249 research outputs found

    Smart Grids - fundament voor de toekomstige energievoorziening

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    Een betrouwbaar elektriciteitsvoorzieningssysteem is een essentiële voorwaarde voor het functioneren van moderne maatschappijen. Vanwege de klimaatproblematiek en de verwachte schaarste aan fossiele brandstoffen is het noodzakelijk om de energievoorziening te verduurzamen. De transitie naar een duurzame energievoorziening is een forse technologische, economische en maatschappelijke uitdaging. De verduurzaming van de elektriciteitsproductie en de decentralisatie die daarvan het gevolg is, zullen onder meer ingrijpende gevolgen hebben voor ontwerp en bedrijfsvoering van elektriciteitsdistributienetten. In de rede schetst Slootweg allereerst de contouren van de toekomstige, duurzame energievoorziening. Vervolgens komen de consequenties van de energietransitie voor het functioneren van elektriciteitsdistributienetten aan de orde en de bijdrage van Smart Grids aan het beheersen daarvan

    Duurzame energie vraagt politieke keuze

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    De slechte staat van duurzame energie in Nederland is te wijten aan de energiebedrijven, aldus Jan Rotmans (RD 6-8). Han Slootweg is het daar niet mee eens. Wat in Nederland ontbreekt, is een daadkrachtige overheid

    Historisch besef

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    Maximum PV-penetration in low-voltage cable networks

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    As a consequence of the increasing amount of PV-systems connected to the LV-network the question arises whether these networks are able to cope with large amounts of PV. In this paper it is investigated whether problems have to be expected in typical LV networks in the Netherlands. It is shown that exceeding of the regulatory voltage levels is the first limiting factor for integration of PV, followed by overloading of components. In most parts of the network no problems will arise as a consequence of PV, as it is not possible to place enough PV panels to cause problems. Areas with increased risk can be identified on forehand

    Method for evaluating smart grid concepts and pilots

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    A large number of smart grid pilots are initiated worldwide to explore the potential of smart grids. At this stage, there is a clear need to identify how the results of these pilots can be evaluated. To enable the use of the methodological approaches applied for the estimation of the costs and benefits of smart grids, the results need to be generalized based on specific input assumptions. To this end, it is required to unravel the input-output relationship between the smart grid input and the change in the consumers’ load profile. Therefore, when evaluating smart grid pilots, it is important to take into account which smart grid input variables are used to stimulate load shifting. These input variables are defined by the smart grid concept, and reflect the objectives of the involved stakeholders. This paper describes the challenges of and requirements for the evaluation of smart grid concepts and pilots. Furthermore, the proposed evaluation method is illustrated by describing two different smart grid concepts and their pilot setup


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    Introducing smart grids : practical experience of a DSO

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    One of the main issues for Distribution System Operators is the introduction of so-called smart grids. Enexis B.V., one of the major Distribution System Operators in The Netherlands started two years ago with the preparation of a large-scale roll-out of distribution automation, which can be considered as a part, or form of a smart grid. In the preparation and the pilot phase of the project it became clear however that a lot of practical issues had to be solved before smart grids can be rolled out. This contribution describes the experiences of Enexis and compares theory and practice of the introduction of smart grids

    Method for evaluating smart grid concepts and pilots

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    A large number of smart grid pilots are initiated worldwide to explore the potential of smart grids. At this stage, there is a clear need to identify how the results of these pilots can be evaluated. To enable the use of the methodological approaches applied for the estimation of the costs and benefits of smart grids, the results need to be generalized based on specific input assumptions. To this end, it is required to unravel the input-output relationship between the smart grid input and the change in the consumers’ load profile. Therefore, when evaluating smart grid pilots, it is important to take into account which smart grid input variables are used to stimulate load shifting. These input variables are defined by the smart grid concept, and reflect the objectives of the involved stakeholders. This paper describes the challenges of and requirements for the evaluation of smart grid concepts and pilots. Furthermore, the proposed evaluation method is illustrated by describing two different smart grid concepts and their pilot setup

    Coordination of community electricity markets and distribution network operation

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    Community electricity markets are dedicated markets in which small electricity prosumers can directly trade electricity among themselves. The interest in such markets is growing in recent years as indicated by the increasing number of research studies, pilot projects and commercial implementations of community markets. The large-scale deployment of community markets may contribute to problems in the distribution grid, in combination with the increased electrification of the energy demand. Therefore, a coordinated approach with the DSO’s operational activities is preferred in order to avoid network problems. This paper proposes a method for such coordination that is straightforward, effective and considers the electricity deregulation. The results of the case study demonstrate how flexibility from prosumers can be utilized by the DSO to solve network problems. The coordinated approach has a small negative effect on the community market which can be overcome with adequate remuneration policy

    Coordination of community electricity markets and distribution network operation

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    Community electricity markets are dedicated markets in which small electricity prosumers can directly trade electricity among themselves. The interest in such markets is growing in recent years as indicated by the increasing number of research studies, pilot projects and commercial implementations of community markets. The large-scale deployment of community markets may contribute to problems in the distribution grid, in combination with the increased electrification of the energy demand. Therefore, a coordinated approach with the DSO’s operational activities is preferred in order to avoid network problems. This paper proposes a method for such coordination that is straightforward, effective and considers the electricity deregulation. The results of the case study demonstrate how flexibility from prosumers can be utilized by the DSO to solve network problems. The coordinated approach has a small negative effect on the community market which can be overcome with adequate remuneration policy
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