39 research outputs found

    Titanium-based Biomaterials

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    U odnosu na legure na bazi kobalt-kroma i nehrđajuće čelike, titan i legure na bazi titana našle su široku primjenu u biomedicini, gdje se zbog svojih izvrsnih svojstava upotrebljavaju kao implantati, ali zbog visoke cijene njihove proizvodnje još uvijek nemaju širu upotrebu. Neka od bitnih svojstava su: izvrsna biokompatibilnost, dobra mehanička svojstva i oseointegracija te otpornost na koroziju. Uz predstavljanje biomedicinskih materijala koji se najčešće upotrebljavaju, ovaj članak prikazuje razvoj biomaterijala na bazi titana i njihovu biomedicinsku primjenu. Biomaterijali se obično upotrebljavaju u biomedicini za popravak, zamjenu ili regeneraciju tjelesnih tkiva. S obzirom na to da je poznat sve veći broj neuspjelih implantacija uzrokovanih patogenom bakterijskom infekcijom, među funkcijama koje bi se mogle dodati biomaterijalima je antibakterijsko djelovanje, koje je od velike važnosti. U novije vrijeme antibakterijske metalne legure pokazale su velik potencijal kao nova vrsta biomedicinskog materijala.Compared to cobalt-chromium and stainless steel based alloys, titanium and titanium based alloys have found wide application in biomedicine, and are used as biomedical implants due to their excellent properties, but are yet to be widely used due to the high cost of their production. Their most important properties include: excellent biocompatibility, good mechanical properties, osseointegration, and corrosion resistance. In addition to presenting some commonly used biomedical materials, this article gives an overview of the development of titanium biomaterials and their biomedical applications. Biomaterials are widely used in biomedicine to repair, replace or regenerate body tissue. Given that an increasing number of failed implantations caused by pathogenic bacterial infection are known, among the functions that could be added to biomaterials is antibacterial action, which is of great importance. Recently, antibacterial metal alloys have shown great potential as a new type of biomedical material


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    This paper deals with production of hard metal by powder metallurgy and its effect on the environment. Hard metal is a composite material that consists of tungsten carbide as the hard refractory phase and cobalt or nickel as the soft metal binder phase. It cannot be produced by classical casting technology. Owing to its excellent properties, such as high hardness, wear and heat resistance etc., hard metal can be applied in a variety of industrial fields. Powder metallurgy is a technology for production of a wide range of materials as net-shape products from a compacted and sintered powders mixture. In this paper the impact of all stages of hard metal production by powder metallurgy on the environment is analysed. The presented analysis shows that production of hard metal by powder metallurgy has a minimum effect on the environment

    Hazards at the production of titanium alloys in the electric arc furnace

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    This article describes the metal titanium, its characteristics and properties, and the types of titanium alloys with regard to its microstructure. It also describes the production processes, i.e. the melting and casting processes of titanium alloys. The focus is on the production of titanium alloys by the electric arc process, and possible hazards in the production of titanium in electric arc furnaces are also described. Suitable protective measures to be taken in the event of a particular hazard are also highlighted. Concerning the occurrence of possible accidents in the production of titanium, a calculation is also presented that shows how much needs to be invested in protection against possible accidents while maximising profit. Finally, the application and casting process of titanium alloys in dentistry is presented

    Hazards at the production of titanium alloys in the electric arc furnace

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    This article describes the metal titanium, its characteristics and properties, and the types of titanium alloys with regard to its microstructure. It also describes the production processes, i.e. the melting and casting processes of titanium alloys. The focus is on the production of titanium alloys by the electric arc process, and possible hazards in the production of titanium in electric arc furnaces are also described. Suitable protective measures to be taken in the event of a particular hazard are also highlighted. Concerning the occurrence of possible accidents in the production of titanium, a calculation is also presented that shows how much needs to be invested in protection against possible accidents while maximising profit. Finally, the application and casting process of titanium alloys in dentistry is presented

