51 research outputs found

    Compte-rendu de la 5Úme réunion du comité de coordination et de l'atelier "jachÚre et systÚmes agraires"

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    When making new software systems, security testing should always be included in the process. In this thesis, attacks were identified and performed against a system consisting of two servers and an Android application. A penetration test was also performed against parts of the system. If an attack was successful, this was considered a vulnerability. The attacks that were identified and performed were a NoSQL injection attack a man-in-the-middle attack and reverse engineering. Through the man-in-the-middle attack and reverse engineering, breaching security properties such as confidentiality and integrity was possible. The NoSQL injection attack was not successful in breaching neither. No results from these could be used to exploit the system further. Countermeasures were taken to secure against the discovered vulnerabilities, and new instances of the attacks were performed after this as well. The overall conclusion is that the system is now secure against our implementations of the attacks performed in this thesis

    Pop-up Stores: The Attraction of Ephemeral Experiences - A phenomenological study on consumers' experiences in pop-up stores

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute with a new understanding of pop-up stores through a phenomenological perspective by examining how consumers experience pop-up stores. The study also aims to look at a micro and macro perspective to better understand how this phenomenon links to and is shaped by macro level trends of the contemporary consumer culture. Given the purpose and aim of the report, a qualitative method design with a multi-site study has been chosen. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with a phenomenological design have been conducted with consumers visiting pop-up stores in New York City, in combination with participant observations. A finding of the study showed that the exclusiveness of pop-up stores could be instigated by its ephemeral nature, which attracts consumers of today in their search for new and exclusive experiences. It also emphasizes the importance for brands to provide consumers with a physical retail context for trust and relationship building, especially online retailers. Thus, making the artificial online brand online more real and authentic. This is aligned with another conclusion of the study that short-term solutions, like pop-up stores, could result in long-term relationships for brands and consumers

    Serum concentrations of Thymidine kinase 1 measured using a novel antibody-based assay in patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma

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    Background: Thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) is an intracellular protein associated with DNA synthesis, expressed during the G1 phase and remained elevated through the M phase, with a potential as a biomarker for cell proliferation. In this study, we explore the possible use of TK1 in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL).Methods: Serum concentrations of TK1 (S-TK1) were measured in 46 newly diagnosed HL patients using prospectively collected biobanked serum samples. The samples were analyzed using a novel antibody-based TK1 immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results: The concentrations of S-TK1 were elevated in HL patients compared with healthy controls (median 0.32 mu g/L vs. 0.24 mu g/L, P = 0.003). A further increase in S-TK1 was observed during the treatment. The S-TK1 concentrations were higher in patients with advanced stage disease, low B-Hb, elevated P-LD and in those with B-symptoms. A high ESR correlated with low S-TK1.Conclusions: The study results suggest that S-TK1, measured using a novel antibody-based assay, has the potential to be a biomarker in HL. However, while S-TK1 levels are elevated at baseline compared with healthy controls, a limited number of patients and comparatively short follow-up time render reliable -conclusions difficult

    Evolution of interstellar dust and stardust in the solar neighbourhood

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    The abundance evolution of interstellar dust species originating from stellar sources and from condensation in molecular clouds in the local interstellar medium of the Milky Way is studied and the input of dust material to the Solar System is determined. A one-zone chemical evolution model of the Milky Way for the elemental composition of the disk combined with an evolution model for its interstellar dust component similar to that of Dwek (1998) is developed. The dust model considers dust-mass return from AGB stars as calculated from synthetic AGB models combined with models for dust condensation in stellar outflows. Supernova dust formation is included in a simple parameterized form which is gauged by observed abundances of presolar dust grains with supernova origin. For dust growth in the ISM a simple method is developed for coupling this with disk and dust evolution models. The time evolution of the abundance of the following dust species is followed in the model: silicate, carbon, silicon carbide, and iron dust from AGB stars and from SNe as well as silicate, carbon, and iron dust grown in molecular clouds. It is shown that the interstellar dust population is dominated by dust accreted in molecular clouds; most of the dust material entering the Solar System at its formation does not show isotopic abundance anomalies of the refractory elements, i.e., inconspicuous isotopic abundances do not point to a Solar System origin of dust grains. The observed abundance ratios of presolar dust grains formed in SN ejecta and in AGB star outflows requires that for the ejecta from SNe the fraction of refractory elements condensed into dust is 0.15 for carbon dust and is quite small (∌10−4\sim10^{-4}) for other dust species.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figure

