11 research outputs found


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    The COVID-19 pandemic phenomenon is causing increased stimulus to digital acceleration, and organizational work patterns change, thus creating a new work way for X University employees. Human resources management should keep on striving to retain employees as an essential asset. The purpose of this research is to analyze supporting factors and strategize to improve the adaptability of the education supporting staff of X University in changing situations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of respondents who filled in the online questionnaire and were selected by using a purposive sampling method was 297 respondents. The data analysis tool used in this study is Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The research found that engaging leadership, human resources management practice and job demands had no direct effect on work engagement. Job resources and personal resources had a direct effect on work engagement. Engaging leadership, human resources management practice, job demands, and job resources had no direct effect on performance. Personal resources and work engagement had a direct effect on performance. Work engagement was able to become a mediator for job resources and personal resources towards performance

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai BPDASHL Citarum-Ciliwung

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    The bureaucracy reform program aims to achieve high employee integrity, create responsible employees and the ability of employees to provide excellent service. The Citarum-Ciliwung Watershed and Forest Management Center (BPDASHL) has the task of serving the community in the field of forest and land rehabilitation along the Citarum-Ciliwung watershed so that its employees are expected to have good performance. This study aims to examine the effect of motivation, transformational leadership and job satisfaction on the performance of BPDASHL Citarum-Ciliwung employees. The data used is primary data in the form of questionnaire results from 45 respondents who are civil servants of BPDASHL Citarum-Ciliwung. The data was processed using Microsoft Excel tools, analyzed descriptively and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling method and the Partial Least Square approach. The results showed that motivation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, while transformational leadership had no positive effect on employee performance. Motivation is influenced by the desire to work well according to performance targets. Employee performance does not depend on the way the leader leads because the employees perform well in accordance with the determination they have in completing the work. Satisfaction is created because the results are in accordance with the target both in terms of quality and quantity and have succeeded in the success of the office's performance. Keywords: employee performance, job satisfaction, motivation, PLS-SEM, transformational leadershi

    Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Usaha Kecil Menengah Melalui Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Superior human resources is one of the long-term plans built by the government to reach Indonesia's gold in 2045. The quality of human resources is strongly influenced by improving the quality of education, especially vocational education. There are at least two main challenges to improving human Resources quality, namely low labor education and skills owned by Indonesian workers that are not yet aligned with the industry. Therefore, vocational education needs to be returned to its dignity, especially at the vocational level. This study seeks to identify problems, build conceptual models and establish development strategies to solve problems. The method used with the soft system methodology, which was developed into seven stages of improvement to produce a concrete strategy based on the comparison between the real world and the conceptual model. The results of this study are the steps offered to develop VHS towards a better way to strengthen the mental of VHS students, provide full-service support to VHS graduates, strengthen school institutions, and improve the quality of school human resources. The four major points will be implemented through 16 sub-strategies, namely planting character education and industrial work culture for students, rebranding vocational schools, improving foreign language skills and digital literacy for students, providing quality internships and industry-based certification for students, building supply demand mapping, tracer study studies, strengthening BKK and job matching services, student support for entrepreneurship, alignment of vocational school ecosystems, strengthening the role of LSP P1, encouraging Tefa to be BLUD, cooperation to build an industrial class, training and development of school human resources and updating of educational teaching materials 4.0

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia

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    The era of globalization presents several challenges related to human resource management. Every organization is appropriate to have qualified and highly competitive human resources to compete during dynamic changes. Employees as individuals and groups in an organization certainly have unique differences in personality. Employee performance can acquire optimal if they are experts in their fields and are established with a valuable organizational culture. Therefore, its purpose is to analyze the influence of competence, leadership, and organization culture on human resource performance and identify individual characteristics and factors that support employees. This research's location was at a non-profit organization, Ittihadul Islamiyah Welfare Charity Foundation (Ya BAKII), Cilacap district. The research data was obtained through filling out online questionnaires by 38 employees. Then it processed using Smart PLS tools for structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis. The results of the SEM-PLS test analysis prove that competence has a significant positive effect on performance, with the dominant indicator being professional competence. Organizational culture has a positive and well built relationship with improving employee performance, with innovation as the most authoritative indicator. Leadership can influence organizational culture positively and firmly as leadership has no significant effect on employee performance. Professional competence is the dominant sub-variable from the influence of competence on HR performance. While the leadership process in organizational culture can be developed through the application of relationship orientation by controlling employees. Organizational culture on HR performance can be improved through the application of innovation. Keywords: competence, organizational culture, leadership, SEM analysi

