14 research outputs found

    The massive Star Population in M101

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2014. Major:Astrophysics. Advisor: Roberta M. Humphreys, 1 computer file (PDF); vii, 93 pages, appendices ix, 92 pages.An increasing number of non-terminal giant eruptions are being observed by modern supernova and transient surveys. Very little is known about the origin of these giant eruptions and their progenitors which are presumably very-massive, evolved stars such as luminous blue variables, hypergiants, and supergiants. Motivated by the small number of progenitors positively associated with these giant eruptions, we have begun a survey of the luminous and evolved massive star populations in several nearby galaxies. We aim to identify the likely progenitors of the giant eruptions, study the spatial variations in the stellar populations, and examine the relationship between massive star populations and their environment.The work presented here is focused on stellar populations in the relatively nearby, giant, spiral galaxy M101 from sixteen archival BVI HST/ACS images. We create a catalog of stars in the direction to M101 with photometric errors < 10% for V < 24.5 and 50% completeness down to V = 26.5 even in regions of high stellar crowding. Using color and magnitude criteria we have identified candidate luminous OB type stars and blue supergiants, yellow supergiants, and red supergiants for future observation. We examine their spatial distributions across the face of M101 and find that the ratio of blue to red supergiants decreases by two orders of magnitude over the radial extent.From our catalog, we derive the the star formation history (SFH) for the stellar populations in five 2' wide annuli by fitting the color-magnitude diagrams. Binning the SFH into time frames corresponding to populations traced by Halpha, far ultraviolet (FUV), and near ultraviolet (NUV) emission, we show that the fraction of stellar populations young enough to contribute in Halpha is 15% " 35% in the inner regions, compared to less than 5% in the outer regions. This provides a sufficient explanation for the lack of Halpha emission at large radii. We also model the blue to red supergiant ratio in our five annuli, examine the effects that a metallicity gradient and variable SFH have on the predicted ratios, and compare to the observed values. We find that the radial behavior of our modeled blue to red supergiant ratios is highly sensitive to both spatial variations in the SFH and metallicity. Incorporating the derived SFH into the modeled ratios, we are able to reproduce the observed values at large radii (low metallicity), but at small radii (high metallicity) the modeled and observed ratios are discrepant. Though photometry has proven to be a powerful tool to identify candidate evolved massive stars and their effects on their host galaxy, spectroscopy is necessary to study the physical properties of individual stars. We observed moderate-resolution optical spectra for 56 of the brightest stars in the direction to M101 using the Multiple Mirror Telescope. We also created light curves for each target using multi-epoch UBV R images from the Large Binocular Telescope. We separate the spectroscopially confirmed members of M101 into four groups: hot supergiants, intermediate supergiants, emission-line stars, and LBVs. Several stars in each group are discussed in detail. Of the spectroscopically confirmed members, we find that eight meet our criterion for variability. We present light curves for the known LBV candidates, V2, V4, and V9, and introduce a new candidate: 9492 14 11998. Additionally, we identify 20 new variables in M101. Lacking spectra, we separated the variables, by their photometric properties, into three groups: hot, intermediate, and cool. We find two hot stars with V -band variability of ±1 magnitude; we flag these stars as LBV candidates. Of the intermediate and cool variables, we identify several stars with low- to moderate-amplitude variability (0.1"0.5 magnitudes)

    Mapping the Asymmetric Thick Disk: III. The Kinematics and Interaction with the Galactic Bar

