842 research outputs found

    Biogás e suas contribuições para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável.

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    No presente trabalho foi feita uma revisão da literatura, abordando desde a produção de biogás, incluindo tipos de biodigestores, matérias-primas e bioprodutos, até as formas de utilização do biogás e biometano. Apresentados esses tópicos, foi feita a correlação das possíveis contribuições da cadeia do biogás com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentáveis (ODS). Por ser um dos temas trabalhados na Embrapa Agroenergia, foram elencados os projetos recém-finalizados e projetos em execução na temática, fazendo a ligação quanto à colaboração para o alcance dos ODS e suas respectivas metas.ODS

    Wounds research for patient benefit: a 5-year programme of research

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    Background Complex wounds are those that heal by secondary intention and include lower-limb ulcers, pressure ulcers and some surgical wounds. The care of people with complex wounds is costly, with care mainly being delivered by community nurses. There is a lack of current, high-quality data regarding the numbers and types of people affected, care received and outcomes achieved. Objectives To (1) assess how high-quality data about complex wounds can be captured effectively for use in both service planning and research while ensuring integration with current clinical data collection systems and minimal impact on staff time; (2) investigate whether or not a clinical register of people with complex wounds could give valid estimates of treatment effects, thus reducing dependence on large-scale randomised controlled trials (RCTs); (3) identify the most important research questions and outcomes for people with complex wounds from the perspectives of patients, carers and health-care professionals; (4) evaluate the potential contributions to decision-making of individual patient data meta-analysis and mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis; and (5) complete and update systematic reviews in topic areas of high priority. Methods To meet objectives 1 and 2 we conducted a prevalence survey and developed and piloted a longitudinal disease register. A consultative, deliberative method and in-depth interviews were undertaken to address objective 3. To address objectives 4 and 5 we conducted systematic reviews including mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis. Results From the prevalence survey we estimated the point prevalence of all complex wounds to be 1.47 per 1000 people (95% confidence interval 1.38 to 1.56 per 1000 people). Pressure ulcers and venous leg ulcers were the most common type of complex wound. A total of 195 people with a complex wound were recruited to a complex wounds register pilot. We established the feasibility of correctly identifying, extracting and transferring routine NHS data into the register; however, participant recruitment, data collection and tracking individual wounds in people with multiple wounds were challenging. Most patients and health professionals regarded healing of the wound as the primary treatment goal. Patients were greatly troubled by the social consequences of having a complex wound. Complex wounds are frequently a consequence of, and are themselves, a long-term condition but treatment is usually focused on healing the wound. Consultative, deliberative research agenda setting on pressure ulcer prevention and treatment with patients, carers and clinicians yielded 960 treatment uncertainties and a top 12 list of research priorities. Of 167 RCTs of complex wound treatments in a systematic review of study quality, 41% did not specify a primary outcome and the overall quality of the conduct and reporting of the research was poor. Mixed-treatment comparison meta-analysis in areas of high priority identified that matrix hydrocolloid dressings had the highest probability (70%) of being the most effective dressing for diabetic foot ulcers, whereas a hyaluronan fleece dressing had the highest probability (35%) of being the most effective dressing for venous ulcers; however, the quality of this evidence was low and uncertainty is high. Conclusions Complex wounds are common and costly with a poor evidence base for many frequent clinical decisions. There is little routine clinical data collection in community nursing. A prospective complex wounds register has the potential to both assist clinical decision-making and provide important research evidence but would be challenging to implement without investment in information technology in NHS community services. Future work should focus on developing insights into typical wound healing trajectories, identifying factors that are prognostic for healing and assessing the cost-effectiveness of selected wound treatments. Funding The National Institute for Health Research Programme Grants for Applied Research programme

    Energy production processes.

