13 research outputs found

    KHAN: Knowledge-Aware Hierarchical Attention Networks for Accurate Political Stance Prediction

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    The political stance prediction for news articles has been widely studied to mitigate the echo chamber effect -- people fall into their thoughts and reinforce their pre-existing beliefs. The previous works for the political stance problem focus on (1) identifying political factors that could reflect the political stance of a news article and (2) capturing those factors effectively. Despite their empirical successes, they are not sufficiently justified in terms of how effective their identified factors are in the political stance prediction. Motivated by this, in this work, we conduct a user study to investigate important factors in political stance prediction, and observe that the context and tone of a news article (implicit) and external knowledge for real-world entities appearing in the article (explicit) are important in determining its political stance. Based on this observation, we propose a novel knowledge-aware approach to political stance prediction (KHAN), employing (1) hierarchical attention networks (HAN) to learn the relationships among words and sentences in three different levels and (2) knowledge encoding (KE) to incorporate external knowledge for real-world entities into the process of political stance prediction. Also, to take into account the subtle and important difference between opposite political stances, we build two independent political knowledge graphs (KG) (i.e., KG-lib and KG-con) by ourselves and learn to fuse the different political knowledge. Through extensive evaluations on three real-world datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of DASH in terms of (1) accuracy, (2) efficiency, and (3) effectiveness.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 10 tables, the Web Conference 2023 (WWW

    The AFB1 auxin receptor controls the cytoplasmic auxin response pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    The phytohormone auxin triggers root growth inhibition within seconds via a non-transcriptional pathway. Among members of the TIR1/AFB auxin receptor family, AFB1 has a primary role in this rapid response. However, the unique features that confer this specific function have not been identified. Here we show that the N-terminal region of AFB1, including the F-box domain and residues that contribute to auxin binding, is essential and sufficient for its specific role in the rapid response. Substitution of the N-terminal region of AFB1 with that of TIR1 disrupts its distinct cytoplasm-enriched localization and activity in rapid root growth inhibition by auxin. Importantly, the N-terminal region of AFB1 is indispensable for auxin-triggered calcium influx, which is a prerequisite for rapid root growth inhibition. Furthermore, AFB1 negatively regulates lateral root formation and transcription of auxin-induced genes, suggesting that it plays an inhibitory role in canonical auxin signaling. These results suggest that AFB1 may buffer the transcriptional auxin response, whereas it regulates rapid changes in cell growth that contribute to root gravitropism

    Integration of multiple signaling pathways shapes the auxin response

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    The phytohormone auxin is a pivotal signaling molecule that functions throughout the plant lifecycle. Proper regulation of the auxin response is critical for optimizing plant growth under ever-changing environmental conditions. Recent studies have demonstrated that the signaling components that modulate auxin sensitivity and responses are functionally and mechanically diverse. In addition to auxin itself, various environmental and hormonal signals are integrated to modulate the auxin response through directly controlling auxin signaling components. This review explores the non-canonical mechanisms that modulate auxin signaling components, including transcriptional, translational, and post-translational regulation. All of these contribute to the wide range in sensitivity and complexity in auxin responses to various signaling cues.112sciescopu

    BIL1-mediated MP phosphorylation integrates PXY and cytokinin signalling in secondary growth

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    Vascular cambium proliferation in plants is crucial for the generation of vascular tissues and for mechanical strength. Phytohormones and mobile peptides are key regulators of vascular cambial activity during secondary growth; however, the signalling cross-talk underlying their coordinated action is largely unknown. Here, we reveal that BIN2-LIKE 1 (BIL1), a glycogen synthase kinase 3, integrates the PHLOEM INTERCALATED WITH XYLEM/tracheary element differentiation inhibitory factor (TDIF) RECEPTOR (PXY/TDR) module into MONOPTEROS/AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 5 (MP/ARF5) transcription factor action during secondary growth. BIL1-mediated phosphorylation of MP/ARF5 enhances its negative effect on vascular cambial activity, which upregulates the negative regulators of cytokinin signalling ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR 7 (ARR7) and ARRI5. PXY/TDR inhibits BIL1 activity, which attenuates the effect of MP/ARF5 on ARR7 and ARR15 expression, thus increasing vascular cambial activity. Together, these results suggest that BIL1 is a key mediator that links peptide signalling with auxin-cytokinin signalling for the maintenance of cambial activity.11Nsciescopu

    Programmable directional color dynamics using plasmonics

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    Abstract Adaptive multicolor filters have emerged as key components for ensuring color accuracy and resolution in outdoor visual devices. However, the current state of this technology is still in its infancy and largely reliant on liquid crystal devices that require high voltage and bulky structural designs. Here, we present a multicolor nanofilter consisting of multilayered ‘active’ plasmonic nanocomposites, wherein metallic nanoparticles are embedded within a conductive polymer nanofilm. These nanocomposites are fabricated with a total thickness below 100 nm using a ‘lithography-free’ method at the wafer level, and they inherently exhibit three prominent optical modes, accompanying scattering phenomena that produce distinct dichroic reflection and transmission colors. Here, a pivotal achievement is that all these colors are electrically manipulated with an applied external voltage of less than 1 V with 3.5 s of switching speed, encompassing the entire visible spectrum. Furthermore, this electrically programmable multicolor function enables the effective and dynamic modulation of the color temperature of white light across the warm-to-cool spectrum (3250 K–6250 K). This transformative capability is exceptionally valuable for enhancing the performance of outdoor optical devices that are independent of factors such as the sun’s elevation and prevailing weather conditions