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    In the first two papers of this series, Larsen et al (2010a,b) describe our faint CCD survey in the inner Galaxy and map the over-density of Thick Disk stars in Quadrant I (Q1) to 5 kpc or more along the line of sight. The regions showing the strongest excess are above the density contours of the bar in the Galactic disk. In this third paper on the asymmetric Thick Disk, we report on radial velocities and derived metallicity parameters for over 4000 stars in Q1, above and below the plane and in Q4 above the plane. We confirm the corresponding kinematic asymmetry first reported by Parker et al. (2004), extended to greater distances and with more spatial coverage. The Thick Disk stars in Q1 have a rotational lag of 60 -- 70 km/s relative to circular rotation, and the Metal-Weak Thick Disk stars have an even greater lag of 100 km/s. Both lag their corresponding populations in Q4 by approximately 30 km/s. Interestingly, the Disk stars in Q1 also appear to participate in the rotational lag by about 30 km/s. The enhanced rotational lag for the Thick Disk in Q1 extends to 4 kpc or more from the Sun. At 3 to 4 kpc, our sight lines extend above the density contours on the near side of the bar, and as our lines of sight pass directly over the bar the rotational lag appears to decrease. This is consistent with a "gravitational wake" induced by the rotating bar in the Disk which would trap and pile up stars behind it. We conclude that a dynamical interaction with the stellar bar is the most probable explanation for the observed kinematic and spatial asymmetries

    The Unusual Temporal and Spectral Evolution of SN2011ht. II. Peculiar Type IIn or Impostor?

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    SN2011ht has been described both as a true supernova and as an impostor. In this paper, we conclude that it does not match some basic expectations for a core-collapse event. We discuss SN2011ht's spectral evolution from a hot dense wind to a cool dense wind, followed by the post-plateau appearance of a faster low density wind during a rapid decline in luminosity. We identify a slow dense wind expanding at only 500--600 km/s, present throughout the eruption. A faster wind speed V ~ 900 km/s may be identified with a second phase of the outburst. There is no direct or significant evidence for any flow speed above 1000 km/s; the broad asymmetric wings of Balmer emission lines in the hot wind phase were due to Thomson scattering, not bulk motion. We estimate a mass loss rate of order 0.04 Msun/yr during the hot dense wind phase of the event. There is no evidence that the kinetic energy substantially exceeded the luminous energy, roughly 2 X 10^49 ergs; so the total energy was far less than a true SN. We suggest that SN2011ht was a giant eruption driven by super-Eddington radiation pressure, perhaps beginning about 6 months before the discovery. A strongly non-spherical SN might also account for the data, at the cost of more free parameters.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Nov. 20 issue. Expanded discussion re SN impostors and Type IIn SNe plus two new figure

    Light Curve Templates and Galactic Distribution of RR Lyrae Stars from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82

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    We present an improved analysis of halo substructure traced by RR Lyrae stars in the SDSS stripe 82 region. With the addition of SDSS-II data, a revised selection method based on new ugriz light curve templates results in a sample of 483 RR Lyrae stars that is essentially free of contamination. The main result from our first study persists: the spatial distribution of halo stars at galactocentric distances 5--100 kpc is highly inhomogeneous. At least 20% of halo stars within 30 kpc from the Galactic center can be statistically associated with substructure. We present strong direct evidence, based on both RR Lyrae stars and main sequence stars, that the halo stellar number density profile significantly steepens beyond a Galactocentric distance of ~30 kpc, and a larger fraction of the stars are associated with substructure. By using a novel method that simultaneously combines data for RR Lyrae and main sequence stars, and using photometric metallicity estimates for main sequence stars derived from deep co-added u-band data, we measure the metallicity of the Sagittarius dSph tidal stream (trailing arm) towards R.A.2h-3h and Dec~0 deg to be 0.3 dex higher ([Fe/H]=-1.2) than that of surrounding halo field stars. Together with a similar result for another major halo substructure, the Monoceros stream, these results support theoretical predictions that an early forming, smooth inner halo, is metal poor compared to high surface brightness material that have been accreted onto a later-forming outer halo. The mean metallicity of stars in the outer halo that are not associated with detectable clumps may still be more metal-poor than the bulk of inner-halo stars, as has been argued from other data sets.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 68 pages, 26 figures, supplemental material (light curves, templates, animation) can be downloaded from http://www.astro.washington.edu/bsesar/S82_RRLyr.htm