674 research outputs found

    Effect of syrepar and oxaphenamide on liver function in experimental hypokinesia

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    Experiments on albino rats showed that 30 day hypokinesia changes the reaction of the liver to cholagogues. The choleretic action of oxaphenamide as well as its inhibitory effect on synthesis of bile acids diminishes, while the influence of bilirubin secretion increases

    A Neural Network Approach to Flood Mapping Using Satellite Imagery

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    This paper presents a new approach to flood mapping using satellite synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) images that is based on intelligent techniques. In particular, we apply artificial neural networks, self-organizing Kohonen's maps (SOMs), for SAR image segmentation and classification. Our approach was used to process data from different satellite SAR instruments (ERS-2/SAR, ENVISAT/ASAR, RADARSAT-1) for different flood events: the Tisza river, Ukraine and Hungary, 2001; the Huaihe river, China, 2007; the Mekong river, Thailand and Laos, 2008; and the Koshi river, India and Nepal, 2008

    Sonata for Orchestra

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    Sonata for Orchestra is a one-movement study in orchestration, which highlights and blends different groups of instruments within the orchestra according to timbre and range

    Multiple Bodies as One

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    Influenced by traumatic bodily injuries, physical therapy, muscle growth, breathing patterns, mental health, ways of supporting a disabled body, navigating the health care system, and exhaustion, the work described in this paper is a double meaning of the word organ and investigates the body as machine. The vital parts of a pump organ, the bellows and pipes, are extracted and re-configured into structures built for the performer\u27s entire body to physically engage with in order to produce wind-driven sounds. Two of the sound sculptures require that two performers engage in play together, allowing them to audibly communicate through moving their body. The other sound sculpture is equally invested in the merging of human and machine. Each of the sculptures were built to help maintain and grow muscle on the performer\u27s body. All works were made in collaboration, requiring multiple bodies to act as one

    Особливості плодоношення та насінного розмноження Buddleja davidii Franche в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу України

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    Objective – to clarify the features of fruiting Buddleja davidii Franche, morphological features of the structure of fruits and seeds, to identify effective methods for their seed reproduction. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2014 and 2015 in conditions of the Right-Bank of Forest- Steppe of Ukraine, stationary studies – in the National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the NAS of Ukraine. Seeding qualities of seeds are determined. We conducted phenological observations. We determined the degree of maturation of seeds, depending on the sum of temperatures and the germination of seeds at different temperatures. The stages of ontogeny were studied. Results. Seeds of B. davidii representatives under study under favorable conditions in Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine ripen in the ІІ–ІІІ decade of November. Plants reach reproductive capacity in two years, after sowing seeds, then the first fruiting is observed. From one inflorescence 60–70 capsules are formed on 20–30 in the bundle. Boxes are bivalvous, ventral, pointed at the apex. At maturation in one box about 50 seeds are formed. The sowing period is ІІІ decade of March. Seeds germinate without stratification. Conclusions. Plants of B. davidii in Right-Bank of Forest- Steppe of Ukraine form viable seeds only at a favorable temperature during the ripening of the seeds. The best time for seed harvesting is ІІ–ІІІ decade of November. It is established that for seeds a superficial seeding is mandatory. In the presowing treatment seeds do not need. The best seed germination is observed at temperature +20–25 °C.Мета – з’ясувати особливості плодоношення Buddleja davidii Franche, морфологічні особливості будови плодів та насіння, виявити ефективні прийоми насінного розмноження. Матеріал та методи. Дослідження проведено у 2014 і 2015 рр. в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу України, стаціонарні дослідження – у Національному дендрологічному парку “Софіївка” НАН України. Встановлено посівні якості насіння. Проведено фенологічні спостереження. Визначено ступінь достигання насіння залежно від суми температур та показники схожості насіння за різних температур. Вивчено етапи онтогенезу. Результати. Насіння B. davidii за сприятливих умов в Правобережному Лісостепу України достигає в ІІ–ІІІ декаді листопада. Рослини досягають репродуктивної здатності через 2 роки після висіву насіння, тоді ж спостерігається перше плодоношення. З одного суцвіття утворюються 60–70 коробочок по 20–30 в одному пучку. Коробочки двостулкові, розкривні, загострені на верхівці. В одній коробочці утворюється близько 50 насінин. Найкращий строк посіву – ІІІ декада березня. Насіння проростає без стратифікації. Висновки. Рослини B. davidii у Правобережному Лісостепу України утворюють життєздатне насіння. Найкращий строк заготівлі насіння – ІІ–ІІІ декада листопада. Слід застосовувати поверхневий висів. Передпосівної обробки насіння не потребує. Краща схожість насіння спостерігається за температури +20–25 °С

    Grid Approach to Satellite Monitoring Systems Integration

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    This paper highlights the challenges of satellite monitoring systems integration, in particular based on Grid platform, and reviews possible solutions for these problems. We describe integration issues on different levels: data integration level and task management level (job submission in terms of Grid). We show example of described technologies for integration of monitoring systems of Ukraine (National Space Agency of Ukraine, NASU) and Russia (Space Research Institute RAS, IKI RAN). Another example refers to the development of InterGrid infrastructure that integrates several regional and national Grid systems: Ukrainian Academician Grid (with Satellite data processing Grid segment) and RSGS Grid (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

    Intelligent Model of User Behavior in Distributed Systems

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    We present a complex neural network model of user behavior in distributed systems. The model reflects both dynamical and statistical features of user behavior and consists of three components: on-line and off-line models and change detection module. On-line model reflects dynamical features by predicting user actions on the basis of previous ones. Off-line model is based on the analysis of statistical parameters of user behavior. In both cases neural networks are used to reveal uncharacteristic activity of users. Change detection module is intended for trends analysis in user behavior. The efficiency of complex model is verified on real data of users of Space Research Institute of NASU-NSAU