5 research outputs found

    Black Hole Masses are Quantized

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    We give a simple argument showing that in any sensible quantum field theory the masses of black holes cannot assume continuous values and must be quantized. Our proof solely relies on Poincare-invariance of the asymptotic background, and is insensitive to geometric characteristics of black holes or other peculiarities of the short distance physics. Therefore, our results are equally-applicable to any other localized objects on asymptotically Poincare-invariant space, such as classicalons. By adding a requirement that in large mass limit the quantization must approximately account for classical results, we derive an universal quantization rule applicable to all classicalons (including black holes) in arbitrary number of dimensions. In particular, this implies, that black holes cannot emit/absorb arbitrarily soft quanta. The effect has phenomenological model-independent implications for black holes and other classicalons that may be created at LHC. We predict, that contrary to naive intuition, the black holes and/or classicalons, will be produced in form of fully-fledged quantum resonances of discrete masses, with the level-spacing controlled by the inverse square-root of cross-section.Comment: 23 pages, Late

    Classical Dimensional Transmutation and Confinement

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    We observe that probing certain classical field theories by external sources uncovers the underlying renormalization group structure, including the phenomenon of dimensional transmutation, at purely-classical level. We perform this study on an example of λϕ4\lambda\phi^{4} theory and unravel asymptotic freedom and triviality for negative and positives signs of λ\lambda respectively. We derive exact classical β\beta function equation. Solving this equation we find that an isolated source has an infinite energy and therefore cannot exist as an asymptotic state. On the other hand a dipole, built out of two opposite charges, has finite positive energy. At large separation the interaction potential between these two charges grows indefinitely as a distance in power one third

    Probing Quantum Geometry at LHC

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    We present an evidence, that the volumes of compactified spaces as well as the areas of black hole horizons must be quantized in Planck units. This quantization has phenomenological consequences, most dramatic being for micro black holes in the theories with TeV scale gravity that can be produced at LHC. We predict that black holes come in form of a discrete tower with well defined spacing. Instead of thermal evaporation, they decay through the sequence of spontaneous particle emissions, with each transition reducing the horizon area by strictly integer number of Planck units. Quantization of the horizons can be a crucial missing link by which the notion of the minimal length in gravity eliminates physical singularities. In case when the remnants of the black holes with the minimal possible area and mass of order few TeV are stable, they might be good candidates for the cold dark matter in the Universe.Comment: 14 pages, Late