1,007 research outputs found

    Kondisi Geologi dan Geomorfologi Kaitannya dengan Degradasi Lingkungan di Kota Semarang

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    Situation of Geography of Town Semarang in corridor of development of Central Java represent the nodes four gateway, that is north corridor where position of geography of Town Semarang as provincial capital of Central Java located in north coast of jawa, south corridor of up at dynamic town like Regency Magelang, Surakarta recognized with corridor Merapi - Merbabu, east corridor up at Regency Demak / Grobogan and west to the Regency Kendal. Town Semarang is one among metropolis in Indonesia and become the provincial capital Central Java. Wide of prefecture 373,7 km², consisted by 16 sub district and 117 chief of village, having strategic geographical position as governance center. Geology condition in Town Semarang lapped over by formation stratigrafi: Alluvium (Qa), Rock of Fire of Gajah Mungkur ( Qhg), Volcano Rock Multiply The Gesik (Qpk), Bullion Formation (Qpj), Resin Formation (Qtd), Frangible Times; Rill Formation (Qpkg), Formation Kalibening (Tmkl), Formation Kerek ( Tmk )           Geology Structure of Semarang city generally in the form of fault, anticline, and breaking. Consisted by the existing Fault type of normal fault, fault shift and fault go up. While for the type of existing anticline cover the Structure of Anticline Bergota, Anticline Candi, and Anticline Karanganyargunung. and for the structure of breaking which is there inTown Semarang that is Breaking of Tinjomoyo I, II And Breaking Jomblang-Jangli Pursuant to process of geomorphology and material of compiler of divisible geomorphology Town Semarang for four set of geomorphology that is set of geomorphology of floods plain, river / fan the aluvial, coastal plain / delta and set of geomorphology of fold mountain. Process the geomorphology that happened [in] Town Semarang [is] decay process, erosion, slide, deposisi material, flooding, precipitation and abrasi. Effect of process the sedimentation that happened at coastal plain aluvial between year 1840 until year 1991 there is coastline growth of equal to 303 meterSeveral things of related to environmental degradasi in Town Semarang for example ground water potency, diffusion reduction irrigate the, ground water intake, changing of ground water condition, landsubsidence, ground, critical farm erosion, erosivitas rain ( R), erodibilitas land;ground ( K), farm erosion

    CHARACTERISTIC OF EXPANSIVE CLAY SOIL (Case research at Bugel Village, Godong Subdistrict, Purwodadi Regency, Central Java Province)

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    Almost all civil constructions were built on the ground. However, not all soil types can be used for construction due to the load supporting capacity of the soil and the soil deformation that occurs for each different soil type. One type of soil that has many problems on its supporting capacity is expansive clay soil. It is a type of soil that has a mineral content that easily absorbs water in wet conditions and also release water easily in dry conditions so that is soil can swell and shrink in a relatively short time. The purpose of this research is to know expansive soil characteristic in Bugel Village, Godong District, Purwodadi Regency, Central Java Province covering physical and mechanical properties. Based on laboratory tests, the soil in Bugel Village has Waverage = 60.90%. From result of atterberg limit test obtained result LL = 90,75%; PL = 24.138%; SL = 23.759%; And PI = 66.612%. According to Raman with a PI of 66.612% already shows the soil is expansive ground. For Gravity Specific the results is 2,782, indicating the soil contains Montmorillonite minerals that have high passivity properties. The AASTHO classification of soil is incorporated into groups A-7-6 whereas for USCS classification is incorporated into CH zones and for English classification is entered into the zone between CV and CE. Of the three classifications can be drawn the clay soil area has a high plasticity value. For standard compaction test result, the characteristic value for maximum γunsat = 1,389 gr / cm2, γsat maximum = 1.78 gr / cm2, Woptimum = 31,46%, and n = 58,92%. And for soil swelling test can be seen the percentage of swelling is very high that is about 274%. Keywords: Soil Charactreristic, Expansive Clay Soil, Montmorillonite, Bugel Village

