4,916 research outputs found

    Activity of species-specific antibiotics against Crohnʼs disease–associated adherent-invasive Escherichia coli

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    Background: Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with bacterial dysbiosis that frequently includes colonization by adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC). AIEC are adept at forming biofilms and are able to invade host cells and stimulate the production of proinflammatory cytokines. The use of traditional antibiotics for the treatment of CD shows limited efficacy. In this study, we investigate the use of species-specific antibiotics termed colicins for treatment of CD-associated AIEC. Methods: Colicin activity was tested against a range of AIEC isolates growing in the planktonic and biofilm mode of growth. Colicins were also tested against AIEC bacteria associated with T84 intestinal epithelial cells and surviving inside RAW264.7 macrophages using adhesion assays and gentamicin protection assay, respectively. Uptake of colicins into eukaryotic cells was visualized using confocal microscopy. The effect of colicin treatment on the production of proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha by macrophages was assessed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Colicins show potent activity against AIEC bacteria growing as biofilms when delivered either as a purified protein or through a colicin-producing bacterial strain. In addition, colicins E1 and E9 are able to kill cell-associated and intracellular AIEC, but do not show toxicity toward macrophage cells or stimulate the production of proinflammatory cytokines. Colicin killing of intracellular bacteria occurs after entry of colicin protein into AIEC-infected macrophage compartments by actin-mediated endocytosis. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate the potential of colicins as highly selective probiotic therapeutics for the eradication of E. coli from the gastrointestinal tract of patients with CD

    Using Fraud Education to Deter Embezzlement in Small Construction Companies

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    Fraud education is important in helping small business owners to formulate a strategy for the detection and deterrence of employee embezzlement. This research study was developed to examine cases of employee embezzlement within small construction contractors in efforts to determine the importance of fraud education and to identify factors leading to being victims. Participants were interviewed concerning their experiences with employee embezzlement schemes. The findings support the need for fraud education as none of the participants had any such education. Even those that had some formal business education expressed a lack of understanding of the principles of fraud. In addition to the lack of education, the findings also identified misappropriation of trust, a lack of oversight, and the weakness of internal controls as the common factors that played a part in the embezzlers’ ability to commit fraudulent activity. The analysis of the cases included in this study provide other small construction contractors with suggestions for areas that need attention in the quest to reduce the risk of being victims of employee embezzlement

    Terminal Sedation

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    This dissertation will support full ethical endorsement of terminal sedation for those most urgently in crisis and need of beneficence, those who are dying and in the final hours or days and suffering. To clarify the practice I first detail ethical differences between euthanasia, physician assisted suicide and terminal sedation. Moreover, I identify new areas where harms and benefits need to be evaluated as affecting not only patients, but also families and caregivers. I evaluate the current practice to allow the development of ethical guidelines and greater consensus on deciding the hard cases. This work may also serve to assist those looking to enlarge the practice in the future with ETS for those with debilitating diseases or disability, but they are not my primary goal. Below is the standard I propose for moral allowability for the use of terminal sedation. I will refer to it often in the pages that follow simply as my standard . Terminal sedation is the appropriate and intentional use of medications (benzodiazepines and/or narcotics) to produce ongoing, deep unconsciousness upon 1) a terminal patient’s (or surrogates) request due to 2) suffering intractable pain or other distressing clinical symptoms intolerable to the patient when 3) death is expected within hours or days (less than two weeks) due to the terminal illness, injury, or disease. I offer two versions of initial guidelines for development of hospital policy. The first version outlines minimal guidelines that ought to be utilized to allow TS for patients who fit my standard. The minimal guideline is based upon the recommendations of the American Medical Association with some modifications. The guideline is admittedly restrictive in hopes of gaining wider societal support for a currently controversial practice. Secondly, I offer more moderate guidelines for policy that could become a standard in the future. It maintains the restrictive focus of the minimal guidelines and offers additional education and support to others which has yet to be broadly provided. The moderate guidelines would mark an important step forward for allowing more choices in dying and offering additional supports to those involved with dying patients

    Volunteers and volunteering in leisure : social science perspectives

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    Leisure has been widely examined within the context of social science theory; however, little work has considered the range of social science disciplines and applied them to specific phenomena located within the leisure field. This paper adopts such an approach to conceptualise and examine volunteers and volunteering in leisure settings. In a disciplinary sense, therefore, the sociological view focuses upon the conceptualisation of volunteering as leisure, the psychological view seeks to understand motivations driving volunteering while the perspective of economists tends to complement these standpoints in terms of why people volunteer and further examines the value of volunteer contributions. Comparative analysis of the perspectives enunciated within these key disciplines provides a picture of the status of research relating to leisure volunteers and volunteering. The purposes of this paper are to identify gaps in current knowledge, drawing out conclusions and their implications for an improved understanding of this area as well as to enhance comprehension of disciplinary contributions to the study of leisure phenomena

    From \u27The Help of Grave and Modest Women\u27 to \u27The Care of Men of Sense\u27: The Transition from Female Midwifery to Male Obstetrics in Early Modern England

