17 research outputs found

    Kako učenici srednjih škola u Srbiji doživljavaju učenje na daljinu

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    Učenje na daljinu podrazumeva svaki kurikulum koji je predstavljen učenicima/ studentima bez neposrednog kontakta sa predavačem, usled prostorne i/ili vremenske distance (Sagheb-Tehrani, 2009:3). Na svom osnovnom nivou, učenje na daljinu se odvija kada su predavač (nastavnik, profesor) i učenici fizički odvojeni velikim rastojanjem i kada se za premošćavanje ovog jaza koristi digitalna tehnologija sa ciljem da se simulira komunikacija licem u lice (Ristić & Mandić, 2018). Nakon 19. veka modernizacija obrazovanja je započela ubrzano da se širi što se može povezati sa promenama koje su se dešavale u društvu (Maksimović & Osmanović, 2018: 92). Razvojem tehnologija medija i komunikacija menjala se i koncepcija učenja na daljinu, koja u savremenim okvirima podrazumeva učenje uz korišćenje računara i pametnih uređaja, Interneta i raznovrsnih digitalnih platformi i kanala koji omogućavaju razmenu nastavnih sadržaja i interaktivnu komunikaciju između predavača i učenika i učenika međusobno, kreiranjem on-line zajednice za učenje (Sun & Chen, 2016:158). Pregled relevantne literature ukazuje da su razvoj i veća primena modela učenja na daljinu doneli i veći broj termina koji definišu ovaj model učenja, pa se u literaturi nailazi na termine kao što su: on-line nastava, učenje na daljinu, daljinsko obrazovanje itd. I pored ekspanzije tehnologije, menjanja društva i politika obrazovanja često možemo čuti nedoumice po pitanju primene modela učenja na daljinu, kako od strane profesora, tako i od strane učenika/ studenata. Savremena istraživanja koja upoređuju učenje na daljinu i tradicionalno školovanje pokazuju da nastava i učenje na daljinu mogu biti jednako uspešni kao tradicionalna nastava ukoliko se koriste odgovarajući nastavni metodi i tehnologije, ukoliko postoji interakcija između učenika i ukoliko postoji blagovremena povratna veza između nastavnika i učenika (Ristić & Mandić 2018, prema Moore & Thompson, 1990; Verduin & Clark, 1991).XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа „Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа

    Impact of sensor readings of grain mass yield on combine speed

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    Analiziran je utjecaj prinosa suhog zrna pšenice, ječma i uljane repice očitanih senzorom na brzinu gibanja kombajna tijekom žetve na tri parcele. Kombajn je bio opremljen senzorima za nadzor lokacijski specifičnog prinosa. U ovom radu su tablicama detaljno prikazane statističke procedure analize brzine za pšenicu, dok su krajnji rezultati istraživanja za ječam i uljanu repicu taksativno navedeni. Sve tri parcele su naknadno nakon obavljene žetve podijeljene u po tri skupine prema razini prinosa, i to na mali, srednji i veliki prinos, retrospektivno. Na parceli uljane repice Kruskal-Wallis H test nije otkrio statistički značajnu razliku brzine gibanja kombajna u dijelovima parcele koji pripadaju različitim skupinama prinosa, χ2(2, N = 2187) = 4,570, p = 0,102. Na parcelama s pšenicom i ječmom otkriveno je na temelju srednjih vrijednosti rangova grupa da je brzina najveća u skupini sa srednjim prinosom, pa se pristupilo naknadnoj analizi razlike među skupinama pomoću Mann-Whitney U test. Brzina gibanja kombajna tijekom žetve pšenice nije se razlikovala statistički značajno u dijelovima parcele s malim i velikim prinosom, Z = −1,213 i N = 3453, p = 0,225, dok se prilikom usporedbe brzina unutar srednje grupe prinosa s preostale dvije grupe razlikovala statistički značajno, i s veličinom učinka oko 0,1. Tijekom žetve ječma, brzina kombajna statistički se značajno razlikuje kada se uspoređuju sve tri skupine za niske i visoke utjecaje prema Cohen-ovom kriteriju na temelju veličine učinka.The paper analyzes the impact of sensor readings of dry grain mass yield of wheat, barley and rapeseed on combine speed during harvesting on three plots. The combine was fitted with site-specific yield monitoring sensors. This paper displays detailed tables of statistical procedure carried out for wheat in the analysis of combine speed, whereas final results for barley and rapeseed are itemized. After harvest, the three plots were divided into three groups each according to yield levels: low, medium and high, respectively. On the rapeseed plot, the Kruskal-Wallis H test did not reveal statistically significant difference in combine speed between the plot zones that belong to different yield-level groups, χ2(2, N = 2187) = 4,570, p = 0,102. On the basis of mean values for group ranks, the highest combine speed on wheat and barley plots has been found in the medium-yield-level group. Therefore, subsequent analysis of differences was conducted between the groups using Mann-Whitney U test. Combine speed during wheat harvest did not differ significantly in the low- and high-yield-level zones of the plot, Z = −1,213 and N = 3453, p = 0,225, while comparison between speeds within the medium-yield-level group to the other two groups exhibited statistically significant difference, effect size being approx. 0,1. During barley harvest, combine speeds differ statistically significantly when all three groups are compared for low and high impact according to Cohen’s criterion based on effect size