    Analisis Dinding Penahan Tanah Rumah Pompa Air

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    Ketika musim penghujan tiba, bencana banjir selalu menghantui Kota Semarang. Apalagi posisi Kota Semarang yang berada di pesisir pantai, fenomena air pasang atau yang sering disebut rob memperparah bencana banjir yang menerjang Kota Semarang. Bencana ini menyebabkan mata rantai perekonomian di Jawa Tengah khususnya Kota Semarang lumpuh. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan cara untuk penanganan bencana banjir ini. Salah satu cara penanganannya adalah membuat rumah pompa. Rumah pompa direncanakan menggunakan CCSP sebagai dinding penahan tanah. Dinding penahan ini akan dianalisis tingkat keamanannya dengan menggunakan program Plaxis 2D. Berdasarkan hasil penyelidikan tanah, kondisi tanah di sekitar rumah pompa merupakan tanah lempung sehingga kedalaman pemancangan CCSP cukup dalam yaitu 15 meter di bawah permukaan tanah. Setelah dianalisis menggunakan Plaxis, angka keamanan CCSP tipe W 500 setelah digali 2 meter adalah 2,41 dengan deformasi maksimal 180,92 x 10-3 meter sedangkan angka aman setelah diberi minipile dan beban 3,98 dengan deformasi 233 x 10-3 meter

    Dealing With Issues in Construction in the Coastal Area of Soft Clay: Solution, Strategy & Implementation

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    In this condition, cities with coastal area have soft clay soil. The main problem is that the soft clay soil has bee n suffering from great settlement due to consolidation that makes the buildings around become instable, it causes the landfill is done on the soft soil. Suppose the consolidation happens naturally as it is, it will run in a relatively longer time, years or even decades. In order to be stable, it needs longer time, as consequence, the soil is not able to be used for building to which it will give damage in term of time and finance. It is why engineering is needed to fasten the consolidation process in order to make the soft clays soil able to be used efficiently. One of particular methods to fasten the consolidation process is building vertical drain. There are many ways and materials that can be used to set up vertical drain, among which are making small holes through drilling then filling it up with porous materials such as sand and gravel stone or coir. Nowadays, new method has already been available to fasten the consolidation process by geosynthetic. It is Prevabicated Vertical Drain made of polymer material. The use of geosynthetic for vertical drain can fasten the consolidation process significantly. The speed process of consolidation depends on the types of soil and model of the vertical drain as well as the distance among holes. Vertical drain can only accelerate the settlement due to consolidation, but it does not minimize it. By applying the drain model, time for the soil settlement can possibly be arranged that makes the soil of reclamation more ready for use. Keywords: consolidation, vertical drain, goesyntheti

    Description Of Coping On Tuberculosis Patient In Community Health Center (Puskesmas) In Jember

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    Introduction: Coping is a direct effort in stress management. This coping is an important point in the main prevention of stress. The purpose of this research is describe coping of Tuberculosis patients at Puskesmas Jember. Method: the sample in this research is selected 100 respondents from 250 population by simple random sampling. Results: the age range are 21-26 (16%), 27-32 (9%), 33-38 (15%), 39-44 (12%), 45-50 (15%), 51-56 (7 %), 57-60 (26%), gender women (45%), men (55%), education of respondents are no education (3%), elementary school (28%), middle school (35%), high school (29%), university (5%). Coping of Tuberculosis patients In Puskesmas Jember that obtained the result are low coping mechanism (31%), moderate (69%). Conclusion: Coping in patients Tuberculosis is one effort in the success of treatment from the psychological aspect

    The Impact of Alluvial Land Subsidence Towards Extension of Inundation and Infrastructure Damage At Settlements Around Harbor Area of Tanjung Mas – Semarang

