11,277 research outputs found

    Provenance and geochemistry of exotic clasts in conglomerates of the Oligocene Torehina Formation, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand

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    Non-marine pebble to cobble conglomerates of the lower Torehina Formation (Oligocene) crop out along western Coromandel Peninsula and overlie, with strong angular discordance, continental-margin metasedimentary rocks (Manaia Hill Group) of Mesozoic (Late Jurassic to ?Early Cretaceous) age. The conglomerates contain provenance information that identifies a pre-Oligocene depositional history obscured by the unconformable juxtaposition of these Tertiary and Mesozoic strata. Most clasts in the lower Torehina Formation are visually similar to local bedrock lithologies, including metamorphosed sandstones and argillites, but are kaolinitic and contain more detrital and authigenic chert, quartz, and potash feldspar. Local derivation of these clasts seems unlikely. By comparing geochemical ratios with those defined for continental margin sandstones, and well characterised New Zealand tectonic terranes, we interpret the majority of clasts in the lower Torehina Formation to have been derived from a dissected orogen, with mixtures of felsic and volcanogenic-derived sediment. The most likely sources are the Waipapa and Torlesse Terranes. The remaining 20–30% of the clasts in the lower Torehina Formation were originally friable, are coarse grained, and appear to be lithologically exotic relative to known metamorphosed sandstones in basement terrane sources on North Island. Some clasts contain coal laminae and particles, and all contain detrital kaolinite as lithic fragments and matrix. Such characteristics imply a non-marine to marginal-marine source containing sediment derived from strongly weathered granite or granodiorite. Mechanical fragility implies a likely proximal, easily erodible source. We propose that this group of clasts was derived from an Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover, either part of a locally developed basin fill or part of a once regionally extensive cover on North Island. Either case defines a more widely distributed Cretaceous source than found today

    Can we predict the duration of an interglacial?

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    Differences in the duration of interglacials have long been apparent in palaeoclimate records of the Late and Middle Pleistocene. However, a systematic evaluation of such differences has been hampered by the lack of a metric that can be applied consistently through time and by difficulties in separating the local from the global component in various proxies. This, in turn, means that a theoretical framework with predictive power for interglacial duration has remained elusive. Here we propose that the interval between the terminal oscillation of the bipolar seesaw and three thousand years (kyr) before its first major reactivation provides an estimate that approximates the length of the sea-level highstand, a measure of interglacial duration. We apply this concept to interglacials of the last 800 kyr by using a recently-constructed record of interhemispheric variability. The onset of interglacials occurs within 2 kyr of the boreal summer insolation maximum/precession minimum and is consistent with the canonical view of Milankovitch forcing pacing the broad timing of interglacials. Glacial inception always takes place when obliquity is decreasing and never after the obliquity minimum. The phasing of precession and obliquity appears to influence the persistence of interglacial conditions over one or two insolation peaks, leading to shorter (~ 13 kyr) and longer (~ 28 kyr) interglacials. Glacial inception occurs approximately 10 kyr after peak interglacial conditions in temperature and CO2, representing a characteristic timescale of interglacial decline. Second-order differences in duration may be a function of stochasticity in the climate system, or small variations in background climate state and the magnitude of feedbacks and mechanisms contributing to glacial inception, and as such, difficult to predict. On the other hand, the broad duration of an interglacial may be determined by the phasing of astronomical parameters and the history of insolation, rather than the instantaneous forcing strength at inception

    Troubles with Bayesianism: An introduction to the psychological immune system

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    A Bayesian mind is, at its core, a rational mind. Bayesianism is thus well-suited to predict and explain mental processes that best exemplify our ability to be rational. However, evidence from belief acquisition and change appears to show that we do not acquire and update information in a Bayesian way. Instead, the principles of belief acquisition and updating seem grounded in maintaining a psychological immune system rather than in approximating a Bayesian processor

    The problem of shot selection in basketball

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    In basketball, every time the offense produces a shot opportunity the player with the ball must decide whether the shot is worth taking. In this paper, I explore the question of when a team should shoot and when they should pass up the shot by considering a simple theoretical model of the shot selection process, in which the quality of shot opportunities generated by the offense is assumed to fall randomly within a uniform distribution. I derive an answer to the question "how likely must the shot be to go in before the player should take it?", and show that this "lower cutoff" for shot quality ff depends crucially on the number nn of shot opportunities remaining (say, before the shot clock expires), with larger nn demanding that only higher-quality shots should be taken. The function f(n)f(n) is also derived in the presence of a finite turnover rate and used to predict the shooting rate of an optimal-shooting team as a function of time. This prediction is compared to observed shooting rates from the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the comparison suggests that NBA players tend to wait too long before shooting and undervalue the probability of committing a turnover.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; comparison to NBA data adde

    Radiocarbon evidence for enhanced respired carbon storage in the Atlantic at the Last Glacial Maximum