    Differences between memory encoding and retrieval failure in mild cognitive impairment: results from quantitative electroencephalography and magnetic resonance volumetry

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    Background The memory impairments in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can be classified into encoding (EF) and retrieval (RF) failure, which can be affected by underlying pathomechanism. We explored the differences structurally and functionally. Methods We compared quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) power spectra and connectivity between 87 MCI patients with EF and 78 MCI with RF using iSyncBrain® (iMediSync Inc., Republic of Korea) ( https://isyncbrain.com/ ). Voxel-based morphometric analysis of the gray matter (GM) in the MCI groups and 71 cognitive normal controls was also done using the Computational Anatomy Toolbox 12 ( http://www.neuro.uni-jena.de/cat/ ). Results qEEG showed higher frontal theta and lower beta2 band power, and higher theta connectivity in the EF. There was no statistically significant difference in GM volume between the EF and RF. However, when compared to normal control, GM volume reductions due to EF in the left thalamus and bilateral hippocampi and reductions due to RF in the left thalamus, right superior frontal lobe, right superior temporal lobe, and right middle cingulum were observed (p < 0.05, family-wise error correction). Conclusions MCI differs functionally and structurally according to their specific memory impairments. The EF findings are structurally and functionally more consistent with the prodromal Alzheimers disease stage than the RF findings. Since this study is a cross-sectional study, prospective follow-up studies are needed to investigate whether different types of memory impairments can predict the underlying pathology of amnestic MCI. Additionally, insufficient sample size may lead to ambiguous statistical findings in direct comparisons, and a larger patient cohort could more robustly identify differences in GM volume reductions between the EF and the RF group.This work was supported by an Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2017-0-01098: Development of technology for the prediction and diagnosis of cognitive impairment and dementia based on quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) analyzed with machine learning)

    DDM1-mediated gene body DNA methylation is associated with inducible activation of defense-related genes in Arabidopsis

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    Abstract Background Plants memorize previous pathogen attacks and are “primed” to produce a faster and stronger defense response, which is critical for defense against pathogens. In plants, cytosines in transposons and gene bodies are reported to be frequently methylated. Demethylation of transposons can affect disease resistance by regulating the transcription of nearby genes during defense response, but the role of gene body methylation (GBM) in defense responses remains unclear. Results Here, we find that loss of the chromatin remodeler decrease in DNA methylation 1 (ddm1) synergistically enhances resistance to a biotrophic pathogen under mild chemical priming. DDM1 mediates gene body methylation at a subset of stress-responsive genes with distinct chromatin properties from conventional gene body methylated genes. Decreased gene body methylation in loss of ddm1 mutant is associated with hyperactivation of these gene body methylated genes. Knockout of glyoxysomal protein kinase 1 (gpk1), a hypomethylated gene in ddm1 loss-of-function mutant, impairs priming of defense response to pathogen infection in Arabidopsis. We also find that DDM1-mediated gene body methylation is prone to epigenetic variation among natural Arabidopsis populations, and GPK1 expression is hyperactivated in natural variants with demethylated GPK1. Conclusions Based on our collective results, we propose that DDM1-mediated GBM provides a possible regulatory axis for plants to modulate the inducibility of the immune response

    Anterograde signaling controls plastid transcription via sigma factors separately from nuclear photosynthesis genes

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    Light initiates chloroplast biogenesis in Arabidopsis by eliminating PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING transcription FACTORs (PIFs), which in turn de-represses nuclear photosynthesis genes, and synchronously, generates a nucleus-to-plastid (anterograde) signal that activates the plastid-encoded bacterial-type RNA polymerase (PEP) to transcribe plastid photosynthesis genes. However, the identity of the anterograde signal remains frustratingly elusive. The main challenge has been the difficulty to distinguish regulators from the plethora of necessary components for plastid transcription and other essential chloroplast functions, such as photosynthesis. Here, we show that the genome-wide induction of nuclear photosynthesis genes is insufficient to activate the PEP. PEP inhibition is imposed redundantly by multiple PIFs and requires PIF3's activator activity. Among the nuclear-encoded components of the PEP holoenzyme, we identify four light-inducible, PIF-repressed sigma factors as anterograde signals. Together, our results elucidate that light-dependent inhibition of PIFs activates plastid photosynthesis genes via sigma factors as anterograde signals in parallel with the induction of nuclear photosynthesis genes. Photoreceptors in the nucleus control plastid transcription by utilizing sigma factors as nucleus-to-plastid signals in parallel with the light regulation of nuclear photosynthesis genes

    Nucleo-cytoplasmic Partitioning of ARF Proteins Controls Auxin Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The phytohormone auxin plays crucial roles in nearly every aspect of plant growth and development. The auxin response factor (ARF) transcription factor family regulates auxin-responsive gene expression and exhibits nuclear localization in regions of high auxin responsiveness. Here we show that the ARF7 and ARF19 proteins accumulate in micron-sized assemblies within the cytoplasm of tissues with attenuated auxin responsiveness. We found that the intrinsically disordered middle region and the folded PB1 interaction domain of ARFs drive protein assembly formation. Mutation of a single lysine within the PB1 domain abrogates cytoplasmic assemblies, promotes ARF nuclear localization, and results in an altered transcriptome and morphological defects. Our data suggest a model in which ARF nucleo-cyto-plasmic partitioning regulates auxin responsiveness, providing a mechanism for cellular competence for auxin signaling.11Nsciescopu