенцијалом.

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    The objective of this study was to test four-dimensional LC-ESI-MS/MS chromatography in analysis of complex mixture such as ethanol extracts of different propolis samples. In total more than 1200 picks were identified and only for 185 literature conformation was found. The given data represent the result of tentative identification, and summarized results are given in the text. Comparing the samples, from different altitudes, 96 components were detected as characteristic in high altitude samples and 18 in samples collected at low altitudes. Antimicrobial activity of ethanol extracts of propolis (EEP) and pro­pyl­ene glycol extracts of propolis (PGEP) were carried out on S. aureus, B. cereus, M. flavus, L. monocytogenes, P. aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, E. coli and E. cloacae bacterial strains and compared with broad-spectrum antibiotics, streptomycin and ampicillin. Anti-quorum sensing activity was performed on P. aeruginosa by testing the effect of representative propolis extracts on bio­film formation, twitching and motility activity and production of pyocyanin. We demonstrated that the majority of explored propolis extracts have greater or equal minimal inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concen­tra­tion values compared to antibiotics, independently of the solvent used for the extraction. The samples collected from the highest altitude emerged as least active antimicrobial agents but with the greatest potential as anti-quorum sen­sing agents.Циљ овог истраживања је билo тестирање четвородимензионалне LC–ESI-MS/MS хроматографије у анализи комплексних смеша, као што су етанолни екстракти различитих узорака прополиса. Укупно је идентификовано више од 1200 пикова, а самo за 185 смо нашли литературну потврду. Приказани подаци представљају тентативну идентификацију и сумирани резултат је дат у тексту. Поређењем узорака са различитих надморских висина, за 96 једињења је утврђено да се налазе само у узорцима са високе надморске висине и 18 само у узорцима прикупљеним на нижим надморским висинама. Антибактеријске активности етанолних и пропиленгликолних екстрактата прополиса (EEP и PGEP, редом) тестиране су на S. aureus, B. cereus, M. flavus, L. monocytogenes, P. aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, E. coli и E. cloacae бактеријским линијама и поређене са анти- биотицима широког спектра деловања, стрептомицином и ампицилином. Anti-quorum sensing активност је тестирана на P. aeruginosa испитивањем ефекта репрезентативних екстраката прополиса на формирање биофилма, тестовима покретљивости руба коло- није (twitching и mobility) и производње пиоцианина. Показали смо да највећи број, коришћених екстраката прополиса, има истe и/или мање MIC и MBC вредности, у поре- ђењу са атибиотицима, независно од растварача коришћеног за екстракцију. Узорци прикупљени на високим надморским висинама су се показали као најмање активни антибактерициди али имају велики anti-quorum sensing потенцијал.Part of the theme issue honoring Professor Emeritus Slobodan Milosavljevićs 80th birthday

    Critical Review of Selected Analytical Platforms for GC-MS Metabolomics Profiling—Case Study: HS-SPME/GC-MS Analysis of Blackberry’s Aroma

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    Data processing and data extraction are the first, and most often crucial, steps in metabolomics and multivariate data analysis in general. There are several software solutions for these purposes in GC-MS metabolomics. It becomes unclear which platform offers what kind of data and how that information influences the analysis’s conclusions. In this study, selected analytical platforms for GC-MS metabolomics profiling, SpectConnect and XCMS as well as MestReNova software, were used to process the results of the HS-SPME/GC-MS aroma analyses of several blackberry varieties. In addition, a detailed analysis of the identification of the individual components of the blackberry aroma club varieties was performed. In total, 72 components were detected in the XCMS platform, 119 in SpectConnect, and 87 and 167 in MestReNova, with automatic integral and manual correction, respectively, as well as 219 aroma components after manual analysis of GC-MS chromatograms. The obtained datasets were fed, for multivariate data analysis, to SIMCA software, and underwent the creation of PCA, OPLS, and OPLS-DA models. The results of the validation tests and VIP-pred. scores were analyzed in detail

    DNK protektivna aktivnost triterpena izolovanih iz medicinske gljive Fomitopsis betulina