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    The influence of ocean circulation changes on atmospheric CO2 hinges primarily on the ability to alter the ocean interior's respired nutrient inventory. Here we investigate the Atlantic overturning circulation at the Last Glacial Maximum and its impact on respired carbon storage using radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope data from the Brazil and Iberian Margins. The data demonstrate the existence of a shallow well-ventilated northern-sourced cell overlying a poorly ventilated, predominantly southern-sourced cell at the Last Glacial Maximum. We also find that organic carbon remineralisation rates in the deep Atlantic remained broadly similar to modern, but that ventilation ages in the southern-sourced overturning cell were significantly increased. Respired carbon storage in the deep Atlantic was therefore enhanced during the last glacial period, primarily due to an increase in the residence time of carbon in the deep ocean, rather than an increase in biological carbon export

    Io: IUE observations of its atmosphere and the plasma torus

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    Two of the main components of the atmosphere of Io, neutral oxygen and sulfur, were detected with the IUE. Four observations yield brightnesses that are similar, regardless of whether the upstream or the downstream sides of the torus plasma flow around Io is observed. A simple model requires the emissions to be produced by the interaction of O and S columns in the exospheric range with 2 eV electrons. Cooling of the 5 eV torus electrons is required prior to their interaction with the atmosphere of Io. Inconsistencies in the characteristics of the spectra that cannot be accounted for in this model require further analysis with improved atomic data. The Io plasma torus was monitored with the IUE. The long-term stability of the warm torus is established. The observed brightnesses were analyzed using a model of the torus, and variations of less than 30 percent in the composition are observed, the quantitative results being model dependent

    Inverse remodelling algorithm identifies habitual manual activities of primates based on metacarpal bone architecture

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    Previously, a micro-finite element (micro-FE)-based inverse remodelling method was presented in the literature that reconstructs the loading history of a bone based on its architecture alone. Despite promising preliminary results, it remains unclear whether this method is sensitive enough to detect differences of bone loading related to pathologies or habitual activities. The goal of this study was to test the sensitivity of the inverse remodelling method by predicting joint loading histories of metacarpal bones of species with similar anatomy but clearly distinct habitual hand use. Three groups of habitual hand use were defined using the most representative primate species: manipulation (human), suspensory locomotion (orangutan), and knuckle-walking locomotion (bonobo, chimpanzee, gorilla). Nine to ten micro-computed tomography scans of each species (n=48n=48n=48in total) were used to create micro-FE models of the metacarpal head region. The most probable joint loading history was predicted by optimally scaling six load cases representing joint postures ranging from 75-\,75^{\circ }-75∘(extension) to +75+\,75^{\circ }+75∘(flexion). Predicted mean joint load directions were significantly different between knuckle-walking and non-knuckle-walking groups (p<0.05p<0.05p<0.05) and in line with expected primary hand postures. Mean joint load magnitudes tended to be larger in species using their hands for locomotion compared to species using them for manipulation. In conclusion, this study shows that the micro-FE-based inverse remodelling method is sensitive enough to detect differences of joint loading related to habitual manual activities of primates and might, therefore, be useful for palaeoanthropologists to reconstruct the behaviour of extinct species and for biomedical applications such as detecting pathological joint loading

    K-shell x-ray spectroscopy of atomic nitrogen

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    Absolute {\it K}-shell photoionization cross sections for atomic nitrogen have been obtained from both experiment and state-of-the-art theoretical techniques. Due to the difficulty of creating a target of neutral atomic nitrogen, no high-resolution {\it K}-edge spectroscopy measurements have been reported for this important atom. Interplay between theory and experiment enabled identification and characterization of the strong 1s1s \rightarrow npnp resonance features throughout the threshold region. An experimental value of 409.64 ±\pm 0.02 eV was determined for the {\it K}-shell binding energy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 graphs, 1 tabl

    Similar millennial climate variability on the Iberian margin during two early Pleistocene glacials and MIS 3

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    Although millennial-scale climate variability (<10 ka) has been well studied during the last glacial cycles, little is known about this important aspect of climate in the early Pleistocene, prior to the Middle Pleistocene Transition. Here we present an early Pleistocene climate record at centennial resolution for two representative glacials (marine isotope stages (MIS) 37–41 from approximately 1235 to 1320 ka) during the “41 ka world” at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1385 (the “Shackleton Site”) on the southwest Iberian margin. Millennial-scale climate variability was suppressed during interglacial periods (MIS 37, MIS 39, and MIS 41) and activated during glacial inceptions when benthic δ18O exceeded 3.2‰. Millennial variability during glacials MIS 38 and MIS 40 closely resembled Dansgaard-Oeschger events from the last glacial (MIS 3) in amplitude, shape, and pacing. The phasing of oxygen and carbon isotope variability is consistent with an active oceanic thermal bipolar see-saw between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres during most of the prominent stadials. Surface cooling was associated with systematic decreases in benthic carbon isotopes, indicating concomitant changes in the meridional overturning circulation. A comparison to other North Atlantic records of ice rafting during the early Pleistocene suggests that freshwater forcing, as proposed for the late Pleistocene, was involved in triggering or amplifying perturbations of the North Atlantic circulation that elicited a bipolar see-saw response. Our findings support similarities in the operation of the climate system occurring on millennial time scales before and after the Middle Pleistocene Transition despite the increases in global ice volume and duration of the glacial cycles