    Den ohejdade platsen : En studie av gemenskaper pÄ SlakthusomrÄdet i Stockholm

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    Today’s society with its neoliberal position has strongly affected the planning ideal. The primary objectiveoften constitutes of economic growth which means an urban planning with focus on marketstrategies. As an effect, the public sector has a close collaboration with private actors, a cooperationthat leads to less transparency in the city planning and more regulations on public places. Beside theeconomic interest, the city has a vision of a just society, two aspects that rarely goes hand in hand.The city becomes more segregated, and this is seen not only geographically but also socio-economically.Through Elinor Ostrom, the notions of commons have been rediscovered. The term consists an alternativeview on how to manage and distribute resources. An approach that is considered more socialand ecological sustainable where the words sharing and together form the basis. The purpose of thisthesis is to study how commons can emerge in an urban context and work as an initial state in urbanplanning.For commons to arise, there has to be places which people can occupy and transform. Results frominterviews done in this thesis indicate an absence of such places. It is often difficult for the generalpublic to understand what kind of place they are at, and in extension be aware their rights. Peoplehave a will to be active and get involved in the creation of places, but are afraid to “do wrong” anddisturb the public order. Furthermore the results show that public spaces no longer embrace all kindof people and that there are few places where the different individuals of the society meet each other.In the work, seven different types of commons are presented, stretching from one that is public andnon-regulated to a more private one. These commons can, among many other things, consist ofcultivation plots, local energy systems, peer-to-peer alternatives and workshops. With the local planas a tool, commons are shown how to constitute a framework and being realized through zoning.However, some of the zoning regulations proposed would bring conflicts with the prevailing constitutions.One of these are the proposed common The unpredicted place, an unregulated place thatwould evolve according to its users. If this zoning regulation would be implemented in the planningprocess it would constitute a conflict with the Swedish Planning and building act and the Publicorder act.The area SlakthusomrĂ„det in Stockholm face major changes in the near future with the developmentin its initial state. The defined commons and the proposed zoning regulations are applied as a zoningmap for the development of SlakthusomrĂ„det. A proposal that prioritize an alternative way to distributethe city’s resources where the locals are not only seen as mere consumers but co-producers. Aproposal with the aim of creating a more just area where everyone is included.The conclusion of the thesis is that commons seem to possess a numerous of social and ecologicalbenefits. They can offer the locals an alternative to the current societal structure where the market isbeing prioritized. Commons have the ability to form a different way of distributing a city’s resourcesand places where the locals are involved in the creation and management of them both. Throughcommons a more social and ecological city would be able to arise, a city created together with itsinhabitants.Validerat; 20150908 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Patienters upplevelser av bemötande pÄ akutmottagning : En litteraturöversikt

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with acute illness experience their given care in the emergency department. Method: A literature review of ten studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. These studies had been published between the years of 2000 and 2011. Results: The analysis showed a lack of sufficient care concerning patients’ subjective experiences. The researchers found three themes that specifically stood out when studies that had already been made were researched. These themes played an important role in care in the emergency department and insufficient attention to these from the staff could lead to a negative impact on patients’ experiences. The themes were: patients’ participation, patients’ need of communication and information and waiting period. The result showed that a lack in these presented themes could cause feelings of distress, frustration and irritation among patients. Because of this they often used different kinds of strategies to get more involved in their own caring process. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study was that there is a lack of resources within the emergency department where lack of personnel is the most forthcoming reason to patients’ negative experiences. There was however ways for the nurses to improve patients’ experiences within the emergency department by using Travelbee’s philosophy. This was to better interact and understand the patients’ lived experiences as a whole. Every patient is unique and by using proper communication, nurses can understand the patients’ whole life situation and by that, improve the quality of care

    ADHD-utredningar : En kvalitativ studie med fokus pÄ utredningars sÀkerstÀllande av diagnosen

