14,529 research outputs found

    Double Inverse Stochastic Resonance with Dynamic Synapses

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    We investigate the behavior of a model neuron that receives a biophysically-realistic noisy post-synaptic current based on uncorrelated spiking activity from a large number of afferents. We show that, with static synapses, such noise can give rise to inverse stochastic resonance (ISR) as a function of the presynaptic firing rate. We compare this to the case with dynamic synapses that feature short-term synaptic plasticity, and show that the interval of presynaptic firing rate over which ISR exists can be extended or diminished. We consider both short-term depression and facilitation. Interestingly, we find that a double inverse stochastic resonance (DISR), with two distinct wells centered at different presynaptic firing rates, can appear.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Superstructure high efficiency photovoltaics

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    A novel class of photovoltaic cascade structures is introduced which features multijunction upper subcells. These superstructure high efficiency photovoltaics (SHEP's) exhibit enhanced upper subcell spectral response because of the additional junctions which serve to reduce bulk recombination losses by decreasing the mean collection distance for photogenerated minority carriers. Two possible electrical configurations were studied and compared: a three-terminal scheme that allows both subcells to be operated at their individual maximum power points and a two-terminal configuration with an intercell ohmic contact for series interconnection. The three-terminal devices were found to be superior both in terms of beginning-of-life expectancy and radiation tolerance. Realistic simulations of three-terminal AlGaAs/GaAs SHEP's show that one sun AMO efficiencies in excess of 26 percent are possible

    Gravitational energy in a small region for the modified Einstein and Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensors

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    The purpose of the classical Einstein and Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensors is for determining the gravitational energy. Neither of them can guarantee a positive energy in holonomic frames. In the small sphere approximation, it has been required that the quasilocal expression for the gravitational energy-momentum density should be proportional to the Bel-Robinson tensor BαβμνB_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}. However, we propose a new tensor VαβμνV_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} which is the sum of certain tensors SαβμνS_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} and KαβμνK_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}, it has certain properties so that it gives the same gravitational "energy-momentum" content as BαβμνB_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} does. Moreover, we show that a modified Einstein pseudotensor turns out to be one of the Chen-Nester quasilocal expressions, while the modified Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor becomes the Papapetrou pseudotensor; these two modified pseudotensors have positive gravitational energy in a small region.Comment:

    Neural Network Model for Apparent Deterministic Chaos in Spontaneously Bursting Hippocampal Slices

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    A neural network model that exhibits stochastic population bursting is studied by simulation. First return maps of inter-burst intervals exhibit recurrent unstable periodic orbit (UPO)-like trajectories similar to those found in experiments on hippocampal slices. Applications of various control methods and surrogate analysis for UPO-detection also yield results similar to those of experiments. Our results question the interpretation of the experimental data as evidence for deterministic chaos and suggest caution in the use of UPO-based methods for detecting determinism in time-series data.Comment: 4 pages, 5 .eps figures (included), requires psfrag.sty (included

    Opioid modulation of GABA release in the rat inferior colliculus

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    Background: The inferior colliculus, which receives almost all ascending and descending auditory signals, plays a crucial role in the processing of auditory information. While the majority of the recorded activities in the inferior colliculus are attributed to GABAergic and glutamatergic signalling, other neurotransmitter systems are expressed in this brain area including opiate peptides and their receptors which may play a modulatory role in neuronal communication.Results: Using a perfusion protocol we demonstrate that morphine can inhibit KCl-induced release of [H-3] GABA from rat inferior colliculus slices. DAMGO ([D-Ala(2), N-Me-Phe(4), Gly(5)ol]-enkephalin) but not DADLE ([D-Ala2, D-Leu5]-enkephalin or U69593 has the same effect as morphine indicating that mu rather than delta or kappa opioid receptors mediate this action. [H-3]GABA release was diminished by 16%, and this was not altered by the protein kinase C inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide I. Immunostaining of inferior colliculus cryosections shows extensive staining for glutamic acid decarboxylase, more limited staining for mu opiate receptors and relatively few neurons co-stained for both proteins.Conclusion: The results suggest that mu-opioid receptor ligands can modify neurotransmitter release in a sub population of GABAergic neurons of the inferior colliculus. This could have important physiological implications in the processing of hearing information and/or other functions attributed to the inferior colliculus such as audiogenic seizures and aversive behaviour

    CPPD crystal deposition disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    The aim of this study was to assess the frequency and the outcome of patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in which calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystal deposits were found to coexist in synovial fluid analysis. Such association was more frequent than previously believed with CPPD crystals found in 25.8% of 93 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. As a group, a trend toward a worse outcome was suggested by more frequent prostheses of the lower lim

    Reasoning with comparative moral judgements: an argument for Moral Bayesianism

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    The paper discusses the notion of reasoning with comparative moral judgements (i.e judgements of the form “act a is morally superior to act b”) from the point of view of several meta-ethical positions. Using a simple formal result, it is argued that only a version of moral cognitivism that is committed to the claim that moral beliefs come in degrees can give a normatively plausible account of such reasoning. Some implications of accepting such a version of moral cognitivism are discussed