1,987 research outputs found

    Call Me BIG PAPA: An Extension of Mason’s Information Ethics Framework to Big Data

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    In 1986, Richard Mason proposed the PAPA framework to address four ethical issues society would likely face in the information age: privacy, accuracy, property, and accessibility. In this paper, we propose an extension to the PAPA framework by appending three additional issues relevant to information ethics in the big data era. First, we outline the four components of Mason’s original PAPA. Second, we briefly review the major technological changes that have occurred since Mason proposed his framework. Third, we outline concepts relevant to the big data context. Fourth, we propose and discuss our extension by appending three ethical issues related to behavioral surveillance, interpretation, and governance to Mason’s original PAPA framework, forming BIG PAPA. Lastly, we discuss how these issues impact practice and how they can inform future research

    Earlier Nesting by Generalist Predatory Bird is Associated with Human Responses to Climate Change

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    Warming temperatures cause temporal changes in growing seasons and prey abundance that drive earlier breeding by birds, especially dietary specialists within homogeneous habitat. Less is known about how generalists respond to climate-associated shifts in growing seasons or prey phenology, which may occur at different rates across land cover types. We studied whether breeding phenology of a generalist predator, the American kestrel (Falco sparverius), was associated with shifts in growing seasons and, presumably, prey abundance, in a mosaic of non-irrigated shrub/grasslands and irrigated crops/pastures. We examined the relationship between remotely-sensed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and abundance of small mammals that, with insects, constitute approximately 93% of kestrel diet biomass. We used NDVI to estimate the start of the growing season (SoGS) in irrigated and non-irrigated lands from 1992 to 2015 and tested whether either estimate of annual SoGS predicted the timing of kestrel nesting. Finally, we examined relationships among irrigated SoGS, weather and crop planting. NDVI was a useful proxy for kestrel prey because it predicted small mammal abundance and past studies showed that NDVI predicts insect abundance. NDVI-estimated SoGS advanced significantly in irrigated lands (β = −1·09 ± 0·30 SE) but not in non-irrigated lands (β = −0·57 ± 0·53). Average date of kestrel nesting advanced 15 days in the past 24 years and was positively associated with the SoGS in irrigated lands, but not the SoGS in non-irrigated lands. Advanced SoGS in irrigated lands was related to earlier planting of crops after relatively warm winters, which were more common in recent years. Despite different patterns of SoGS change between land cover types, kestrel nesting phenology shifted with earlier prey availability in irrigated lands. Kestrels may preferentially track prey in irrigated lands over non-irrigated lands because of higher quality prey on irrigated lands, or earlier prey abundance may release former constraints on other selective pressures to breed early, such as seasonal declines in fecundity or competition for high-quality mates. This is one of the first examples of an association between human adaptation to climate change and shifts in breeding phenology of wildlife

    Making nice or faking nice? Exploring supervisors’ two-faced response to their past abusive behavior

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    Although extant research has shown that abusive supervision is a destructive and immoral form of leader behavior, theory provides conflicting perspectives on how supervisors respond to their own abusive behavior. We therefore draw upon and integrate moral cleansing theory and impression management and construction theory to explore whether and when supervisors engage in genuine reparations or impression management following episodes of abusive behavior. Results taken from a 3-week, experience sampling study of supervisors suggest support for the impression management path; following episodes of abusive behavior, supervisors higher on symbolized moral identity become more concerned with their image, and thus engage in increased ingratiation, self-promotion, and exemplification toward their subordinates. In contrast, we found no support for the genuine, moral cleansing path. This study thus extends knowledge regarding supervisors’ responses to their own abusive behavior, challenging the existing notion that such responses are genuine and focused on addressing the moral implications of the behavior

    A Diagnostic Examination of the Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec Wintertime Convection Event of 28 January 2010