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    In this chapter, several processes developed by Embrapa for the conversion of biomass, cultivated or from waste, into energy will be presented, as well as photovoltaic and wind energy applications implemented by Embrapa, considered as contributions to reach target 7.1 of SDG 7: By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.bitstream/item/222540/1/Embrapa-Clima-Temperado.pdfODS

    Impacto econômico-ambiental da produção de biogás para consumo próprio em estabelecimentos agropecuários de pequeno e médio porte.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto econômico e ambiental da adoção de biodigestor de pequena escala em uma propriedade familiar e em um cenário de adoção amplo, com foco em estabelecimentos agropecuários de pequeno e médio porte, foram utilizados dados primários da produção de biogás coletados em propriedade familiar localizada em Luziânia, GO, e um cenário de adoção composto por 50% dos estabelecimentos com efetivo entre dez e 100 cabeças de bovinos. A ferramenta RenovaCalc foi utilizada para calcular emissões de CO2eq evitadas. Os resultados mostram o elevado potencial de impacto econômico (geração de renda anual equivalente a R$ 1,45 bilhão pela substituição de gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP) pelo biogás) e ambiental (emissão evitada de 595,2 mil t de CO2eq por ano) no cenário de adoção proposto. Conclui‑se que a adoção de biodigestores de menor escala pode ser uma solução tecnológica importante para ampliar a redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) e gerar renda e maior autonomia energética no meio rural

    Produção de biogás com dejeto de bovino leiteiro em uma propriedade de pequeno porte.

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de um biodigestor, localizado em uma propriedade produtora de leite de pequeno porte, e estimar o custo evitado com a substituição do gás de cozinha pelo biogás. Foram feitas análises físico‑químicas com amostras coletadas no ponto de entrada (dejeto) e saída (digestato) do biodigestor e foi determinado o teor de metano de dióxido de carbono do biogás. Como principais resultados, obteve‑se, aproximadamente, 20% de remoção de matéria orgânica (SVbs) no ponto de saída e teor de metano no biogás próximo de 60%. Ao estimar a substituição do gás de cozinha pelo biogás consumido, o produtor economizou um botijão de gás por mês e obteve receita de R$ 120,00/mês. Logo, a instalação de biodigestores em pequenas propriedades traz benefícios econômicos e ambientais ao produtor por transformar um passivo ambiental em ativo econômico.Na publicação: Sílvia Gonçalves Belém

    Zoneamento agroecológico do Município de Jaraguari - MS.

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    A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir para a indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em um ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de álgebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. Os resultados desse trabalho foram consolidados por município e deram origem a este boletim de pesquisa. O município de Jaraguari, MS apresenta um elevado grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde quase 85% das terras são utilizadas com pastagens e com agricultura e apenas 15% apresentam certo grau de preservação. No município foram identificadas 82 km2 de terras indicadas para recuperação ambiental. As zonas recomendadas para o uso com lavouras somam menos de 2.036 km2 ou o equivalente a 70% das terras do município, enquanto que as recomendadas para o uso com pastagens e pastagens especiais somam 750 km2, o equivalente a mais de 25% da área total do município.bitstream/item/69830/1/BPD-183-Zon-Jaraguari-1.pd

    Pilot feasibility randomized clinical trial of negative-pressure wound therapy versus usual care in patients with surgical wounds healing by secondary intention

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    Background Surgical wounds healing by secondary intention (SWHSI) are increasingly being treated with negative‐pressure wound therapy (NPWT) despite a lack of high‐quality research evidence regarding its clinical and cost‐effectiveness. This pilot feasibility RCT aimed to assess the methods for and feasibility of conducting a future definitive RCT of NPWT for the treatment of SWHSI. Methods Eligible consenting adult patients receiving care at the study sites (2 acute and 1 community) and with a SWHSI appropriate for NPWT or wound dressing treatment were randomized 1 : 1 centrally to receive NPWT or usual care (no NPWT). Participants were followed up every 1–2 weeks for 3 months. Feasibility (recruitment rate, time to intervention delivery) and clinical (time to wound healing) outcomes were assessed. Results A total of 248 participants were screened for eligibility; 40 (16·1 per cent) were randomized, 19 to NPWT and 21 to usual care. Twenty‐four of the 40 wounds were located on the foot. Participants received NPWT for a median of 18 (range 0–72) days. Two participants in the NPWT group never received the intervention and 14 received NPWT within 48 h of randomization. Five participants in the usual care group received NPWT during the study. Ten of the 40 wounds were deemed to have healed during the study. Conclusion A full‐scale RCT to investigate the clinical and cost‐effectiveness of NPWT for SWHSI is feasible. This study identified crucial information on recruitment rates and data collection methods to consider during the design of a definitive RCT. Registration number: ISRCTN12761776 (www.iscrtn.com