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    Eleven 31-methylenlanostane triterpenoids, i.e., seven 21- and four 26-oic acids, as well as a lupane triterpenoid betulin, isolated from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom Fomitopsis betulina, were tested for in vitro protective effect on chromosome aberrations in peripheral human lymphocytes using cytochalasin-B blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay. Most of the tested compounds showed a beneficial effect by reducing DNA damage of human lymphocytes more effectively than amifostine, a radioprotective agent, used as a positive control. All the tested compounds decreased MN frequency in the concentration dependent manner, with the concentration of 2.0 µg mL-1 being the most effective – with increase of the concentration the activity slightly decreases. The structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies indicated that the lanostanes containing a conjugated 7,9 (11)-diene system exhibit lower activity than Δ8-analogues. It was also demonstrated that the DNA protective activities within the Δ8-lanostane-26-oic acid group are affected by the substitution in position 3 pattern. In the Δ8 series the oxygenation at C-12 or 16 as well as 21- or 26-oic acid functionality proved beneficial for in vitro protective effect on chromosomal aberrations. Betulin exhibited the lowest protective activity, but it is still comparable to that of amifostine.Једанаест 31-метиленланостанских тритерпеноида, то јест седам 21- и четири 26- ланостанских киселина, као и лупански тритерпеноид бетулин изолованих из плодонос- них тела гљиве Fomitopsis betulina тестирани су in vitro на заштитни ефекат на аберације хромозома у периферним хуманим лимфоцитима. Примењен је тест мерења учес- талости микронуклеуса индукованих применом инхибитора цитокинезе, цитохалазина Б. Испитивања су показала да већина тестираних једињења показује значајан протек- тивни ефекат на ДНК хуманих лимфоцита, већи него комерцијални радиопротективни агенс аминофостин. У опсегу концентрација 1, 2 и 4 μg mL-1 сва испитивана једињења су смањивала учесталост микронуклеуса (MN), при чему је најефиканија била концентра- ција од 2,0 μg mL-1. Са повећањем концентрације (4 μg mL-1) активност се благо смањује. Студије односа структуре и активности (SAR) показале су да ланостани који садрже кон- југовани 7,9-(11)-диенски систем имају нижу активност од _8-аналога. Такође је пока- зано да на заштитне активности ДНК унутар групе _8-ланостан-26-киселина утиче суп- ституција у положају 3. У _8-серији присуство кисеоничних функција на C-12 или C-16, као и C-21 или C-26 карбоксилних група повећава in vitro протективни ефекат на на ДНК хуманих лимфоцита. Међу испитиваним једињењима тритерпен бетулин (лупанска серија) је показао најмањи протективни ефекат сличан са протективним ефектом ами- фостина

    Antioxidative, antifungal, cytotoxic and antineurodegenerative activity of selected Trametes species from Serbia

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    In a last few decades mushrooms are increasingly attracting attention as functional food and sources of biologically active compounds. Several Trametes species have been used for centuries in traditional medicine of East Asia cultures, but only T. versicolorwas studied sufficiently while there are less substantial data about medicinal properties of other species. Trametes versicolor, T. hirsuta and T. gibbosa were the species tested for biological activities. Antifungal potentials of extracts were assessed for clinical strains of selected Candida and Aspergillus species. ABTS and FRAP assays were used to evaluate antioxidant capacities of studied extracts. Cytotoxic activity was determined against human cervix and lung adenocarcinoma and colon carcinoma cell lines. Antineurodegenerative activity was assessed by determining the rate of acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase activity. The presence of metabolites in extracts of mycelia and basidiocarps of studied Trametes species was analyzed by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Studied extracts showed low antifungal potential in comparison with ketoconazole. Basidiocarp extracts were more effective ABTS(+) scavengers and Fe2+ reducers than mycelium ones but less effective in comparison with L-ascorbic acid. Results showed that mycelium extracts had stronger cytotoxic effects against three cancer cell lines than basidiocarp ones, and that cervix adenocarcinoma cells were the most sensitive to the extracts and commercial cytostatics. T. versicolor mycelium extract was the most effective inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase activity but double weaker than galantamine, and T. gibbosa mycelium extract was significantly better inhibitor of tyrosinase activity than kojic acid for 40.9%. Chemical analysis indicated strong synergistic action of triterpenes, sugars and polyphenols in applied assays. The results suggest that tested Trametes species have significant medicinal potentials which could be attributed to antioxidative and cytotoxic activity. Additionally both, basidiocarps and mycelia extracts can strongly inhibit activity of acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase

    Neuroprotective Potential and Chemical Profile of Alternatively Cultivated Ganoderma lucidum Basidiocarps

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    Various neurodegenerative diseases are the main challenges to the modern medicine and there is a great need for novel, natural, neuroprotective agents. Ganoderma lucidum is a well-known medicinal mushroom, which health benefits have been confirmed by numerous studies. As demand for its basidiocarps is increased and traditional cultivation on hardwoods is not environmentally friendly and economically justified, finding of alternative substrates is necessary. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of alternative cultivation substrates on the chemical profile of G.lucidum basidiocarps and their capacity to inhibit acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase, which higher activity is directly associated with neurodegenerative processes. Extracts of basidiocarps cultivated on alternative substrates, especially on clear wheat straw, showed significantly higher inhibition capacities than extracts of commercially-grown ones. These extracts were considerably different chemically from commercial basidiocarps extracts and even nine new compounds were isolated from them. Our results suggest that cultivation substrate greatly affect the chemical profile and neuroprotective capacity of obtained basidiocarps and wheat straw is a promising cultivation substrate

