32 research outputs found

    Vers le confinement contrôlé de nanoparticules dans un réseau organique nanoporeux auto-assemblé sur surface

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    Surface nanostructuration by supramolecular self-assembly of organic building blocks is an area which is the subject of numerous studies for several years, in view of nanotechnology applications. However, besides the control of the building blocks organization on surface, the surface properties control still remains an important challenge. In this context, nanoporous networks are interesting because they exhibit host properties and selectivity toward guest compounds, such properties leading to functional surfaces. This thesis focus and deals with the development of new 2D or pseudo-3D nanoporous networks, obtained by the self-assembly of original organic building blocks on graphite HOPG (Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite) substrate, to trap magnetic nanoparticles. Therefore, this work consisted in the synthesis of organic building blocks and the study of their self-assembly by STM. Afterwards, such 2D networks allowed the trapping of nanoparticles, leading to their regular organization on short distances. Thus, it was demonstrated that by modifying the morphology (lattice) of such nanoporous networks it is possible to modulate the distance between nanoparticles but also their interactions with the self-assembled network. To favor interactions between nanoparticles and the organic network, another approach combining not only the control of 2D organization but also an out of plane functionalization has been developed. Therefore, a new pseudo-3D network made up of building blocks, called Janus tectons, functionalized by alkyl-acid ligands, has been designed and studied by STM.La nanostructuration de surfaces par des réseaux supramoléculaires auto-assemblés de briques moléculaires a fait l'objet de nombreuses études au cours de ces dernières années, dans le but d’obtenir à terme des matériaux utilisables dans les nanotechnologies. Cependant, en plus du contrôle du positionnement des briques moléculaires sur la surface, le contrôle des propriétés de surface reste un enjeu important. Dans ce contexte, les réseaux nanoporeux sont intéressants car ils présentent des propriétés d'hôte et de sélectivité vis-à-vis de composés invités, de telles propriétés pouvant conduire à des surfaces fonctionnelles. Les travaux de cette thèse ont donc porté sur le développement de nouveaux réseaux nanoporeux organiques obtenus par auto-assemblage de tectons originaux sur un substrat de graphite afin de permettre la capture de nanoparticules magnétiques. Ce travail a donc consisté en la synthèse de briques moléculaires puis à l’étude de leur auto-assemblage par STM. Ces réseaux 2D ont ensuite permis de capturer des nanoparticules et d'obtenir leur organisation régulière à courte distance. Il a ainsi été démontré qu'en modifiant la morphologie des réseaux nanoporeux il est possible de moduler la distance entre les nanoparticules mais également leurs interactions avec le réseau auto-assemblé. Pour favoriser les interactions entre les nanoparticules et le réseau organique, une autre approche combinant non seulement le contrôle de l'organisation 2D mais également une fonctionnalisation hors du plan a été développée. Un nouveau réseau pseudo-3D composé de briques moléculaires, appelées tectons Janus, fonctionnalisées par des ligands, a ainsi été conçu et étudié par STM

    Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples

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    Funder: NCI U24CA211006Abstract: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) curated consensus somatic mutation calls using whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS), respectively. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we compare WES and WGS side-by-side from 746 TCGA samples, finding that ~80% of mutations overlap in covered exonic regions. We estimate that low variant allele fraction (VAF < 15%) and clonal heterogeneity contribute up to 68% of private WGS mutations and 71% of private WES mutations. We observe that ~30% of private WGS mutations trace to mutations identified by a single variant caller in WES consensus efforts. WGS captures both ~50% more variation in exonic regions and un-observed mutations in loci with variable GC-content. Together, our analysis highlights technological divergences between two reproducible somatic variant detection efforts

    Toward steering the organization of nanoparticles in a self-assembled nanoporous network on surface

