4,288 research outputs found
Economy Law and Economic Analysis of Law and the Impact on Intellectual Property in the Common Law System
This article analyses the concept of economics applied to law in order to understand the school's analysis of legal phenomena by economic principles that emerged in 1960 in the United States of America, tracing the impacts on intellectual property law in the Common Law system. This study relies on the hypothetical-deductive method, with a focus on economic and legal literature, to conclude that intellectual property legislation is frequently modernized, especially at the time of major socio economic transformations such as an industrial revolution with the effect of boosting development and innovation, ensuring economic growth with the proper security and protection of industrial secrets and expertise
Modelling and forecasting short-term electricity load: a two step methodology
The goal of this paper is to develop a forecasting model of the hourly electricity load demand in the area covered by an utility company located in the southeast of Brazil. A di®erent model is constructed for each hour of day, thus there are 24 di®erent models. Each model is based on a decomposition of the daily series of each hour in two components. The ¯rst component is purely deterministic and is related to trends, seasonality, and special days e®ect. The second one is stochastic and follows a linear autoregressive model. The multi-step forecasting performance of the proposed methodology is compared with a benchmark model and the results indicate that our proposal is a useful tool for electricity load forecasting.
Targeted Cash Transfer Programmes in Brazil: BPC and the Bolsa Familia
We describe several characteristics of the two most important targeted cash transfer programs in Brazil, the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) and the Bolsa Familia. We discuss their institutional aspects, long term sustainability, beneficiaries and levels of targeting. We also address the need for conditionalities, the effects of the transfers on labor market participation, as well as the relevance of the so called ?exit doors?. Our conclusion is that, on the one hand, the programs are accomplishing the goals they were designed to achieve. They reduce poverty and inequality, under costs which are compatible with the Brazilian budgetary capacity. On the other hand, the programmes have no negative effects on incentives to work and contributions to the pensions system. Consequently, we argue that these programmes should be kept in place and, if possible, expanded in the near future.Targeted Cash Transfer Programmes in Brazil: BPC and the Bolsa Familia
New Technologies and the Impact on Personality Rights in Brazil
As technology continues to evolve at an exponentially increasing pace, it transforms our lives and societies, thus shaping our perceptions of reality with high speed and impacting the relationship between the individual and the society, including businesses and, as a result, the legal system. The young area of law is trying to explore the effects of new technologies in our relationships with it, as well as identify the best use of new technologies to reduce the gap among new technology, new societal behaviors and various legal systems. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current uses of wearable technologies in Brazil and the legal issues emerging from the various uses of these technologies and their impact on personality rights. So, to what extent do the Brazilian users of emerging technologies appreciate the terms and conditions agreed by themselves and their impact on personality rights? The authors used empirical quantitative data from a cross-section of Brazilian users to explore the level of awareness in regards to the terms and conditions associated with the use of emerging technologies and the impact on their personality rights. The authors found that the large majority of these users of technology are unaware of the adverse impact of the agreed terms and conditions on their personality rights. Furthermore, they are also unaware of the basics of how the technology operates and therefore are unable to enforce their rights. The research is based on data collected by using only one survey with a sample of 500 students from three universities in three Brazilian States with an age range between 18 and 40 years old. This paper extends the previous research on the impact of emerging technologies on personality rights and demonstrates with empirical data that there is a serious risk of erosion of such rights. Furthermore, this research provides a unique insight into the users of emerging technologies in the emerging Brazilian market and the impact on the Brazilian legal system
Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil, Chile and Mexico: Impacts upon Inequality
This Working Paper decomposes changes in the Gini coefficient in order to investigate whether Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) have had an inequality reducing effect in three Latin American countries: Brazil, Mexico and Chile. Its technique is the decomposition of the Gini coefficient by factor components. Its main finding is that CCT programmes helped reduce inequality between the mid-1990s and roughly the mid-2000s. The share of total income represented by the CCTs has been very small: about 0.5 per cent in Mexico and Brazil and a very small 0.01 per cent in Chile. But since their targeting has been outstanding, their equalizing impact was responsible for about 21 per cent of the fall in both the Brazilian and the Mexican Gini index, each of which fell by approximately 2.7 points during the period that this paper reviewed. In Chile the effect was responsible for a 15 per cent reduction in inequality, although the total reduction in inequality was very modest: a mere 0.1 Gini point. The difference was due to the small size of the Chilean programme relative to the larger Mexican and Brazilian programmes.Distribution, Conditional Cash Transfers, Brazil, Chile, Mexico
Desemprego e subdesenvolvimento: considerações políticas na visão Kaleckiana do Capitalismo
XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015A obra de Kalecki, embora baseada no tratamento das questões
macroeconômicas, sempre se pautou pela descrição da sociedade
capitalista como dividida em classes e interesses distintos. O
protagonismo do gasto capitalista como definidor do nível de
emprego e renda não implica, porém, a conclusão de que o nível dos
lucros obtidos, em escala agregada, seja sempre o máximo possível:
considerações de ordem política levam a recessão e o desemprego
a desempenhar um relevante papel (político) na manutenção da
ordem (econômica). Esse tipo de problema seria observado de modo
mais complexo no contexto das economias subdesenvolvidas, nas
quais o desemprego é mais que simplesmente o resultado de um
nível insufi ciente de demanda efetiva. A crônica escassez de capital
e a grande heterogeneidade social – além da fragilidade externa –
repõem a questão política em outros termos, cujo equacionamento
se revela menos provável, ainda que possível. O enfrentamento
dos grandes dilemas estruturais do capitalismo – o desemprego e o
subdesenvolvimento – demandam a presença de instituições de perfi l
radicalmente inovador, voltadas aos interesses da classe trabalhadora.
Aqui é apresentada uma proposta que aponta nessa direção, bem como
seus elementos constitutivos principaisBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA
Random walk on random walks: low densities
We consider a random walker in a dynamic random environment given by a system
of independent simple symmetric random walks. We obtain ballisticity results
under two types of perturbations: low particle density, and strong local drift
on particles. Surprisingly, the random walker may behave very differently
depending on whether the underlying environment particles perform lazy or
non-lazy random walks, which is related to a notion of permeability of the
system. We also provide a strong law of large numbers, a functional central
limit theorem and large deviation bounds under an ellipticity condition.Comment: 28 page
Modelo de desenvolvimento, agrotóxicos e saúde: um panorama da realidade agrícola brasileira e propostas para uma agenda de pesquisa inovadora.
O modelo agrário hegemônico no Brasil está baseado em monocultivos para exportação que são intensivos em tecnologias mecanizadas e no uso de agrotóxicos. O país tornou-se o principal consumidor mundial de agrotóxicos e é avaliado como o mercado que mais crescerá num futuro próximo. Este trabalho teve como propósito fazer uma avaliação geral da relação entre o modelo agrário brasileiro e os impactos à saúde e ao ambiente decorrentes do uso de agrotóxicos e propor uma agenda de pesquisa para subsidiar o enfrentamento dos problemas apontados que integre os setores comprometidos com a defesa da saúde, do meio ambiente e da segurança e soberania alimentar. Constatou-se e discutiu-se a necessidade de: dar maior visibilidade aos efeitos e aos custos socioambientais e de saúde do modelo predominante; utilizar instrumentos econômicos para incentivar o uso de tecnologias mais limpas e modelos de produção mais saudáveis, compatíveis com a agricultura familiar, e para desestimular os modelos que oferecem mais riscos à saúde e ao ambiente; desenvolver e implementar políticas públicas baseadas em referenciais da economia ecológica e da agroecologia, com a participação de movimentos sociais, das instituições reguladoras e de grupos de pesquisa
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