    Cytotoxic triterpenoids and triterpene sugar esters from the medicinal mushroom Fomitopsis betulina

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    Thirteen undescribed 24-methylene lanostane triterpenoids, named polyporenic acids E-M and fomitosides L-O, as well as seventeen known analogues, were isolated from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom Fomitopsis betulina. Their structures were determined using 1D, 2D NMR, IR, and HRESIMS. Fomitoside L and fomitoside N exhibited cytotoxicity against HL60 leukemia cells (IC50 = 15.8 and 23.7 μM, respectively). Among the known compounds, notable cytotoxicities against HL60 leukemia cells and selectivity with respect to MRC-5 healthy cells were noticed for dehydropachymic acid (IC50 = 10.9 μM, SI 8.6), pachymic acid (IC50 = 11.0 μM, SI 9.8), 3-epi-dehydrotumulosic acid (IC50 = 19.9 μM, SI 5.8) and 12α-hydroxy-3α-(3′-hydroxy-4′-methoxycarbonyl-3′-methylbutyryloxy)-24-methyllanosta-8,24 (31)-dien-26-oic acid (IC50 = 19.2 μM, SI 2.2)

    Lignin based microspheres for effective dyes removal: Design, synthesis and adsorption mechanism supported with theoretical study

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    Multifunctional lignin bio-based adsorbent, b-LMS, was obtained via inverse copolymerization in the suspension of acryloyl modified kraft lignin (KfL-AA) and bio-based trimethylolpropane triacrylate (bio-TMPTA). Morphological and structural characterization of KfL-AA and b-LMS was performed using BET, FTIR, Raman, NMR, TGA, SEM, and XPS techniques. The b-LMS microspheres with 253 ± 42 μm diameters, 69.4 m2 g−1 surface area, and 59% porosity efficiently adsorb Malachite Green (MG), Tartrazine (T), and Methyl Red (MR) dye. The influence of pH, pollutant concentration, temperature, and time on the removal efficiency was studied in a batch mode. Favorable and spontaneous processes with high adsorption capacities e.g. 116.8 mg g−1 for MG, 86.8 mg g−1 for T, and 68.6 mg g−1 for MR indicate the significant adsorptive potential of b-LMS. Results from diffusional and single mass transfer resistance studies indicate that pore diffusion is a rate-limiting step. Theoretical calculations confirmed a higher affinity of b-LMS to cationic dye MG compared with an anionic and neutral one, i.e. T and MR, respectively. The data fitting from a flow system, using semi-empirical equations and Pore Surface Diffusion Modelling (PSDM) provided breakthrough point determination. The results from the desorption and competitive adsorption study proved the exceptional performance of b-LMS. Moreover, sulfation of b-LMS, i.e.production of b-LMS-OSO3H, introduced high-affinity sulfate groups with respect to cationic dye and cations. Developed methodology implements the principle of sustainable development and offers concept whose results contribute to the minimization of environmental pollution

    Lignin based microspheres for effective dyes removal: Design, synthesis and adsorption mechanism supported with theoretical study

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    Multifunctional lignin bio-based adsorbent, b-LMS, was obtained via inverse copolymerization in the suspension of acryloyl modified kraft lignin (KfL-AA) and bio-based trimethylolpropane triacrylate (bio-TMPTA). Morphological and structural characterization of KfL-AA and b-LMS was performed using BET, FTIR, Raman, NMR, TGA, SEM, and XPS techniques. The b-LMS microspheres with 253 ± 42 μm diameters, 69.4 m2 g−1 surface area, and 59% porosity efficiently adsorb Malachite Green (MG), Tartrazine (T), and Methyl Red (MR) dye. The influence of pH, pollutant concentration, temperature, and time on the removal efficiency was studied in a batch mode. Favorable and spontaneous processes with high adsorption capacities e.g. 116.8 mg g−1 for MG, 86.8 mg g−1 for T, and 68.6 mg g−1 for MR indicate the significant adsorptive potential of b-LMS. Results from diffusional and single mass transfer resistance studies indicate that pore diffusion is a rate-limiting step. Theoretical calculations confirmed a higher affinity of b-LMS to cationic dye MG compared with an anionic and neutral one, i.e. T and MR, respectively. The data fitting from a flow system, using semi-empirical equations and Pore Surface Diffusion Modelling (PSDM) provided breakthrough point determination. The results from the desorption and competitive adsorption study proved the exceptional performance of b-LMS. Moreover, sulfation of b-LMS, i.e.production of b-LMS-OSO3H, introduced high-affinity sulfate groups with respect to cationic dye and cations. Developed methodology implements the principle of sustainable development and offers concept whose results contribute to the minimization of environmental pollution