727 research outputs found

    Optimizing Airport Runway Capacity and Sustainability through the Introduction of Rapid Exit Taxiways: A Case Study

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    This contribution arises from the need to respond to the increased air demand of an airport with a sustainable approach that minimizes the land consumption of new runways and reduces the fuel burn and emissions associated with aircraft. A new methodology is presented for designing Rapid Exit Taxiways (RETs), which is applied in improving the runway capacity of Costa Smeralda Airport following both the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines. The optimal scenario resulted from a combination of these guidelines. Using this new approach, it is demonstrated that, through both the introduction of RETs and their positioning along the runway, the hourly capacity of the runway can effectively be improved, consequently enhancing the airport capacity and reducing the runway occupancy time and thus fuel burn and emissions. Moreover, the presence of RETs increases the infrastructure resilience, since airplanes can clear the runway faster in case of flooding in risk areas

    Influence of pulsed electromagnetic field as a pre-sowing treatment on germination, plant growth and yield of broad beans

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    Magnetic field is a variable abiotic factor, like temperature, air, soil and water that interacts with the living organisms. The use of different types of magnetic field at many different plant species is increasing and the results are promising. A two-year field experiment was established following a completely randomized design, to investigate the effect of pre-sowing magnetic field treatment for 0, 15, 30 and 45 min on three broad bean varieties. The obtained results showed that the treatment of seeds with pulsed electromagnetic field increased germination percentage, chlorophyll content, leaf area, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and dry weight. In general, the exposure of seeds for 15 min, gave the highest values compared to the control treatments for the three varieties used. A very interesting result is the fact that although there was an influence of the exposure of magnetic field on the dry weight of the plants, there was not a positive or a negative influence on the seed yield for both years. This means that magnetic field enhanced the vegetative development of the broad beans, but it had no effect on the reproductive development. The results indicate that magnetic field can be used in the cases that the productive direction of the cultivation of broad beans is for livestock forage and silage, as the pre-sowing treatment of seeds had a positive effect on plant dry weight. *** In press - Online First. Article has been peer reviewed, accepted for publication and published online without pagination. The article is to be paginated when the complete issue will be ready for publishing (Volume 48, Issue 3, 2020). The article is searchable and citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOI link will become active after the article will be included in the complete issue

    O testamento da rainha D. Beatriz

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    As precárias condições de vida, a falta de imunidade às doenças e o proliferar das epidemias tornavam a morte uma realidade tão constante e presente no quotidiano da sociedade medieva que ela era aceite como inerente à própria natureza humana. No entanto, esta familiaridade não diminuiu o medo que a população tinha da morte. Porque ela é certa, mas incerta a sua hora, era necessário preparar o “saimento” deste Mundo. A forma como ocorria essa passagem podia abrir as portas da eternidade, ou seja, era através da morte preparada que o indivíduo tinha a esperança de conquistar o paraíso. A doutrina da Igreja defendia, por um lado, o fim dos prazeres terrenos e, por outro, sendo a salvação da alma o objectivo supremo de todos os homens, era importante que cada cristão reflectisse na sua passagem para a vida eterna. Deste modo, a prática de redacção do testamento vulgarizou-se, sobretudo a partir dos finais do século XIII1

    May lamotrigine be an alternative to topiramate in the prevention of migraine with aura? Results of a retrospective study

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    Evidence suggests that lamotrigine could be effective in reducing aura frequency and duration. However, studies comparing lamotrigine to other, first-line prophylactic agents solely involving patients suffering from migraine with aura are still lacking. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of lamotrigine and topiramate for the preventive treatment of migraine with aura

    Le criticità del post, il caso EXPO 2015

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    A pochissimo tempo dalla chiusura di Expo Milano 2015 vi è ancora un grosso interrogativo su ciò che avverrà nell’area dell’esposizione una volta conclusi i lavori di smantellamento dell’evento. L’incertezza e l’immobilità delle istituzioni, che tanto hanno spinto affinché la manifestazione riuscisse nelle sue fasi iniziali, certamente non contribuiscono a smorzare le perplessità crescenti. Se a quanto detto vengono sommati i numerosi scandali nelle fasi iniziali della manifestazione si può capire come le preoccupazioni per la riqualificazione dell’area Expo siano molte e giustificate. Queste si fondano sulla consapevolezza che il non aver previsto per tempo il destino dell’Esposizione sia stato un errore strategico per lo sviluppo futuro dell'area

    Economic Forecast and fuzzy spatial analysis: integrated tools for assessing the development tendency of an Italian region

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    Charakter wyspiarski turystyki: przykład Sycylii i Sardynii

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    Treść artykułu podzielona jest na 4 części, w których autorka omawia kolejno: — specyfikę turyzmu w autonomicznym regionie wyspiarskich Włoch, — sycylijski model turystyki, — sardyński model turystyki, — doświadczenia regionów wyspiarskich w turystyce. Sycylia i Sardynia — mimo położenia na trasie wielkich, śródziemnomorskich potoków turystycznych — pozostają ciągle na uboczu. Głównymi powodami są: dość trudna dostępność, wygórowane ceny, polityka faworyzująca turystykę luksusową etc