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    Semarang is the capital of Central Java province of Indonesia, has an area of 373.4 km 2 with population of 1.571.341 million. Southern parts of this city are hilly, denudational and volcanic areas, whereas alluvial areas are located in the northern part of this place. In the alluvial areas, the land around keeps undergoing subsidence and this becomes a serious issue especially to the area growing naturally in the estuary area of Semarang River. While high tide is happening, sea water comes to thesettlements through some rivers and floods, as a result, settlement infrastructures are damaged and this potentially causes deseases. This research used survey method, evaluation towards the extention of inundation in the settlement over 941.14 Hectare, the resut would be a change on the extension of inundation in the settlement. Data analysis was conducted by using Geographic Information System (GIS). To know the impact of inundation to the settlement towards infrastructure damage, statistic with cross tabulation was used while deseases suffering by people around and health level due to the inundation, the analysis used the software of Statistical Product Service Solution (SPSS) version 16. Result of the research showed the year of 1996 (167,25 Hectare), year of 2010 (138,09 Hectare) andyear of 2015 (70,25 Hectare) from SPSS analysis in 2010. The result due to the inundation was happened settlement in the estuary in the amount of 20.10%. Between year of 2010 and 2015, was happened at the settlement to the inundation, caused by river normalization of Asin’s river and start functioning the pond’s retention Semarang river, settlement infrastructures are damaged and thispotentially causes deseases

    Feasibility Study Development Of Randugunting Dam By Taking Larap Factor (Land Aquisition and Resettlement Action Plan)

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    Water is an essential ingredient for food availability, health and survival. Dams is one form of building in an effort to conserve water resources. The Randugunting Dam Development Plan in Blora Regency enters into 65 priority Dam in NAWACITA. Then to determine a project is feasible to be implemented or not, feasibility studies should be undertaken so that the business or project that is run not be in vain in the future. Any proposed public or private program or activity that is beneficial to the public interest and will result in an impact on 200 or more persons and requires compensation, it should be supplemented with a Land Acquisition and Resttlement Action Plan (LARAP) the policy covers: 1) Land acquisition and / resettlement should be avoided or minimized as far as possible; 2) If procurement of land is inevitable, the compensation provided and the transfer of the PAP should be accompanied by coaching efforts; 3) WTD receives appropriate compensation based on calculated replacement cost of affected assets; 4) In determining the amount of compensation value should be based on consultation and discussion with WTD. The cost components of the Randugunting Dam Development include pre-construction costs (land planning and acquisition / LARAP), construction costs and maintenance operation costs. Benefit components are viewed from the parties concerned with the project, especially for people in need including agriculture, fisheries, raw water, flood control, electricity and tourism. Development cost of Randugunting Dam with investment of Rp. 861.714.687.361 for 50 years. In view of the calculation results, NPV can be concluded of 139.866.838.506> 0 then the NPV is acceptable. The rate of return with the interest rate of 11.63% then the value of IRR of 11.63%> of DF = 10.49% so that investment is feasible. With the age of 50 years reservoir with the value of BCR of 1.16> 1 then the dam construction is feasible. BEP (Break Even Point) of the analysis produces BEP in the 30.4 year. Keywords: Feasibility Study, LARAP, Dam

    Feasibility Study And Investment Analysis Of Mix Use Sentraland Semarang

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    The construction of high-rise buildings is being done in urban areas, especially vertical buildings due to the low availability of land. The longer development of the building leads to more complex functions resulting from the fulfillment of needs for the surrounding community so that the development of the building that can accommodate all the needs of the community is the mix use building. Building with this combined function certainly has a more complex influence both in terms of economic and environmental. Required detailed economic calculations in order to obtain maximum results from the building, especially for investors who have invested for the construction of the building, for that needed a feasibility study and investment analysis. So before the project is carried out can be taken whether the project is feasible to do or not according to the results obtained calculations. The results of this study show that the feasibility study and investment analysis of mix use building that has been done can give a clear picture about the profit or loss of the project implementation for the owner who will invest or the building manager later. Keyword: Feasibility study, Investment analysis, Mix use building, Economic engineerin