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    Until the sixteenth century, childbirth in England was the exclusive domain of women and was orchestrated by the female midwife. By the end of the seventeenth century, university-educated and church-approved male physicians were systematically beginning to usurp the midwife\u27s role in the lying-in room and to gradually assume authority and power over the process of childbirth. Ultimately doctordominated childbirth threatened, and in some places accomplished, the displacement of the midwife. No one factor was responsible for the shift in delivery room personnel nor was the transition from female midwives to male obstetricians a natural one. This thesis looks at three factors which contributed to the success of the transition: first, midwifery practices and the criticism of them by male medical practitioners; second, the association of midwifery and witchcraft; and third, the failure of attempts, particularly in the seventeenth century, to educate and regulate midwives at a time when the male medical profession was doing just that

    A Climatology of Tropospheric Zonal-Mean Water Vapor Fields and Fluxes in Isentropic Coordinates

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    Based on reanalysis data for the years 1980–2001 from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA-40 data), a climatology of tropospheric zonal-mean water vapor fields and fluxes in isentropic coordinates is presented. In the extratropical free troposphere, eddy fluxes dominate the meridional flux of specific humidity along isentropes. At all levels, isentropic eddy fluxes transport water vapor from the deep Tropics through the subtropics into the extratropics. Isentropic eddy fluxes of specific humidity diverge near the surface and in the tropical and subtropical free troposphere; they converge in the extratropical free troposphere. Isentropic mean advective fluxes of specific humidity play a secondary role in the meridional water vapor transport in the free troposphere; however, they dominate the meridional flux of specific humidity near the surface, where they transport water vapor equatorward and, in the solstice seasons, across the equator. Cross-isentropic mean advective fluxes of specific humidity are especially important in the Hadley circulation, in whose ascending branches they moisten and in whose descending branches they dry the free troposphere. Near the minima of zonal-mean relative humidity in the subtropical free troposphere, the divergence of the cross-isentropic mean advective flux of specific humidity in the descending branches of the Hadley circulation is the dominant divergence in the mean specific humidity balance; it is primarily balanced by convergence of cross-isentropic turbulent fluxes that transport water vapor from the surface upward. Although there are significant isentropic eddy fluxes of specific humidity through the region of the subtropical relative humidity minima, their divergence near the minima is generally small compared with the divergence of cross-isentropic mean advective fluxes, implying that moistening by eddy transport from the Tropics into the region of the minima approximately balances drying by eddy transport into the extratropics. That drying by cross-isentropic mean subsidence near the subtropical relative humidity minima is primarily balanced by moistening by upward turbulent fluxes of specific humidity, likely in convective clouds, suggests cloud dynamics may play a central role in controlling the relative humidity of the subtropical free troposphere

    CHC students online : responses to course organisation

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    Previous research by the authors has shown that Confucian Heritage Students participating in online problem solving discussions show a high degree of message postings that are related to the organization of the course of study, rather than to its contents and intellectual challenges. The authors argue that this is consistent with the more broadly based research outcomes relating to the achieving strategy that is quite typically exhibited among CHC students. This interview based study explores the perceptions of CHC students as they engage with collaborative learning online, and shows that the concerns relate to matters to do with assessment, with the reliability and timeliness of group member inputs, and the possibilities of plagiarism.<br /

    The role of planetary waves in the tropospheric jet response to stratospheric cooling

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    K.L.S. is funded in part by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship. R.K.S. acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation.An idealized general circulation model is used to assess the importance of planetary-scale waves in determining the position of the tropospheric jet, specifically its tendency to shift poleward as winter stratospheric cooling is increased. Full model integrations are compared against integrations in which planetary waves are truncated in the zonal direction, and only synoptic-scale waves are retained. Two series of truncated integrations are considered, using (i) a modified radiative equilibrium temperature or (ii) a nudged-bias correction technique. Both produce tropospheric climatologies that are similar to the full model when stratospheric cooling is weak. When stratospheric cooling is increased, the results indicate that the interaction between planetary- and synoptic-scale waves plays an important role in determining the structure of the tropospheric mean flow and rule out the possibility that the jet shift occurs purely as a response to changes in the planetary- or synoptic-scale wave fields alone.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Negotiating Relationally: The Dynamics of the Relational Self In Negotiations

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    Although negotiation research is thriving, it has been criticized as having an arelational bias—emphasizing autonomy, competition, and rationality over interdependence, cooperation, and relationality. In this article, we advance a new model of relationality in negotiation. Drawing on research in social psychology, we describe the construct of relational self-construals (RSC) and present a temporal model of RSC and negotiation. After delineating the conditions through which RSC becomes accessible in negotiation and conditions that inhibit its use, we discuss how RSC affects negotiators\u27 pre-negotiation psychological states, early and later tactics, and negotiation outcomes. We illustrate a number of distinct relational dynamics that can occur based on the dyadic composition of RSC, each of which brings distinct benefits and costs to the negotiation table. Implications for the science and practice of negotiation are discussed