151 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility as a tool for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

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    The recently adopted Strategy for the economic and social development of the EU - Europe Strategy 2020, recognizes the concept of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as one of the tools for the achievement of a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Although the integration of CSR concept into business strategies is made on voluntary bases, governments, civil sector, media and academia have an important role in its promotion. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role that CSR plays in the socio-economic development focusing on Serbia. While the Government perceives the importance of CSR for Serbian socioeconomic development, it is noticeable that pressure on companies to undertake socially responsible activities made by media, NGOs, consumers and business partners is not remarkable. In addition, the business community still does not have enough CSR initiatives that would be both beneficial to the community and profitable for companies. The paper argues that education on CSR of the managers and the broader public is essential in raising the awareness of the benefits that CSR offer. Consequently, it would lead towards the wider implementation of CSR in Serbia

    Corrosion of archaeological artefact made of forged iron

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    One artefact of the archaeological cultural heritage from Roman period (IV century) that was found near Å abac in Serbia, was analysed. In corrosion products of the artefact (knife), dominant phases were goethite (α-FeOOH) and magnetite (Fe3O4). Presence of these types of corrosion products explains a good preservation of the base metal (iron) over the centuries and stability after excavation. Also, the less stable lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) and the phases that come from rocks and land surrounding environment (like SiO2) were identified in the corrosion products. Phases containing chloride ions (i.e. akaganéite) have not been detected in the corrosion products. This indirectly indicates that the amount chloride ions were rather low in underground exploitation conditions

    Using Spatial and Seasonal Panel Model to Determine Impact of Climatic Factors on Maize Yields in Serbia

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    Maize production significantly contributes to the growth in crop production and Serbian agriculture in general. The climate in Serbia can be described as temperate continental, which favourably affects the output of crop production lines. However, temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation is uneven. According to the projections of global climate changes in the region of Southern Europe (increase in air temperatures, prolonged heat waves, decrease in precipitation and intensive droughts), crop producers could expect increased damage to their plants. The main goal of the paper is to evaluate the impact of climate factors on maize yields in Serbia, by substituting the irrigation effects with empirical longitudinal panel data on different climatic conditions (temperature, rainfall and extra-terrestrial radiation), altitudes and share of maize in the total arable land of selected municipalities. The research led us to conclusions: water shortage is statistically significant in the second phenophase; irrigation of arable land at altitudes above 200 m does not result in growth of average maize yield; the growth of temperature by 1° C above 30° C during the vegetative period results in decrease of maize yields; 1 mm increase in water deficit in phenophase 2 leads to reduction in maize yields; increase in planted acreage by one percentage point results in reduction in maize yield per hectare

    IR thermography in moisture and earthquake damage detection performed in the Žiča monastery, Serbia

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    This paper presents the results of the IR thermographic diagnostics of the seismic damage inflicted upon the Žiča Monastery after the earthquake on 3rd November 2010. The Žiča Monastery founded in 13th century is located in central Serbia. The moisture content in the structure was detected too. The obtained results document the current state of the buildings and, at the same time, confirm the advantages of IR thermography as a method in the diagnosis of earthquake cracks, useful for the seismic retrofit study. The obtained results enable the identification of the structure parts where more in-depth investigations need to be concentrated. The procedures and activities for curative conservation and protection of the Žiča Monastery should include the thermographic test results. The results and the conclusions obtained in this case study could be used as example for further extensive studies of historical and cultural heritage buildings

    Nasleđivanje sadržaja hlorofila u listu f1 generacije eksperimentalnih hibrida paradajza

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    The chlorophyll content in tomato leaves directly indicates the level of photosynthetic ability and also shows genetic potential of a certain genotype. The present study encompasses the experimental crosses among homozygous inbreeds. Two male and five female components were used in the experiment. Ten newly developed hybrids in F1 generation and seven parental inbreeds were analyzed for the chlorophyll content in leaves. The obtained average values ranged from 47.90 to 63.44 universal SPAD units. Some of experimental tomato hybrids had significantly higher value of the chlorophyll content in leaves than their parents, indicating that heterosis was expressed in these combinations.Sadržaj hlorofila u listu paradajza direktno ukazuje na nivo fotosintetske aktivnosti, a samim tim i na potencijal određenog genotipa. U ovom radu su vršena eksperimentalna ukrštanja homozigotnih linija, pri čemu su dva genotipa bila očinske, a drugih pet majčinske komponente. Dobijenih deset hibrida u F1 generaciji i sedam roditeljskih linija analizirani su na sadržaj hlorofila u listu. Izmerene su prosečne vrednosti hlorofila u rasponu od 47,90 do 63,44 univerzalnih SPAD jedinica. Neki od eksperimentalnih hibrida paradajza imali su signifikantno višu vrednost sadržaja hlorofila u listu od oba svoja roditelja, što ukazuje na ispoljavanje heterozisa u tim kombinacijama

