54 research outputs found

    Survivin antiapoptotic gene expression as a prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer: in situ hybridization study.

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    Survivin is an inhibitor of apoptosis that plays a significant role in cell cycle regulation and is important for survival prognosis in many neoplasms. Survivin expression was assessed by in situ hybridization (ISH) in 60 consecutive patients (54 males and 4 females) with NSCLC treated between 1993 and 1997. The examined patients had IIB and IIIA stage according to TNM system. In all cases the chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide (2 cycles) was administered prior the surgery; in patients responding to the therapy one more cycle was applied. Survivin gene overexpression was observed in 35 patients (58.3%). There was no correlation between survivin mRNA level and histological type of tumor, stage of cell differentiation, stage of disease according to TNM classification, performance status according to WHO and number of chemotherapy regimens administered (p > 0.05). However, the correlation between survivin gene expression and response to the chemotherapy was statistically significant (p = 0.04). Statistical analysis showed that median survival in patients with survivin gene overexpression was shorter (14.0 months) as compared to patients with no expression (60.0 months; p = 0.00002). In survival assessment by means of Kaplan-Meier test, 14.3% of five-year survival was achieved in the former group versus 60% in the latter (p = 0.00003). Univariate analysis (log-rank test) showed that significant independent prognostic factors in NSCLC included: stage of the disease according to TNM classification (p = 0.006), response to chemotherapy (p = 0.005) and pattern of survivin gene expression (p = 0.00003). Multivariate analysis utilizing Cox's model showed that for survival assessment the stage according to TNM, response to the chemotherapy and survivin expression estimated by means of ISH are of statistical significance (p=0.00001). The calculated predictive values showed that ISH technique was quite accurate in assessment of five-year survival. Our data show that survivin expression may be used as a prognostic factor and a target for therapy

    Rapid Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of Monomers Obtained from Biomass-Derived Furfuryl Amines and Maleic Anhydride

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    Well-controlled and extremely rapid ring-opening metathesis polymerization of unusual oxanorbornene lactam esters by Grubbs third-generation catalyst is used to prepare a range of bio-based homo- and copolymers. Bio-derived oxanorbornene lactam monomers were prepared at room temperature from maleic anhydride and secondary furfuryl amines by using a 100 % atom economical, tandem Diels–Alder lactamization reaction, followed by esterification. Several of the resulting homo- and copolymers show good control over polymer molecular weight and have narrow molecular weight distributions

    Customization warehouses to the idiosyncratic requirements of the business studies – build-to-suit investment

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    Rynek powierzchni logistycznych w Polsce znajduje się w doskonałej kondycji. W ostatnich latach obserwuje się ciągły wzrost dostępnych zasobów nowoczesnej powierzchni magazynowej. Jednocześnie stawki czynszów utrzymują się na niskim, stabilnym poziomie. Obecnie coraz więcej przedsiębiorstw decyduje się na przeniesienie do obiektów typu build-to-suit. W przeciwieństwie do inwestycji spekulacyjnych są one projektowane z myślą o specyficznych potrzebach przyszłego, konkretnego użytkownika. W niniejszej pracy krótko przedstawiono aktualne tendencje występujące na rynku magazynowym w Polsce. Zasadniczą część stanowi przedstawienie przykładu przeniesienia działalności firmy z dotychczasowego obiektu do magazynu typu BTS. Opisano najważniejsze z zastosowanych nowoczesnych rozwiązań. Przybliżono przyczyny oraz korzyści płynące z podjęcia takiej decyzji biznesowej.Polish market of the warehouse spaces is in a superb shape and develops rapidly. The continued growth in resources of the available modern warehouse space is surveyed in the recent years. At the same time the rental fees remain on the low, stable level. Currently, more and more companies opt for transfer to build-to-suit facilities. They are designed with idiosyncratic requirements of future, particular users in mind, as opposed to speculative investments. The paper presents shortly the prevailing tendencies on the warehouses market. The pivotal part is constituted by presentation of example of transfer the company from the foregoing warehouse to the modern BTS facility. The most important applied innovative solutions were described. The reasons and the advantages ot such a decision were drawn close

    Computationally efficient method for determining the most important electrical parameters of axial field permanent magnet machine

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    This paper describes a numerically efficient method for determining the electrical parameters of axial field permanent magnet machine (AFPM). The presented method aims to accurately determine the back EMF waveform and self-inductance coefficients, while maintaining possibly low computational complexity, which is crucial in case of incorporation of the method in numerical optimization procedure of AFPM construction. The described algorithm is based on 2D FEM with several simplifications. The obtained results have been compared with full 3D FEA conducted with Ansys/Maxwell software, and confirmed by measurements. The result shows that presented method ensures satisfactory accuracy as well as computational time performance

    Examination the robustness of slip-ring induction motor drive controlled by DTC-SVM method

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    The robustness of DTC-SVM control method applied to a maintain a speed reference value of induction machine has been analysed in this paper. The simulation study were performed based on ideal constant mathematical model of electrical drive implemented in Matlab. The linearized models of torque and flux control loops has been presented and examined in terms of frequency response. The performance of control method was tested in case of significant load torque variations and short-lived inverter supply voltage distortion. The obtained results showed that analysed control system reveals very good dynamic properties in case of load torque changes. Further studies have shown that DTC method is much more susceptible for a supply voltage distortions.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki testów symulacyjnych układu sterowania maszyny indukcyjnej, wykorzystującego metodę DTC-SVM, pracującego w trybie utrzymywania zadanej wartości prędkości obrotowej. Symulację przeprowadzono w systemie Matlab z wykorzystaniem modelu matematycznego o stałych współczynnikach. Efektywność badanej metody regulacji została przetestowana w przypadku znacznych wahań momentu obciążenia oraz krótkotrwałych zapadów napięcia zasilania falownika. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują że badana metoda zapewnia bardzo dobrą dynamikę regulacji w przypadku zmian momentu obciążenia oraz jej znacznie większą wrażliwość w przypadku zaburzeń napięcia zasilania