183 research outputs found

    Technologies of tutor activity in the educational environment of higher school

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    The relevance of the issue of students' adaptation to the educational environment of the university is caused by the aggravated contradiction between the need of society and the state for high quality higher education and the insufficient willingness of applicants to enter higher education to receive professional education in the new conditions of interaction with the educational environment of higher education. The authors set a goal to consider the factors of successful adaptation of students to the educational environment of higher education, one of which is the technology of tutoring. Turning to scientific sources allowed the authors to identify the provisions adopted as a regularity of the adaptation process, and to define adaptation as an intensive and dynamic, multilateral and complex life process associated with the development of an individual's sustainable skills to meet the requirements for him during training and education in higher education based on appropriate adaptive responses

    Опыт разработки электронного глоссария в высшем учебном заведении

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    Students’ professional competencies development in modern higher educational institutions depends on a number of factors including used pedagogical technologies. In the work, the authors demonstrate experience of compiling electronic glossaries using wiki technology in the course "English language". The authors emphasize that while studying a foreign language, the question of selecting lexical minimum that students must master is coming to the fore. For more effective content assimilation students, observing the stages described in the article, independently (with the advisory help of a teacher) develop an electronic dictionary that facilitates mastery of lexical minimum and allows future graduates professional competencies development. The work reveals main features of wiki glossaries, their essence and role in future graduates of higher educational institutions training. The authors also indicate teacher’s role in this process, note criteria for evaluating the glossary developed by students and principles on which development is based.El desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los estudiantes en las instituciones modernas de educación superior depende de varios factores, incluidas las tecnologías pedagógicas utilizadas. En el trabajo, los autores demuestran experiencia en la compilación de glosarios electrónicos utilizando tecnología wiki en el curso "idioma inglés". Los autores enfatizan que mientras estudian un idioma extranjero, la cuestión de seleccionar el mínimo léxico que los estudiantes deben dominar está surgiendo. Para estudiantes de asimilación de contenido más efectivos, observando las etapas descritas en el artículo, independientemente (con la ayuda de un maestro) desarrolle un diccionario electrónico que facilite el dominio del mínimo léxico y permita el desarrollo de competencias profesionales para futuros graduados. El trabajo revela las principales características de los glosarios wiki, su esencia y papel en la formación de futuros graduados de instituciones de educación superior. Los autores también indican el papel del maestro en este proceso, señalan los criterios para evaluar el glosario desarrollado por los estudiantes y los principios en los que se basa el desarrollo.Формирование профессиональных компетенций студентов в современном высшем учебном заведении зависит от ряда факторов, в том числе от используемых педагогических технологий. В работе авторы демонстрируют опыт составления электронных глоссариев с помощью вики-технологии по дисциплине «Английский язык», раскрывают основные возможности вики-глоссариев, их сущность и роль в подготовке будущих выпускников высших образовательных учреждений. Авторы подчеркивают, что в изучении иностранного языка на первый план выходит вопрос об отборе лексического минимума, которым должны овладеть обучающиеся. Авторы обозначают позицию преподавателя в данном процессе, отмечают критерии оценки разрабатываемого студентами глоссария и принципы, на которых строится разработка. Для более результативного усвоения материала студенты, соблюдая приведенную в статье этапность, самостоятельно (при консультативной помощи преподавателя) разрабатывают электронный словарь, который способствует более легкому и освоению лексического минимума и позволяют сформировать профессиональные компетенции будущих выпускников

    Information technologies in teaching humanitarian disciplines

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    The use of information technology in teaching humanitarian disciplines contributes to the formation of highly qualified, competitive specialists who can adapt to rapidly changing conditions, possessing a high level of development of critical and creative thinking, ready for professional self-development and self-improvement, for the implementation of reflection, capable of setting goals and systematically achieving them. The work actualizes the importance of information technology in the training of highly qualified competitive specialists capable of implementing professional activities at a high level. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing information technologies in teaching humanitarian disciplines. Smart boards, multimedia installations, document cameras, electronic textbooks, electronic educational platforms and others were used as information technologies used in the teaching of the humanities. The study made it possible to reveal the influence of information technologies on the level of formation of students' competencies

