37,931 research outputs found

    Autoerthrocyte Sensitization or Psychogenic Purpura?

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    The following report describes the occurrence, in four women, of an abnormal response to bruising, characterized by local pain, swelling, and extension of bleeding into adjacent areas, often to a serious extent. The histories and laboratory investigations suggest that, in these patients, there has occurred a sensitization against one of their own body tissues, namely red blood cells

    Jimmy Memorana (1919–2009)

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    Ringed Seals in the North Atlantic, edited by M.P. Heide-Jørgensen and C. Lydersen

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    Marine Mammals as Oceanographic Sampling Platforms

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    Thirty years ago, at a meeting devoted to finding new directions for Arctic biological oceanography, it was suggested that marine mammals might some day be used as "educated" oceanographic sampling platforms. They are "educated" because, through millions of years of evolution, they have developed the ability to find and consume such prey as the arctic cod, Boreogadus saida, a keystone ... Arctic species that to this day has largely eluded the efforts of scientists who have tried to study it .... The ice-covered and ice-filled waters of the polar regions have thwarted the attempts of oceanographers to study the Arctic marine ecosystem. ... Arctic seals, whales, and polar bears have been studied much more intensively than organisms lower down in the marine trophic pyramid. Studies of bears and seals have shown that large inter-annual changes in productivity occur in certain regions of the Arctic .... Studies of higher vertebrates have resulted in some interesting recent attempts to apply the "top-down" modeling approach. Such modeling uses the energy requirements of bears, seals, and whales to estimate the energy flow through the ecosystem ... or to calculate the standing crops of upper trophic-level components ... of regional Arctic marine ecosystems. To date, this appears to be the most practical and workable means available, but the assumptions and quantitative uncertainties at various stages in the model make it a blunt tool. ... The advent of satellite-linked VHF and other satellite-based remote sensing has opened the doors to research on a large geographical scale and an intensive schedule of sampling, both essential to furthering our understanding of Arctic marine ecosystems. ... One of the most interesting results from studies to date is that belugas consistently go to certain deep water areas to feed, in some cases traveling great distances from the center of their summer distribution to do so. ... The first stage in satellite-telemetry studies of some Arctic marine mammal species is being completed. The seasonal movements and annual migrations of polar bears and belugas are becoming well known for many of the North American stocks .... The next major leap forward in the study of Arctic marine mammals will be to use them to their full potential as "educated" oceanographic sampling platforms [i.e. attempting to relate their distribution or behaviour to physical oceanographic parameters]. ..

    Ringed Seals in James Bay and Hudson Bay: Population Estimates and Catch Statistics

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    The populations of ringed seals Phoca Hispida in Hudson Bay and James Bay are estimated on the basis of aerial counts to be 455,000 and 61,000 respectively. If the maximum number of seals, estimated at 21,000, needed to feed the polar bears of Hudson Bay is added to the catch of all trading centers there, estimated at 14,900, the total approximates very closely to the 8 per cent annual sustainable yield of ringed seals in Hudson Bay

    Real-time 3D Archaeological Field Recording: Development of an interoperable open-source GIS data entry system.

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    This project will develop and test a real-time 3D data recording interface for on-the-field archaeological excavations that will be applicable to different time periods, contexts and recording nomenclature. In 2010, this open-source, OS independent, web-based GIS application called ArchField was developed for excavations in Jordan. It is now imperative to begin the second stage of streamlining the software to make it easily adapted to different archaeological projects. The proposed application is an open GIS that can communicate with different spatially oriented user interfaces (e.g. Google Earth) for visualization and analysis. This system is built by archaeologists for archaeological excavation and digital conservation. Its ability includes association of all field data with 3D coordinates and auto-generation of for daily top plans in real-time. The end goal is to provide an easily available and user-friendly digital archaeological system to facilitate the dissemination online of advanced digital recording and mapping techniques to a broad audience

    Annual and interannual variations of Earth-emitted radiation based on a 10-year data set

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    The method of empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) was applied to a 10-year data set of outgoing longwave radiation. Spherical harmonic functions are used as a basis set for producing equal area map results. The following findings are noted. The first EOF accounts for 66 percent of the variance. After that, each EOF accounts for only a small variance, forming a slowly converging series. The first two EOF's describe mainly the annual cycle. The third EOF is primarily the semiannual cycle although many other EOF's also contain significant semiannual parts. These results reaffirm those based on a shorter data set. In addition, a much stronger spring/fall mode was found in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean for the second EOF than was found earlier. This difference is attributed to the use of broadband radiometer data which were available for the present study. The earlier study used data from a window channel instrument which is not as sensitive to water vapor variations. The fourth EOF describes much of the 1976 to 1977 and 1982 to 1983 ENSO phenomena. There is typically a gap in the spectrum between a semiannual peak and the annual cycle for all but the first EOF. A semiannual OLR dipole straddles the Asian-Australian monsoon track

    If you could see what I mean : descriptions of video in an anthropologist's video notebook

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1992.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-108).by Thomas G. Aguierre Smith.M.S

    Low-metallicity star formation: Relative impact of metals and magnetic fields

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    Low-metallicity star formation poses a central problem of cosmology, as it determines the characteristic mass scale and distribution for the first and second generations of stars forming in our Universe. Here, we present a comprehensive investigation assessing the relative impact of metals and magnetic fields, which may both be present during low-metallicity star formation. We show that the presence of magnetic fields generated via the small-scale dynamo stabilises the protostellar disc and provides some degree of support against fragmentation. In the absence of magnetic fields, the fragmentation timescale in our model decreases by a factor of ~10 at the transition from Z=0 to Z>0, with subsequently only a weak dependence on metallicity. Similarly, the accretion timescale of the cluster is set by the large-scale dynamics rather than the local thermodynamics. In the presence of magnetic fields, the primordial disc can become completely stable, therefore forming only one central fragment. At Z>0, the number of fragments is somewhat reduced in the presence of magnetic fields, though the shape of the mass spectrum is not strongly affected in the limits of the statistical uncertainties. The fragmentation timescale, however, increases by roughly a factor of 3 in the presence of magnetic fields. Indeed, our results indicate comparable fragmentation timescales in primordial runs without magnetic fields and Z>0 runs with magnetic fields.Comment: MNRAS in pres
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