400 research outputs found

    Improvement of the legal basis of the environmental education for sustainable development in Ukraine through the prism of the experience of the Republic of Poland

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    The purpose of this article is a general description of the current legislation in Ukraine and Poland in the field of environmental education for sustainable development. The author analyzes the provisions of the constitutional and other laws and regulations to define the foundations of the legal mechanism of environmental education in these countries as they have a solid long-term legal basis of environmental bilateral cooperation. It is emphasized that there is a positive experience in the field of research in both countries. In Poland, the legal consolidation of the idea of sustainable development and the active development of legislation on education for sustainable development is considered. Meanwhile, in Ukraine the legal consolidation of right to environmental education in the system of environmental rights is appreciated

    The Study of Iron-based Nanoparticles Stability in Biological Fluids by Stripping Voltammetry

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    AbstractThe possibility of application of voltammetric methods for evaluating the stability of nanoparticles in biological fluids has been shown for the first time. The kinetics of degradation both of uncoated nanoparticles and with different coatings in a simulated solution of gastric juice in a wide range of time has been studied. It has been shown that by using carbonaceous coatings nanoparticles resistance increases 2-4 times, and when modifying the surface with aryldiazonium salts - 5-6 times

    Основные исторические этапы развития эксплуатируемых «зелёных» покрытий в городской среде

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    Contemporary accessible green roofs created by architects and landscape designers using special technologies have appeared relatively recently. But the idea of a green rooftop garden is by no means new. In the context of the increasing intensity of the use of urban areas and the resulting shortage of recreational spaces, the use of green roofs is seen as quite promising. In consequence of this fact, it is important to consider the historical retrospective with respect to the emergence and development of accessible green roofs.Development of green roofs is conditionally divided by the authors into the following historical periods:- Green roofs in the ancient world;- Green roofs in the medieval period;- Green roofs in the modern era;- Green roofs in contemporary times.In consequence of the study, the authors analyze the historical experience of the use of accessible green roofs in various countries and in different time periods. The authors consider examples of the accessible green roofs used for the organization of recreational and other functional zones, as well as confirm the urgency of application of such green areas in the contemporary city both on buildings’ roofs, and over a street and road network, railroad sections, and other urban facilities.  Techos verdes accesibles contemporáneos creados por arquitectos y paisajistas que utilizan tecnologías especiales han aparecido relativamente recientemente. Pero la idea de un jardín verde en la azotea no es nueva. En el contexto de la creciente intensidad del uso de áreas urbanas y la consiguiente escasez de espacios recreativos, el uso de techos verdes se considera bastante prometedor. Como consecuencia de este hecho, es importante considerar la retrospectiva histórica con respecto a la aparición y el desarrollo de cubiertas verdes accesibles. El desarrollo de los techos verdes está dividido condicionalmente por los autores en los siguientes períodos históricos: - Techos verdes en el mundo antiguo;- Techos verdes en la época medieval;- Techos verdes en la era moderna;- Techos verdes en tiempos contemporáneos.Como consecuencia del estudio, los autores analizan la experiencia histórica del uso de techos verdes accesibles en varios países y en diferentes períodos de tiempo. Los autores consideran ejemplos de los techos verdes accesibles utilizados para la organización de zonas recreativas y otras zonas funcionales, así como confirman la urgencia de la aplicación de tales áreas verdes en la ciudad contemporánea tanto en los techos de los edificios como en una red de calles y carreteras. secciones de ferrocarril y otras instalaciones urbanas.Современные эксплуатируемые «зелёные» покрытия, создаваемые архитекторами и ландшафтными дизайнерами с применением специальных технологий, появились сравнительно недавно. А вот сама идея «зелёных» покрытий - садов на крышах отнюдь не новая. Ввиду все возрастающей интенсивности использования городских территорий и возникающего в связи с этим дефицита рекреационных пространств применение «зеленых» покрытий видится перспективным. Вследствие этого представляется важным рассмотреть историческую ретроспективу появления и развития «зелёных» покрытий.Указанное развитие объекта условно разделено авторами на следующие исторические периоды:- «Зелёные» покрытия в Древнем мире;- «Зелёные» покрытия в эпоху Средневековья;- «Зелёные» покрытия в Новое время;- «Зелёные» покрытия в эпоху Новейшего времени.В результате исследования проанализирован исторический опыт применения эксплуатируемых зелёных покрытий в разных странах и в различные временные периоды. Рассмотрены примеры использования эксплуатируемых покрытий для организации рекреационных и других функциональных зон. Подтверждается актуальность применения таких покрытий в современном городе как на крышах зданий, так и над улично-дорожной сетью, вводами железных дорог и другими городскими объектами

    Study of o-fluorbenzonal electrochemical behavior with the carbon electrode using voltammetry

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    A high sensitive stripping voltammetric method was for the first time proposed for determination of o-fluorbenzonal. This method is based on the ability to be electrochemically reduced with the carbon electrodes of different types. The working conditions of o-fluorbenzonal voltammetric determination are: pH of the background electrolyte, electrolysis potential and time scan rate. The effective dissociation constant of various forms of o-fluorbenzonal, number of electrons involved in the electrode process were calculated

    Renata Summa (2021). Everyday Boundaries, Borders and Post Conflict Societies. Palgrave Macmillan

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    Received 18 September 2023. Accepted 1 October 2023. Published online 6 October 2023.The research was funded by the grant from the Russian Scientific Foundation (grant № 23-18-00851, https://rscf.ru/project/23-18-00851/)

    Centrosome positioning in interphase cells

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    The position of the centrosome is actively maintained at the cell center, but the mechanisms of the centering force remain largely unknown. It is known that centrosome positioning requires a radial array of cytoplasmic microtubules (MTs) that can exert pushing or pulling forces involving MT dynamics and the activity of cortical MT motors. It has also been suggested that actomyosin can play a direct or indirect role in this process. To examine the centering mechanisms, we introduced an imbalance of forces acting on the centrosome by local application of an inhibitor of MT assembly (nocodazole), and studied the resulting centrosome displacement. Using this approach in combination with microinjection of function-blocking probes, we found that a MT-dependent dynein pulling force plays a key role in the positioning of the centrosome at the cell center, and that other forces applied to the centrosomal MTs, including actomyosin contractility, can contribute to this process