22,916 research outputs found

    Tarski and Bachmann in Regina: A Magical Connection

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    This is a personal account of an intersection of the schools of research in foundations of geometry founded by Alfred Tarski and Friedrich Bachmann. Their academic lineages and the origins of the schools are also described, as well as the mathematics that resulted from this intersection

    Design and Development of a Miniaturized Double Latching Solenoid Valve for the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite

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    The development of the in-house Miniaturized Double Latching Solenoid Valve, or Microvalve, for the Gas Processing System (GPS) of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite is described. The Microvalve is a double latching solenoid valve that actuates a pintle shaft axially to hermetically seal an orifice. The key requirements and the design innovations implemented to meet them are described

    TDRSS momentum unload planning

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    A knowledge-based system is described which monitors TDRSS telemetry for problems in the momentum unload procedure. The system displays TDRSS telemetry and commands in real time via X-windows. The system constructs a momentum unload plan which agrees with the preferences of the attitude control specialists and the momentum growth characteristics of the individual spacecraft. During the execution of the plan, the system monitors the progress of the procedure and watches for unexpected problems

    The elasticity of demand for gasoline: A semi-parametric analysis: Working paper series--02-33

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    We use a semi-parametric conditional median as a robust alternative to the parametric conditional mean to estimate the gasoline demand function. Our approach protects against data and specification errors and may yield a more reliable basis for public policy decisions that depend on accurate estimates of gasoline demand. As a comparison, we also estimated the parametric translog conditional mean model. Our semi-parametric estimates imply that gasoline demand becomes more price elastic, but also less income elastic, as incomes rise. In addition, we find that demand appears to become more price elastic as prices increase in real terms

    Weighting Background-Subtracted Events

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    Often a full maximum likelihood (ML) estimate is inconvenient for computational reasons (e.g., iteration over large data sets). If a variable x is a discriminating variable (s(x) 6= b(x)), a weight function can be found which allows estimation of the number of signal events with a variance approaching that of a ML estimate of the same quantity. We derive a formula and discuss it in the context of more general results on event weighting from earlier papers by Barlow and Tkachov, which also nd weighting out-performs cutting

    Healthcare Price Transparency: Policy Approaches and Estimated Impacts on Spending

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    Healthcare price transparency discussions typically focus on increasing patients' access to information about their out-of-pocket costs, but that focus is too narrow and should include other audiences -- physicians, employers, health plans and policymakers -- each with distinct needs and uses for healthcare price information. Greater price transparency can reduce U.S. healthcare spending.For example, an estimated 100billioncouldbesavedoverthenext10yearsifthreeselectinterventionswereundertaken.However,mostoftheprojectedsavingscomefrommakingpriceinformationavailabletoemployersandphysicians,accordingtoananalysisbyresearchersattheformerCenterforStudyingHealthSystemChange(HSC).Basedonthecurrentavailabilityandmodestimpactofplan−basedtransparencytools,requiringallprivateplanstoprovidepersonalizedout−of−pocketpricedatatoenrolleeswouldreducetotalhealthspendingbyanestimated100 billion could be saved over the next 10 years if three select interventions were undertaken. However, most of the projected savings come from making price information available to employers and physicians, according to an analysis by researchers at the former Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC). Based on the current availability and modest impact of plan-based transparency tools, requiring all private plans to provide personalized out-of-pocket price data to enrollees would reduce total health spending by an estimated 18 billion over the next decade. While 18billionisasubstantialdollaramount,itislessthanatenthofapercentofthe18 billion is a substantial dollar amount, it is less than a tenth of a percent of the 40 trillionin total projected health spending over the same period. In contrast, using state all-payer claims databases to gather and report hospital-specific prices might reduce spending by an estimated $61 billion over 10 years.The effects of price transparency depend critically on the intended audience, the decision-making context and how prices are presented. And the impact of price transparency can be greatly amplified if target audiences are able and motivated to act on the information. Simply providing prices is insufficient to control spending without other shifts in healthcare financing, including changes in benefit design to make patients more sensitive to price differences among providers and alternative treatments. Other reforms that can amplify the impact of price transparency include shifting from fee-for-service payments that reward providers for volume to payment methods that put providers at risk for spending for episodes of care or defined patient populations. While price transparency alone seems unlikely to transform the healthcare system, it can play a needed role in enabling effective reforms in value-based benefit design and provider payment

    Multi-sensor core logging (MSCL) and X-ray computed tomography imaging of borehole core to aid 3D geological modelling of poorly exposed unconsolidated superficial sediments underlying complex industrial sites: an example from Sellafield nuclear site, UK

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    The 3D characterisation of geology underlying complex industrial sites such as nuclear plants is problematic due to the presence of the built infrastructure that restricts or in some cases completely prevents access for geologists to the subsurface environment. Outcrops are rare, geophysics surveys are often impossible (particularly at nuclear plants where activities such as vibroseis are frowned upon due to their effect on the infrastructure itself), and boreholes are often the only way to obtain subsurface data. Yet, with sedimentary deposits in particular, geotechnical logging undertaken to specific standards sometimes misses key information that could have been used to directly inform the creation of geological 3D models. Multi-sensor core logging (MSCL) and X-ray computed tomography (XCT) undertaken on core obtained from a borehole within the Sellafield nuclear plant, is used to illustrate the potential for the techniques to contribute significantly to the creation of 3D subsurface geological models, particularly where access is restricted, such as within nuclear industry locations. Geophysical characteristics are recorded and used to reassess and enhance geotechnical descriptions, leading to the modification of existing unit boundaries or the creation of new ones. A new sedimentary log was created and this was used in a comparison with existing logs and nearby historic exposures, and as the basis for an illustration of industrial site to regional correlation
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