    History of ductile-to-brittle transition problem of ferritic steels

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    This paper presents a review of different approaches through history concerning DTB transition phenomenon of ferritic steels and their characterization using FM concept, from the earliest studies based on LEFM to the application of the EPFM concept. The large scattering of the experimental fracture toughness data, characteristic of all ferritic steels in the transition temperature region, has imposed the need of including statistical methods for data processing. Such approach that began in the 1970s can be encountered even nowadays as the base of fracture toughness data interpretation in DTB problems. An overview of studies with statistical interpretation of experimental data in the transition temperature region is also given. Aforementioned provides a foundation for novel approaches in DTB transition problems, which include size effects and scaling of geometrically similar specimens

    Risk Model for Integrated Management System

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop an integrated risk management model for standardized management systems: ISO 9001:2015 for quality management, ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for information security management, ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health and Safety Management, and ISO 22000:2005 for food safety management in order to enable organizations can manage their processes and associated risks versus requirements of each internal and external stakeholder through only one MS instead of several individual MSs defined and implemented in an isolated way according to a specific MSS and hence to decrease the number of resources employed and to enhance the organization performance

    Innovation and measuring of innovation – empirical research of companies in Serbia

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    Introduction/background: The application of innovative business strategies is considered to be a very prominent tool when it comes to improving the company’s competitiveness on the (global) market, which can be of a special significance for the economy growth in developing countries. The measuring of innovation is thus seen as an important activity in this context, both for theoretical and practical tests. Aim of the paper: The main goal of the research, whose results are shown in this paper, was to investigate the level of the innovation strategies implementation in companies in Serbia, according to the specialized INNOVATE model. Materials and methods: For the research purposes, the questionnaire was constructed, based on the previously determined 21 innovation management dimensions. The observed sample included 106 companies in Serbia, of various sizes, activities and structures. The data were processed by a statistical program IBM SPSS. Results and conclusions: The research results indicate the main problems that Serbian companies are facing in order to improve their innovative capacities: focus on the domestic market, lack of innovation strategy, insufficient business networking, short-term planning, inadequate management system, technological backwardness, and the differences among companies of different activities and small-scale and big-scale companies in regard to the levels of the innovation capacity dimensions application. It is also shown that the expectations regarding the business growth depend on the characteristics of the company

    Increasing a large petrochemical company efficiency by improvement of decision making process

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    The reliability of bucket wheel excavator - review of random mechanical failures

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    © 2018, Strojarski Facultet. All Rights reserved. Statistical regularity of random mechanical failures of the bucket wheel excavator will be considered based on dispatcher’s reports about excavator-conveyors-spreader (ECS-III) on the Tamnava - West Field Open Cast Mine in Lazarevac (Serbia) system failures in the period from 2003 to 2011. This kind of failures happens suddenly due to undetectable defects, unexplainable causes, and unavoidable failures. Reliability functions R(t), failure rate λ(t) and failure density f(t) of the bucket wheel excavator will be empirically determined. It was concluded that the random failures could be well approximated by the Exponential distribution. Below, serial reliability configuration of the BWE subsystem was analysed and the failure frequency as well as the values of the failure rate by subsystems were determined. Finally, proactive maintenance approach, which represents the latest innovation in the field of maintenance, will be presented. This approach to maintenance utilizes various technologies in order to achieve extension of operational life and elimination of reactive maintenance

    Adaptability of Companies n the Republic of Serbia- Empirical Research

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    In an era of constant change in all spheres of business, an essential factor in the survival of a company is monitoring developments in the region, rapid response to current trends and anticipating future market developments. In this way, companies become more successful and have more proactive control of their future. The aim of paper was that through empirical research, did on the model of Denison, shows the degree of adaptability of enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, to identify the factors that influence its development and check the premise that innovation is an essential factor of adaptability. Difference in adapting to changes in domestic and foreign companies is also analyzed. The results showed that companies in the Republic of Serbia still need to work on improving the adaptability, that the certain aspects of adaptability are more present in foreign than in domestic companies and that innovation is the main factor of adaptability. The significance of the results is in determining the way of improving the functioning of companies in the Republic of Serbia, especially of domestic companies, which after a period of transition, trying to integrate successfully into the European and world economy