30 research outputs found

    Sommerfeld Enhancement of DM Annihilation: Resonance Structure, Freeze-Out and CMB Spectral Bound

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    In the last few years there has been some interest in WIMP Dark Matter models featuring a velocity dependent cross section through the Sommerfeld enhancement mechanism, which is a nonrelativistic effect due to massive bosons in the dark sector. In the first part of this article, we find analytic expressions for the boost factor for three different model potentials, the Coulomb potential, the spherical well and the spherical cone well and compare with the numerical solution of the Yukawa potential. We find that the resonance pattern of all the potentials can be cast into the same universal form. In the second part of the article we perform a detailed computation of the Dark Matter relic density for models having Sommerfeld enhancement by solving the Boltzmann equation numerically. We calculate the expected distortions of the CMB blackbody spectrum from WIMP annihilations and compare these to the bounds set by FIRAS. We conclude that only a small part of the parameter space can be ruled out by the FIRAS observations.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, version accepted by JCA

    Extra-dimensional cosmology with domain-wall branes

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    We show how to define a consistent braneworld cosmology in a model in which the brane is constructed as a field-theoretic domain wall of finite thickness. The Friedmann, Robertson-Walker metric is recovered in the region of the brane, but, remarkably, with scale factor that depends on particle energy and on particle species, constituting a breakdown of the weak equivalence principle on sufficiently small scales. This unusual effect comes from the extended nature of particles confined to a domain-wall brane, and the fact that they feel an "average" of the bulk spacetime. We demonstrate how to recover the standard results of brane cosmology in the infinitely-thin brane limit, and comment on how our results have the potential to place bounds on parameters such as the thickness of domain-wall braneworlds.Comment: 23 pages; v2 has additional references and reflects journal versio

    On velocity-dependent dark matter annihilations in dwarf satellites

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    Milky Way dwarf spheroidal satellites are a prime target for Dark Matter (DM) indirect searches. Recently the importance of possible long-range interactions has been recognized, as they can boost the expected DM gamma ray signal by orders of magnitude through an effect commonly known as the Sommerfeld enhancement. However, for such analyses precise modelling of DM phase-space distribution becomes crucial and can introduce large uncertainties in the final result. We provide a pioneering attempt towards a comprehensive investigation of these systematics. First, the DM halo profiles are constrained using Bayesian inference on the available stellar kinematic datasets with a careful treatment of observational and theoretical uncertainties. We consider both cuspy and cored parametric DM density profiles, together with the case of a non-parametric halo modelling directly connected to observable quantities along the line-of-sight. After reconsidering the study case of ergodic systems, the basic ingredient of all previous analyses, we investigate for the first time scenarios where DM particles are allowed to have anisotropic velocity distributions. Referring to a generalized J-factor, sensitive to velocity-dependent effects, an enhancement (suppression) with respect to the isotropic phase-space distributions is obtained for the case of tangentially (radially) biased DM particle orbits. We provide new estimates for J-factors for the eight brightest Milky Way dwarfs also in the limit of velocity-independent DM annihilation, in good agreement with previous results in literature, and derive data-driven lower-bounds based on the non-parametric modelling of the halo density. This work presents a state-of-the-art analysis of the aforementioned effects and falls within the interest of current and future experimental collaborations involved in DM indirect detection programs

    Implications of the Fermi-LAT diffuse gamma-ray measurements on annihilating or decaying Dark Matter

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    We analyze the recently published Fermi-LAT diffuse gamma-ray measurements in the context of leptonically annihilating or decaying dark matter (DM) with the aim to explain simultaneously the isotropic diffuse gamma-ray and the PAMELA, Fermi and HESS (PFH) anomalous e±e^\pm data. Five different DM annihilation/decay channels 2e2e, 2μ2\mu, 2τ2\tau, 4e4e, or 4μ4\mu (the latter two via an intermediate light particle ϕ\phi) are generated with PYTHIA. We calculate both the Galactic and extragalactic prompt and inverse Compton (IC) contributions to the resulting gamma-ray spectra. To find the Galactic IC spectra we use the interstellar radiation field model from the latest release of GALPROP. For the extragalactic signal we show that the amplitude of the prompt gamma-emission is very sensitive to the assumed model for the extragalactic background light. For our Galaxy we use the Einasto, NFW and Isothermal DM density profiles and include the effects of DM substructure assuming a simple subhalo model. Our calculations show that for the annihilating DM the extragalactic gamma-ray signal can dominate only if rather extreme power-law concentration-mass relation C(M)C(M) is used, while more realistic C(M)C(M) relations make the extragalactic component comparable or subdominant to the Galactic signal. For the decaying DM the Galactic signal always exceeds the extragalactic one. In the case of annihilating DM the PFH favored parameters can be ruled out only if power-law C(M)C(M) relation is assumed. For DM decaying into 2μ2\mu or 4μ4\mu the PFH favored DM parameters are not in conflict with the Fermi gamma-ray data. We find that, due to the (almost) featureless Galactic IC spectrum and the DM halo substructure, annihilating DM may give a good simultaneous fit to the isotropic diffuse gamma-ray and to the PFH e±e^\pm data without being in clear conflict with the other Fermi-LAT gamma-ray measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCAP, added missing references, new Figs. 9 \& 10, 35 page

    First-order formalism for dark energy and dust

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    This work deals with first-order formalism for dark energy and dust in standard cosmology, for models described by real scalar field in the presence of dust in spatially flat space. The field dynamics may be standard or tachyonic, and we show how the equations of motion can be solved by first-order differential equations. We investigate a model to illustrate how the dustlike matter may affect the cosmic evolution using this framework.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; title changed, new author included, discussions extended, references added, version to appear in EPJ