2,026 research outputs found

    Extensionality for Fusions and Pluralities

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    One of the more persistent debates in mereology is whether distinct wholes can have the same parts. Extensional mereologists hold that if there is no part that makes the difference, then there is nothing to distinguish the wholes, so sameness of parts implies identity. Non-extensionalists, however, do think there are cases where distinct wholes share all their parts. This paper argues that the kind of argument non-extensionalists employ can also be levelled against a widely accepted extensionality principle of plural logic. Non-extensionalists thus face a dilemma: either give up the argument for non-extensional mereology, or deny both the extensionality principle of mereology and the analogous principle for plural logic

    On Cotnoir’s Two Notions of Proper Parthood

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    On Cotnoir’s Two Notions of Proper Parthood

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    Diffusion of solvent from a cast cellulose acetate solution during the formation of skinned membranes

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    The transport of solvent out of a cast cellulose acetate (CA) solution into the coagulation bath during membrane formation is treated as a diffusion process. From the increase of solvent concentration in the bath with time (solvent leaching experiments) an overall solvent diffusion coefficient has been calculated. In size these coefficients compare well to mutual pseudo-binary solvent-non-solvent diffusion coefficients determined by means of a classical boundary broadening method applied to ternary solutions with fixed CA concentration, but with a gradient in solvent-nonsolvent composition. Since binary polymer-solvent interdiffusion coefficients are at least one order of magnitude lower, it is concluded that the diffusion of solvent into the coagulation bath is essentially a pseudo-binary solvent-non-solvent diffusion process. Combination of experimental results with model calculations for the effect of a thin dense skin on the diffusion of solvent out of the sublayer shows that the casting-leaching diffusion coefficient can be used to describe the out-diffusion of solvent from the layer under the skin provided that the relative skin resistance is not too high, or that the skin thickness is small

    Geïntegreerde akkerbouw: vooral lagere milieubelasting

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    In samenspraak met een klankbordgroep van akkerbouwers in het noordelijk kleigebied berekende PPO voor verschillende bedrijfstypen (graan; pootaardappelen; consumptieaardappelen) de bedrijfseconomische en milieutechnische resultaten van een geïntegreerde bedrijfsvoering in vergelijking met de gangbare bedrijfsvoering. De verschillen betreffen vooral bemesting, gewasbescherming, arbeidsbehoefte en gewasopbrengsten. In tabellen de kosten en opbrengsten, de mineralenbalansen (overschotten voor N, P2O5 en K2O), en de milieuscores (milieubelastingpunten, MBP; blootstellingsrisicoindex, BRI; inzet van actieve stof

    Fast algorithms for collision and proximity problems involving moving geometric objects

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    Consider a set of geometric objects, such as points, line segments, or axes-parallel hyperrectangles in \IR^d, that move with constant but possibly different velocities along linear trajectories. Efficient algorithms are presented for several problems defined on such objects, such as determining whether any two objects ever collide and computing the minimum inter-point separation or minimum diameter that ever occurs. The strategy used involves reducing the given problem on moving objects to a different problem on a set of static objects, and then solving the latter problem using techniques based on sweeping, orthogonal range searching, simplex composition, and parametric search

    Toward a Science of Effective Cognitive Training

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    A long-standing question in the behavioral sciences is whether cognitive functions can be improved through dedicated training. It is uncontested that training programs can lead to near transfer, meaning increased performance on untrained tasks involving similar cognitive functions. However, whether training also leads to far transfer, meaning increased performance on loosely related untrained tasks or even activities of daily living, is still hotly debated. Here, we review the extant literature and, in particular, the most recent meta-analytic evidence and argue that the ongoing crisis in the field of cognitive-training research may benefit from taking a more mechanistic approach to studying the effectiveness of training. We propose that (a) adopting a more rigorous theoretical framework that builds on a process-based account of training and transfer, (b) considering the role of individual differences in the responsiveness to training, and (c) drawing on Bayesian models of development may help to solve controversial issues in the field and lead the way to designing and implementing more effective training protocols
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