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    Semarang city is geographically consisting two units of morphology, namely: in the southern part is a denudasional structural hills consisting of Tembalang, Tanah Putih, Tegalsari, Siranda, until Gajah Mungkur. While the alluvial plain lies in the northern part. Land subsidence in some parts of Semarang city becomes a serious problem, because the area is generally a settlement area. As a result of land subsidence, settlement areabecomes lower, because the settlement location partly close to the beach, during a tide it overflows into the mainland through rivers and drainage canals and then it pooled to the settlement. The purpose and goal of this study is to assess and predict the large and length of land subsidence on alluvial plain due to the load and the mechanical properties of the soil as well as to assess and predict the changes of the inundation width in the alluvial as a result of land subsidence. This research use experimental method. To test the analysis of alluvial sediment subsidence, it is obtained by the calculation based on samples and primary data in the laboratory. The calculation is done in two ways, the first way is calculating the physical model with 1D Terzaghi, while the second way is predicting the subsidence using PLAXIS software and the result is the prediction of the large and length of subsidence with load variations and different soil mechanical conditions. Furthermore, comparing the calculation result using a physical model with the calculation result using PLAXIS software to get the final result of how is the large and length of land subsidence and the tendency of the subsidence. Whereas to calculate the width of the inundation, it is planned the changes of the inundation width using GIS software (Geographic Information System). The result of this study which applies 1D Terzaghi approach, obtained the smallest subsidence is 64,2 cm for 17,781 years and the largest subsidence is 107.600 cm for 29,635 years. While the approach which applies PLAXIS software obtained the smallest subsidence is 65.8 cm for 17,781 years and the largest subsidence is 110,000 cm for 29,635 years. The subsidence tendency more northern is larger and the time is longer. Land subsidence in the alluvial plain continues to rise, therefore the inundation in the settlement that located close to the river and the beach continues to grow wider, between 2016 and 2045 there is additionalinundation of 493,63 Ha. Keywords: Alluvial, Subsidence, Inundation, GIS, PLAXI


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    Sintesis karotenoid alami belum pernah melebihi produk sintetik pada skala komersial. Kurangnya pemahaman mengenai aspek mikrobiologis dan ekofisiologis isolat penghasil karotenoid seringkali menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan penamaan spesies. Sam isolat lokal alga hijau dan Perairan Jepara yang digunakan sebagai pakan alami sumber karotenoid hewan-hewan perikanan, pada mulanya dianggap sebagai Dunaliella. Penamaan Dunaliella hanya dilakukan berdasarkan pengamatan mikrobiologis dan ekofisiologis yang kurang lengkap. Tujuan utama penelitian mi adalah menentukan spesies sam isolat lokal alga hijau secara molekuler menggunakan 16S rDNA untuk mendeteksi jalur biosintesis karotenoid yang digunakan. Urutan basa 16SrRNA yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Multiple Alignment Analysis dan analisis filogenetik melalui program ClustalX ClustaiW, GeneDoc, Phylip dan NjPlot. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa Isolat alga hijau menunjukkan similaritas yang tinggi dengan anggota-anggota Sianobakteria. Keserupaan tertinggi dimiliki dengan Cyanobacterium sp. MBIC 1021 sebesar 99 %, diikuti Synechoystis PCC6308 sebesar 95 %. Hasil analisis similaritas dan filogenetik memperlihatkan peluang bahwa Isolat alga hijau mengikuti jalur baru non-mevalonat dalam biosintesis karotenoidnya. Abstract Carotenoids production levels are not yet competitive with carotenoid levels presently produced by fermentation, synthesis and isolation. An attempt to optimize carotenoid production from local isolate of green algae from BBAP Jepara has faced several problems, primarily related to the microbiological and eco-physiological characteristic which affecting growth that have not sufficiently been understood. A misnamed of species also have arisen due to wrong characterization. One local isolate of Dunaliella species from BBAP Jepara was found potentially useful as source of carotenoids in food additives or as food supplement in fish farming. The present study aimed to characterize the species of green algae isolate from Jepara waters based on molecular techniques using 16S rRNA approach to detect its carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. Similarities analysis and phylogenetic relationship of 16S rRNA sequence was analyzing with Multiple Alignment Analysis by ClustalX ClustalW, GeneDoc, Phylip and NjPlot Programs. Molecular analysis showed close relationship among isolate of green algae and Cyanobacteria with 99 % similarity with Cyanobacterium sp. MBIC 1021 and 95 % similarity with Synechocysti.s PCC3O8. The result of this analysis indicated possibilities that a green algae isolate following the new non-mevalonate pathway for its catotenoid biosynthetics. Keywords A green algae isolate, Dunaliella, 16S rRNA, Cyanobacteri
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