3 research outputs found

    Colorectal Cancer Metastasis of and the Risk Factors

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    Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most prevalent cancer in the world and is positioned the second most common cancer in the United States. Patients with CRC in Indonesia showed a greater proportion. In Jakarta, 47.85% of CRC cases occur under the age of 45 years. The purpose of this study is to determine metastasis and the factors that influence colorectal cancer patients. Method: This study was conducted retrospectively from January 2003-December 2007 in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Patients are eligible if they underwent colonoscopy, tumor biopsy, anatomical pathology, abdominal CT scan, abdominal ultrasonography, and radiology procedures. Result: Of all 1,615 patients who underwent colonoscopy procedure, 377 patients were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Subject that met the criteria consist of 86 patients, where 56 (65.1%) male. Most aged 51-60 years old (26.7%), mean age 47.90 ± 14.53 years old. The tumor is most commonly located in the rectum and sigmoid 40 (46.5%), in which 18 (45%) among them had metastasized. Compared with male patients, female patients experienced more metastases, but not statistically significant. Among the patients with metastasized CRC, 42.3% of them < 40 years old, 37.2% patients 41-60 years old, and 29.4% patients > 60 years old. Well-differentiated CRC produce larger number of metastatic cases than poorly-differentiated CRC. Poorly-differentiated CRC tend to produce adjacent metastasis, and also happened in relatively young age in compared with well-differentiated cancer. Conclusion: There was significant correlation between younger age group with a poor degree of histopathologic differentiation. Patients with CRC consist of more male patients than female ones. Factors sex, age group, histopathologic subtypes, and tumor location was not associated with metastasis

    Liver Function Test in Chronic Hemodialyzed Patients with Anti Hepatitis C Virus Antibody

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    Uji fungsi hepar pada penderita hemodialisis kronik dengan antibodi terhadap virus hepatitis C Untuk mengetahui fungsi hepar pada penderita gagal ginjal terminal dengan antibodi terhadap virus hepatitis C (anti HCV) positif yang menjalani hemodialisis, suatu penelitian potohOlintang telah dilakukan di Unit Hemodialisis. Rurnah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr: Sardjito, Yogyakarta. Selama penelitian ditemukan 58 penderita (42 laki-laki. 16 perempuan) dengan 32 (55%).anti HCV positif. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok dengan anti HCV positif dan kelompok dengan anti HCV negatif dalam kadar aspartate amino transferase (AST) (46,22 ± 20,85 UI/1 vs 40,15 ± 20,37 U1/1, p > 0,05), kadar alanine amino transferase (ALT) (45,44 ± 26,26 IU/1 vs 37,04 ± 23,03 U1/1, p > 0,05), kadar alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (156, 31 ± 141,141U/1 vs 144,57 ± 82,15.1y/l, p > 0,05),. dan jumlah hemodialisis (8 sampai dengan 733 kali). Kadar AST yang rneningkat di afas 1,5 kali nilai normal cenderung ditemukan lebih besar tapi secara statistik tidak signifikan pada kelompok dengan anti HCV positif dibanding dengan kelompok dengan anti HCV negatif (56.0% vs 30,7%, p > 0,05) yang mungkin akibat jumlah sampel yang kecil. Frekuensi transfusi ditemukan lebih tinggi secara bermakna pada kelompok dengan anti HCV positif dibanding kelompok dengan anti HCV negatif (3,53 ± 3,47 vs 2,23 ± 1,47 kali, p < 0,05). Key Words : hepatitis C virus-anti HCV antibodies -end stage renal disease-blood transfusion- hemodialysi