    Knowledge Management Infrastructure on Organizational Performance in Indonesian Science Institutions (LIPI): Mediation Effects of Knowledge Management Process

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    As a research institution, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) plays a crucial role in driving innovation and leveraging knowledge to improve people's welfare and the nation's competitiveness. This study analyzes the impact of knowledge management on the performance of science and technology correctional-based organizations at LIPI. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge management, including knowledge management infrastructure and processes, and organizational performance. The sample used in this study were employees responsible for the dissemination of science and technology in five service work units at LIPI, with a total of 115 respondents. The analytical method utilized in this study is a quantitative method using SEM PLS. The results of this study demonstrates that: (1) There is a significantly positive relationship between knowledge management infrastructure and knowledge management process; (2) There is a significantly positive effect in the relationship between knowledge management infrastructure and organizational performance; (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management process and organizational performance; and (4) The knowledge management process mediates the relationship between knowledge management infrastructure and organizational performance. The results indicated that the science and technology correctional service-based work unit at LIPI have implemented knowledge management practices well in terms of infrastructure and processes. However, there is still room for improvement in certain areas. Keywords: knowledge management process, knowledge management infrastructure, organizational performance, research institution, sem pl

    Virtual Learning Communication Behaviors In Natural Birth Support Communities

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    Cesarean delivery rates are rising globally, presenting a growing concern, particularly in countries like Indonesia. Amidst this trend, the Cerita VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesar)  on Telegram emerges as a crucial platform for pregnant women seeking insights and preparations for expected deliveries following Cesarean sections. This study, grounded in the constructivism paradigm, delves into the experiences of active speakers within the Cerita VBAC Community, aiming to understand the dynamics and impact of this virtual support network. Employing narrative ethnography methods, this research focuses on four prominent contributors within the Cerita VBAC Community. The constructivist paradigm guides the exploration of their experiences, emphasizing the role of narrative ethnography in unravelling the intricacies of this unique social context. Data analysis involves a manual modification process complemented by NVIVO 12 Plus, a comprehensive data processing application. The findings highlight that the learning delivery mechanism through Telegram aligns with Kolb's Experiential Learning model. Community members actively share concrete experiences, engage in reflective processes, formulate abstract concepts, and participate in experiential learning. Telegram serves as an information exchange medium and creates a positive and supportive environment, empowering pregnant women to navigate labor challenges


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    Rawa Pening is an ecological system which plays an important social role for surrounding residents. Human activities which exploited it initiate crisis of fishery natural resources. Rawa Pening management could not ignore involvement of stakeholders if it is expected to be sustained. However, existing imbalance distribution of role among stakeholders, namely government and community directly depended on Rawa Pening has directed to unresolved conflicting situation and degradation of the resource. This research is intended to formulate strategic policy in managing lake based on co-management. Co-management sample determinated by purposive sampling method in four villages around Rawa Pening Lake. Analisys of the data includes stakeholders analysis, interpretative structural modelling, and co-management analysis. The research results confirm that community directly depended on the resource is the key stakeholders although they have insignificant influence on policy development and management. Co-management institution for managing the lake can be developed in order to empower community and enhance their role in managing lake’s resources. Key words: lake, stakeholders, co-managemen

    Penyuluhan Pembangunan Di Indonesia ; Menyongsong Abad XXI

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    xiv,194 hlm ; 21 c

    Penyuluhan pembangunan di Indonesia menyongosong abad xxi

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    The Impact of Training and Compensation on the Performance of Tagrinov Facilitators on Visitors’ Satisfaction

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    This research aims to analyze the direct and indirect influence of training, compensation, and performance of service providers on visitor satisfaction in Tagrnov using the SEM-PLS analysis method, as well as evaluating the level of visitor satisfaction with Tagrinov using the IPA analysis method. The results of SEM-PLS analysis show that implementer performance does not have a significant influence on visitor satisfaction, while compensation and training have a significant influence on visitor satisfaction and implementer performance. However, indirect measurements show that compensation and training do not have a significant effect on visitor satisfaction through the performance of service providers. IPA analysis assesses the level of suitability to determine how satisfied visitors are with the Tagrinov facilitator's performance and how well the facilitator understands visitors' needs. Various attributes are assessed and categorized in four different quadrants based on their level of influence and importance on visitor satisfaction, with improvement recommendations given for certain attributes