20 research outputs found

    Keldysh Green's function approach to coherence in a non-equilibrium steady state: connecting Bose-Einstein condensation and lasing

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    Solid state quantum condensates often differ from previous examples of condensates (such as Helium, ultra-cold atomic gases, and superconductors) in that the quasiparticles condensing have relatively short lifetimes, and so as for lasers, external pumping is required to maintain a steady state. On the other hand, compared to lasers, the quasiparticles are generally more strongly interacting, and therefore better able to thermalise. This leads to questions of how to describe such non-equilibrium condensates, and their relation to equilibrium condensates and lasers. This chapter discusses in detail how the non-equilibrium Green's function approach can be applied to the description of such a non-equilibrium condensate, in particular, a system of microcavity polaritons, driven out of equilibrium by coupling to multiple baths. By considering the steady states, and fluctuations about them, it is possible to provide a description that relates both to equilibrium condensation and to lasing, while at the same time, making clear the differences from simple lasers

    Purcell-enhanced single photons at telecom wavelengths from a quantum dot in a photonic crystal cavity

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    Quantum dots are promising candidates for telecom single photon sources due to their tunable emission across the different low-loss telecommunications bands, making them compatible with existing fiber networks. Their suitability for integration into photonic structures allows for enhanced brightness through the Purcell effect, supporting efficient quantum communication technologies. Our work focuses on InAs/InP QDs created via droplet epitaxy MOVPE to operate within the telecoms C-band. We observe a short radiative lifetime of 340 ps, arising from a Purcell factor of 5, owing to integration of the QD within a low-mode-volume photonic crystal cavity. Through in-situ control of the sample temperature, we show both temperature tuning of the QD’s emission wavelength and a preserved single photon emission purity at temperatures up to 25K. These findings suggest the viability of QD-based, cryogen-free C-band single photon sources, supporting applicability in quantum communication technologies