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    The priority of an operational forecast center is to issue watches, warnings, and advisories to notify the public about the inherent risks and dangers of a particular event. Occasionally, events occur that do not meet advisory or warning criteria, but still have a substantial impact on human life and property. Short-lived snow bursts are a prime example of such a phenomenon. While these events are typically characterized by small snow accumulations, they often cause very low visibilities and rapidly deteriorating road conditions, both of which are a major hazard to motorists. On the afternoon of 28 January 2010, two such snow bursts moved through the Ottawa River valley and lower St. Lawrence River valley, and created havoc on area roads, resulting in collisions and injuries. Using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), these snow bursts were found to be associated with an approaching strong upper-tropospheric trough and the passage of an arctic front. While convection or squall lines are not common in January in Canada, snow bursts are shown to be associated with strong quasigeostrophic forcing for ascent and low-level frontogenesis, in the presence of both convective and conditional symmetric instability. Finally, this paper highlights the need for the development of a standard subadvisory criterion warning of short-lived but high-impact winter weather events, which operational forecasters can issue and quickly disseminate to the general public

    When Programs Collide - A Panel Discussion on the Competing Interests of Analytics and Security

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    The increasing demand for business analytics and cybersecurity professionals provides an exciting job outlook for graduates of information systems programs. However, the rapid proliferation of devices and systems that has spurred this trend has created a challenging ethical dilemma for those responsible for educating future generations of IT professionals. Many firms are collecting and storing as much data as possible in the hopes that technology might uncover useful insights in the future. This results in an ever-increasing challenge for those charged with protecting organizational assets and exerts pressure on executives seeking an analytical edge to remain profitable in a hyper-competitive marketplace. With this dilemma in mind, the panel will search for a delicate balance between unleashing the power of analytics and securing the sensitive data it consumes. Keyword

    When Programs Collide: A Panel Report on the Competing Interests of Analytics and Security

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    The increasing demand for business analytics and cybersecurity professionals provides an exciting job outlook for graduates of information systems programs. However, the rapid proliferation of devices and systems that spurred this trend has created a challenging ethical dilemma for the individuals responsible for educating future generations of information technology professionals. Many firms collect and store as much data as possible in the hope that technology might uncover useful insights in the future. This behavior results in an ever-increasing challenge for those charged with protecting organizational assets and exerts pressure on executives seeking an analytical edge to remain profitable in a hyper-competitive marketplace. With this dilemma in mind, a recent panel discussion at the 14th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference explored the delicate balance between unleashing the power of analytics and securing the sensitive data it consumes while respecting consumer privacy. This paper reports on that discussion and its insights

    The global energy balance of Titan

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    The global energy budget of planets and their moons is a critical factor to influence the climate change on these objects. Here we report the first measurement of the global emitted power of Titan. Long-term (2004–2010) observations conducted by the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) onboard Cassini reveal that the total emitted power by Titan is (2.84 ± 0.01) × 10^(14) watts. Together with previous measurements of the global absorbed solar power of Titan, the CIRS measurements indicate that the global energy budget of Titan is in equilibrium within measurement error. The uncertainty in the absorbed solar energy places an upper limit on the energy imbalance of 6.0%

    Silencing alanine transaminase 2 in diabetic liver attenuates hyperglycemia by reducing gluconeogenesis from amino acids

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    Hepatic gluconeogenesis from amino acids contributes significantly to diabetic hyperglycemia, but the molecular mechanisms involved are incompletely understood. Alanine transaminases (ALT1 and ALT2) catalyze the interconversion of alanine and pyruvate, which is required for gluconeogenesis from alanine. We find that ALT2 is overexpressed in the liver of diet-induced obese and db/db mice and that the expression of the gene encoding ALT2 (GPT2) is downregulated following bariatric surgery in people with obesity. The increased hepatic expression of Gpt2 in db/db liver is mediated by activating transcription factor 4, an endoplasmic reticulum stress-activated transcription factor. Hepatocyte-specific knockout of Gpt2 attenuates incorporation o
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