    Uloga menadžmenta u procesu finansijskog izveštavanja - odgovornosti i interesi

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    Finansijski izveštaji preduzeća predstavljaju relevantan informacioni resurs brojnih korisnika računovodstvenih informacija. Pripremanje i sastavljanje finansijskih izveštaja se poverava profesionalnim računovođama, s tim da je za kvalitet finansijskih izveštaja, pred vlasnicima kapitala i ostalim stejkholderima, primarno odgovoran top menadžment preduzeća. Cilj rada je isticanje upravljačke nadležnosti i odgovornosti menadžera u procesu finansijskog izveštavanja, uz poseban osvrt na njihov informacioni interes za finansijske izveštaje. U radu nastojimo prikazati oblike odgovornosti menadžera za finansijske izveštaje, a zatim analizirati regulatorni okvir odgovornosti menadžera u domenu finansijskog izveštavanja u zemljama sa razvijenom računovodstvenom profesijom i kod nas. U nastavku rada se, nakon obrazlaganja uloge koju menadžeri imaju u procesu polaganja računa stejkholderima preduzeća, opisuje konfliktna uloga menadžmenta u procesu finansijskog izveštavanja. S obzirom da su menadžeri specifični korisnici finansijskih izveštaja, u posebnom delu rada će biti analiziran način zadovoljavanja njihovih informacionih potreba iz seta finansijskih izveštaja


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    The evolution of daily extreme precipitation from 1966 to 2013 in Vojvodina Region (Serbia) was investigated. We calculated trends of ten precipitation indices and tested their corresponding significances using the Student’s t-test for seven locations. The obtained results suggest that the climate of the northern and central parts of Vojvodina region becomes wetter in terms of precipitation magnitude and frequency, reflecting the characteristic of the central European regime, while the southernmost part of the region is drier, reflecting the characteristic of the Mediterranean regime. In addition, the results indicate an increase in the amount of precipitation in short time intervals. Positive annual trends are strongly influenced by the significant increase of autumn frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation. According to the correlation between extreme precipitation indices and atmospheric teleconnection patterns, it was found that the NAO has the strongest influence on precipitation intensity indices in spring and winter, while during winter it also affects the frequency of dry conditions. The EAWR pattern has a strong influence on the statistically significant positive autumn trends

    Korozija topa 75/27, model 1911. deport iz kolekcije Vojnog muzeja u Beogradu

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    This paper analyzes the state of the French Cannon 75/27 model 1911. Déport made of steel. The amount of non-corroded materials, the presence of cracks and other defects in the cannon were determined by the radiographic method. The composition of corrosion products were analyzed using diffraction of X-rays (XRD method). In addition to goethite α-FeO(OH), lepidocrocite γ-FeO(OH) and magnetite Fe3O4, the presence of akaganeite was observed in the corrosion products, β-Fe8O8(OH)8Cl1.35 which indicates the accelerated corrosion of the base metal. With the ion chromatography method, the content of chloride, sulphate and other ions in corrosion products were examined. On the basis of conducted experiments, it can be concluded that it is necessary to treat the cannon in appropriate solutions, as quickly as possible, to remove chloride and sulphate ions.U ovom radu analizirano je stanje francuskog topa 75/27 model 1911 Déport izrađenog od čelika. Za određivanje količine nekorodiralog materijala, prisustva prslina i drugih defekata u eksponatu korišćena je radiografska metoda. Sastav korozionih produkata je analiziran metodom difrakcije rendgenskih zraka (XRD). Pored getita, α-FeO(OH), lepidokrokita, γ-FeO(OH) i magnetita, Fe3O4, na eksponatima je uočeno prisustvo akaganita koje ukazuje na aktivnu koroziju osnovnog metala. Metodom jonske hromatografije je određen sadržaj hloridnih i drugih anjona u korozionim produktima. Na osnovu izvedenih eksperimenata nameće se zaključak o neophodnosti tretmana topa u odgovarajućim rastvorima što je moguće pre u cilju uklanjanja hloridnih i drugih koroziono aktivnih jona

    Estimation of photovoltaic power generation potential in Serbia based on irradiance, air temperature, and wind speed data

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    This study is devoted to the research of spatial-temporal variation of electricity generation from the kilowatt-peak photovoltaic system made of crystalline silicon solar cells. The research was conducted in the territory of Serbia using the model for estimation photovoltaic performances as a function of incident irradiance and module temperature. Preparation of input data and calculation of the final results was done within the geographical information system. Some of the required raster data, like solar irradiance and wind speed, were already available, while air temperature raster was created from discrete set of observed data using the regression-kriging model. Obtained results were presented in the form of raster maps that enabled further analysis and discussion about new findings. The analysis of seasonal variations reveals that during spring and summer months photovoltaic systems are producing up to 70% of total annual electricity yield. In terms of the spatial distribution, the most promising areas for electricity generation are located in the south part of Serbia and along main river valleys. In addition, discussion part addresses the issue of data imperfection caused by the accuracy of the selected model, as well as quality and availability of data series

    DEEP Learning LSTM recurrent neural network for consequence forecasting of the solar wind disturbance

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    This conference was held from 10 to 13 May in Petnica Science Centre, City of Valjevo