    Training in cooperation with the use of information technology

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    Training of modern graduate takes place in the conditions of requirements of the Federal state educational standards aimed at development of students’ competences. In order to train a competent graduate, higher education institutions are looking for ways that will make this process more effective and dynamic. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of higher education institutions in the implementation of training in cooperation with the use of information technology. The wide development of information technologies and their penetration into various spheres of society has determined their implementation in the educational process. The use of information technology is based on the use of personal computers. Now this tool is an integral part of the modern educational process. Placing emphasis on the fact that learning in cooperation is not a fundamentally new technology the authors say that it acquires relevance by incorporating innovative technologies. The article considers the ideas of training in cooperation with the use of information technologies, raises the importance and significance of this issue in modern educational conditions. Training in cooperation expands the students' information field. On the basis of the study of scientific literature, the features of training in cooperation, its essence and value purpose for the formation of competence of students of pedagogical University are highlighted. The study suggests an increase in students ' motivation to study materials after the introduction of information technologies that allow them to be more mobile and creative. The process of mutual learning in the process of cooperation becomes more effective. The higher the motivation of the student to study the discipline is, the higher the level of his knowledge is. The results of the study can be used in the further implementation of information technologies for the development of the learning process in cooperation

    Forms and teaching methods in the system of continuing professional education

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    The search for innovative forms and teaching methods is highly significant in the context of continuing education, since the competitiveness of modern teachers depends on the quality of the continuing education process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of using innovative forms and methods in the system of advanced training and professional retraining of students. The article presents the experience of organizing the work of students using modern forms and methods of advanced training. The implementation of video conferencing allows students to learn advanced professional experience, exchange relevant information, ask leading experts questions of interest and receive recommendations. Training activities contribute to the intensification of the learning process. It is aimed both at mastering the cognitive component of the information transmitted by the teacher, and the formation of new professional models of behavior that meet modern requirements for the implementation of pedagogical activity. Mental maps are a means of logical structuring of information and are aimed at its operational development. Project activities allow students to build professional competence, find new innovative ways to solve problems, assess the feasibility and effectiveness of project ideas

    The use of narrative as a speech behaviour model

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    The authors of this paper view narrative as a way for a human to express his or her attitude to the world, finding its presence virtually in every aspect of human relations. Revealing the essence of a narrative approach, the authors refer to the works by J. Brockmeier, R. Harré, A. Schütz, J.F. Lyotard, J. Bruner who analyzed the essence of narrative in their studies. The structure, characteristics, forms and functions of narrative as a type of discursive reality are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to personal narrative as a way to reflect acquired experience. The authors underline the use of narrative techniques in many knowledge areas: psychology, sociology, linguistics, philosophy, and psychiatry. Analyzing pedagogical aspects of narrative, the authors mention the use of metaphors as a means of influencing the audience. The authors pay a special attention to the practicability of narrative teaching methods, namely a narrative game as one of the methods of active learning in an educational process.peer-reviewe

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of heat-resistant 12 % Cr ferritic-martensitic steel EK-181 after thermomechanical treatment

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    The effect of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (TMT) with the deformation in the austenitic region on the features of microstructure, phase transformations and mechanical properties of low-activation 12% Cr ferritic-martensitic steel EK-181 is investigated. It is established, that directly after thermomechanical treatment (without tempering) the sizes and density of V(CN) particles are comparable with those after a traditional heat treatment (air quenching and tempering at 720°C, 3 h), where these particles are formed only during tempering. It causes the increasing of the yield strength of the steel up to ≈1450 MPa at room temperature and up to ≈430 MPa at the test temperature T = 650°C. The potential of microstructure modification by this treatment aimed at improving heat resistance of steel is discussed