15 research outputs found

    Characterization of lipid composition and diffusivity in OLA generated vesicles.

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    Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs) are a versatile tool in many branches of science, including biophysics and synthetic biology. Octanol-Assisted Liposome Assembly (OLA), a recently developed microfluidic technique enables the production and testing of GUVs within a single device under highly controlled experimental conditions. It is therefore gaining significant interest as a platform for use in drug discovery, the production of artificial cells and more generally for controlled studies of the properties of lipid membranes. In this work, we expand the capabilities of the OLA technique by forming GUVs of tunable binary lipid mixtures of DOPC, DOPG and DOPE. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching we investigated the lateral diffusion coefficients of lipids in OLA liposomes and found the expected values in the range of 1 μm2/s for the lipid systems tested. We studied the OLA derived GUVs under a range of conditions and compared the results with electroformed vesicles. Overall, we found the lateral diffusion coefficients of lipids in vesicles obtained with OLA to be quantitatively similar to those in vesicles obtained via traditional electroformation. Our results provide a quantitative biophysical validation of the quality of OLA derived GUVs, which will facilitate the wider use of this versatile platform.Friedrich Naumann Foundation; Jane Bourque-Driscoll Fund; Cambridge Philosophical Society; Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Wellcome Trust; ER

    Da fotografia como arte à arte como fotografia: a experiência do Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP na década de 1970

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    Este ensaio visa sistematizar os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa, ainda em curso, sobre o processo de legitimação da fotografia pelo sistema de arte no Brasil, cujo foco principal é o museu. Os museus de arte da cidade de São Paulo foram escolhidos para dar início a essa investigação. Primeiramente, será abordada, em linhas gerais, a presença da fotografia no Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo e na Bienal de São Paulo, dada a vinculação de origem do Museu de Arte Contemporânea com essas duas instituições paulistanas. Na seqüência será analisada a formação do acervo fotográfico do Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo durante a década de 1970. Por fim, esse percurso permitirá observar que a atuação de Walter Zanini, o primeiro diretor do Museu, e as particularidades da posição do MAC-USP no sistema de arte no Brasil naquele período resultaram no entendimento da fotografia prioritariamente no âmbito da arte contemporânea de caráter experimental e não como obra de arte autônoma, segundo os princípios da chamada fotografia artística.This article presents the first findings of a research still under development about the process of legitimation of photography as a kind of art by the artistic scene in Brazil. The art museums of the city of São Paulo were chosen for starting that research. Initially, we will be investigating the presence of photography at the Contemporary Art Museum of São Paulo and at the Biennial of São Paulo, as the origin of the Contemporary Art Museum is tided to those two institutions. Following, the arrangement of the photographic technical reserve of the Contemporary Art Museum in the 1970s will be analyzed. This study will be focusing on the work of Walter Zanini, as the first director of the museum, and on the particularities of MAC-USP position in the art system in Brazil which resulted in the understanding of photography as belonging to the sphere of contemporary art in an experimental way and not as an autonomous work of art, according to the principals of the so called artistic photography

    Clathrin-Inspired Coating and Stabilization of Liposomes by DNA Self-Assembly

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    The self-assembly of the protein clathrin on biological membranes facilitates essential processes of endocytosis in biological systems and has provided a source of inspiration for materials design by the highly ordered structural appearance. By mimicking the architecture of clathrin self-assemblies to coat liposomes with biomaterials, new classes of hybrid carriers can be derived. Here we present a method for fabricating DNA-coated liposomes by hydrophobically anchoring and subsequently growing a DNA network on the liposome surface which structurally mimics clathrin assemblies. Dynamic light scattering (DLS), ζ-potential and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) measurements independently demonstrate successful DNA coating. Nanomechanical measurements conducted with atomic force microscopy (AFM) show that the DNA coating enhances the mechanical stability of the liposomes relative to uncoated ones. Furthermore, we provide the possibility to reverse the coating process by triggering the disassembly of the DNA coating through a toehold-mediated displacement reaction. Our results describe a straightforward, versatile, and reversible approach for coating and stabilizing lipid vesicles by an interlaced DNA network. This method has potential for further development towards the ordered arrangement of tailored functionalities on the surfaces of liposomes and for applications as hybrid nanocarrier