    Hazards at the production of titanium alloys in the electric arc furnace

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    This article describes the metal titanium, its characteristics and properties, and the types of titanium alloys with regard to its microstructure. It also describes the production processes, i.e. the melting and casting processes of titanium alloys. The focus is on the production of titanium alloys by the electric arc process, and possible hazards in the production of titanium in electric arc furnaces are also described. Suitable protective measures to be taken in the event of a particular hazard are also highlighted. Concerning the occurrence of possible accidents in the production of titanium, a calculation is also presented that shows how much needs to be invested in protection against possible accidents while maximising profit. Finally, the application and casting process of titanium alloys in dentistry is presented

    Effect of boron and tungsten carbides on the properties of TiC-reinforced tool steel matrix composite produced by powder metallurgy

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    The influence of boron carbide and tungsten carbide on the apparent porosity, density, coercive force, hardness and microstructure of metal matrix composite of the Ferro-TiC type, is presented in this paper. The samples of investigated steel/titanium carbide composite were produced by powder metallurgy process, i.e. by powders mixing and compacting followed by sintering in the vacuum furnace. According to the results, steel/titanium carbide composite materials with addition up to 11.9 vol.% of boron carbide are interesting to detailed investigation as well as materials having more than 17.2 vol.% of tungsten carbide because these compositions show significant changes in hardness and coercive force values

    Effect of subsequent heating on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb microalloyed steel

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    Effect of subsequent heating on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot rolled niobium microalloyed steel was researched in this paper. Low carbon steel was microalloyed with 0.048 % niobium and it was heated at 1150 C followed by cooling in the air. Researches were performed on two types of samples: low carbon steel microalloyed with niobium and subsequently heated microalloyed steel in the rolling direction as well as in the direction perpendicular to the rolling direction. Mechanical properties of all samples were determined by the static tensile test at testing rate of 5 mm/min. After that their microstructure was observed by scanning electron microscope. Results have shown a significant effect of subsequent heating on the microstructure, i.e. grain size as well as on the mechanical properties

    Effect of subsequent heating on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb microalloyed steel

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    Effect of subsequent heating on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot rolled niobium microalloyed steel was researched in this paper. Low carbon steel was microalloyed with 0.048 % niobium and it was heated at 1150 C followed by cooling in the air. Researches were performed on two types of samples: low carbon steel microalloyed with niobium and subsequently heated microalloyed steel in the rolling direction as well as in the direction perpendicular to the rolling direction. Mechanical properties of all samples were determined by the static tensile test at testing rate of 5 mm/min. After that their microstructure was observed by scanning electron microscope. Results have shown a significant effect of subsequent heating on the microstructure, i.e. grain size as well as on the mechanical properties

    Metal Ions Release from Welded Co—Cr Dental Alloys

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    Cobalt–chromium alloys (Co-Cr) are widely used in dentistry due to their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Since prosthetic materials must be permanently stable in the oral cavity, it is very important to determine the release of ions from alloys in the oral cavity. In dentistry today, metals and alloys are mainly joined by laser and tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. Therefore, in this work, the release of metal ions from six different Co-Cr alloys joined by these two welding methods was quantified to determine the effects of the welding method on an ion release. Static immersion tests, atomic absorption spectrometry and statistical analysis were performed for this purpose. The results showed that laser-welded alloys release a lower amount of metal ions compared to TIG-welded alloys

    Hazards at the production of titanium alloys in the electric arc furnace

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    This article describes the metal titanium, its characteristics and properties, and the types of titanium alloys with regard to its microstructure. It also describes the production processes, i.e. the melting and casting processes of titanium alloys. The focus is on the production of titanium alloys by the electric arc process, and possible hazards in the production of titanium in electric arc furnaces are also described. Suitable protective measures to be taken in the event of a particular hazard are also highlighted. Concerning the occurrence of possible accidents in the production of titanium, a calculation is also presented that shows how much needs to be invested in protection against possible accidents while maximising profit. Finally, the application and casting process of titanium alloys in dentistry is presented