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    MITTUNIVERSITETET Institutionen för Socialt Arbete   ÄMNE: Socialt arbete, C-kurs   HANDLEDARE: Catarina Lundström   ABSTRAKT: År 2010 berĂ€knades 5 % av svenska skolungdomar ha diagnosen ADHD. Den höga frekvensen av diagnosen och debatten som förts kring den visar pĂ„ behovet av att granska diagnosen grundligare. Avsikten med denna studie Ă€r att problematisera utredningsprocessen och diskutera diagnostiserandet av ADHD. Vi vill Ă€ven belysa socionomens roll vid en utredning av diagnosen. I denna uppsats diskuteras ADHD-utredningar utifrĂ„n olika synsĂ€tt pĂ„ diagnosen. Undersökningen bygger pĂ„ intervjuer med fyra socionomer som Ă€r inblandade i ADHD-utredningar. De intervjuade socionomerna ser till skolmiljöns pĂ„verkan pĂ„ barns utveckling och uppmĂ€rksammar Ă€ven problemet med det ökade antalet ADHD-diagnoser. Studien visar att socionomer inte har en given plats i utredningsprocessen. Hur de olika klinikerna ser pĂ„ diagnosen kan avgöra om en socionoms kunskap ska tillgodoses vid ett utredande. Resultatet av vĂ„r undersökning kopplas till det teoretiska begreppet normalisering i syftet att kunna problematisera och diskutera processen; frĂ„n ett avvikande beteende till en diagnos och behandling.     NYCKELORD: Socialt arbete, ADHD, Utredningar, Kurator, Normalisering   TITEL: ADHD-utredningar. En kvalitativ studie med fokus pĂ„ utredningars sĂ€kerstĂ€llande av diagnosen   FÖRFATTARE: Louise Holmgren, Sofia Idström   DATUM: 4 januari 201

    VÄrdnadshavares uppfattning av hÀlsosamtalet för barn i förskoleklass : En enkÀtstudie

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    Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vÄrdnadshavares uppfattning av hÀlsosamtalet med skolsköterskan för deras barn i förskoleklass, samt att undersöka om det fanns nÄgon skillnad i uppfattning utifrÄn vÄrdnadshavares födelseland. Metod: Kvantitativ deskriptiv studiedesign med enkÀt som skickades till vÄrdnadshavare för 236 barn. Deltagandet efter tvÄ pÄminnelser var 64,8 % (n=153). Resultat: HÀlsosamtalet som helhet uppfattades som mycket bra av 56,2 % (n=86) och bra av 37,9 % (n=58), det fanns skillnader i uppfattning utifrÄn vÄrdnadshavarnas födelseland (p=011). Tiden som var avsatt för samtalet upplevdes av 6,5 % (n=10) som otillrÀcklig och informationen som gavs inför samtalet upplevdes av 6,5 % (n=10) som bristfÀllig och av 3,3 % (n=5) som mycket bristfÀllig. Uppfattningen var att informationen under samtalet gavs sÄ att den helt kunnat förstÄs, 90,2 % (n=138). Det förekom skillnader i förstÄelse av information utifrÄn vÄrdnadshavarnas födelseland (p=0,006). Skolsköterskans bemötande upplevdes som mycket bra eller bra av 67,3 % (n=103) respektive 28,1 % (n=43). Uppfattningen var att barnen i mindre utstrÀckning Àn vÄrdnadshavarna fick tillfÀlle att stÀlla frÄgor, dÀr 24,2 % (n=37) respektive 4,6 % (n=7) upplevde att barnet delvis eller inte alls fÄtt tillfÀlle att stÀlla egna frÄgor. FörbÀttringsmöjligheter av hÀlsosamtalet uttrycktes i form av tydligare information inför samtalet samt mer fokus pÄ skolsituationen och arbetsmiljön. Slutsats: VÄrdnadshavarnas uppfattning av hÀlsosamtalet var övervÀgande positivt, men förbÀttringar kan göras vad gÀller information och förberedelser inför samtalet. VÄrdnadshavarna uttryckte önskemÄl om att hÀlsosamtalet bör fokusera mer pÄ skolsituation och arbetsmiljö. Det Àr Àven viktigt att barnet fÄr en central plats i samtalet