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    La nanostructuration de surfaces par des réseaux supramoléculaires auto-assemblés de briques moléculaires a fait l'objet de nombreuses études au cours de ces dernières années, dans le but d’obtenir à terme des matériaux utilisables dans les nanotechnologies. Cependant, en plus du contrôle du positionnement des briques moléculaires sur la surface, le contrôle des propriétés de surface reste un enjeu important. Dans ce contexte, les réseaux nanoporeux sont intéressants car ils présentent des propriétés d'hôte et de sélectivité vis-à-vis de composés invités, de telles propriétés pouvant conduire à des surfaces fonctionnelles. Les travaux de cette thèse ont donc porté sur le développement de nouveaux réseaux nanoporeux organiques obtenus par auto-assemblage de tectons originaux sur un substrat de graphite afin de permettre la capture de nanoparticules magnétiques. Ce travail a donc consisté en la synthèse de briques moléculaires puis à l’étude de leur auto-assemblage par STM. Ces réseaux 2D ont ensuite permis de capturer des nanoparticules et d'obtenir leur organisation régulière à courte distance. Il a ainsi été démontré qu'en modifiant la morphologie des réseaux nanoporeux il est possible de moduler la distance entre les nanoparticules mais également leurs interactions avec le réseau auto-assemblé. Pour favoriser les interactions entre les nanoparticules et le réseau organique, une autre approche combinant non seulement le contrôle de l'organisation 2D mais également une fonctionnalisation hors du plan a été développée. Un nouveau réseau pseudo-3D composé de briques moléculaires, appelées tectons Janus, fonctionnalisées par des ligands, a ainsi été conçu et étudié par STM.Surface nanostructuration by supramolecular self-assembly of organic building blocks is an area which is the subject of numerous studies for several years, in view of nanotechnology applications. However, besides the control of the building blocks organization on surface, the surface properties control still remains an important challenge. In this context, nanoporous networks are interesting because they exhibit host properties and selectivity toward guest compounds, such properties leading to functional surfaces. This thesis focus and deals with the development of new 2D or pseudo-3D nanoporous networks, obtained by the self-assembly of original organic building blocks on graphite HOPG (Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite) substrate, to trap magnetic nanoparticles. Therefore, this work consisted in the synthesis of organic building blocks and the study of their self-assembly by STM. Afterwards, such 2D networks allowed the trapping of nanoparticles, leading to their regular organization on short distances. Thus, it was demonstrated that by modifying the morphology (lattice) of such nanoporous networks it is possible to modulate the distance between nanoparticles but also their interactions with the self-assembled network. To favor interactions between nanoparticles and the organic network, another approach combining not only the control of 2D organization but also an out of plane functionalization has been developed. Therefore, a new pseudo-3D network made up of building blocks, called Janus tectons, functionalized by alkyl-acid ligands, has been designed and studied by STM

    Synthesis of new dithia[3.3]parapara- and metapara-cyclophane based tectons: toward an universal surface-confined 2D/3D molecular binding motif

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    International audienceA series of new paraphenylene-based 2D and 3D tectons has been designed for supramolecular self-assembly on both HOPG and Au. Several versatile chemical strategies have been developed to reach the target tectons, bearing either metaparacyclophane or paraparacyclophane cores, functionalized or not, allowing the obtention soon of more complex 3D tectons bearing functional unit such as chromophores. Moreover, preliminary STM results show that these compounds can successfully self-assemble both on HOPG and Au(111) substrates at liquid-solid interface, encouraging us in finding an universal surface-confined 2D/3D molecular binding motif. This feature combined with the preliminary results of the self-assembly on the plasmonic substrate Au(111) open-up opportunities in the field of Nanoscience

    Directed Organization of Platinum Nanocrystals through Organic Supramolecular Nanoporous Templates

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    International audienceWe propose a novel approach to trap 2 nm Pt nanocrystals using nanoporous two-dimensional supramolecular networks for cavity-confined host-guest recognition process. This will be achieved by taking advantage of two features of supramolecular self-assembly at surfaces. First, its capability to allow to the formation of complex 2D architectures, more particularly nanoporous networks, through non-covalent interactions between organic molecular building-blocks. Second, the ability of the nanopores to selectively host and immobilize a large variety of guest species. In this paper, for the first time, we will use isotropic honeycomb networks and anisotropic linear porous supramolecular networks to host 2nm Pt nanocrystals

    Low-dose interleukin-2 fosters a dose-dependent regulatory T cell tuned milieu in T1D patients

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    International audienceMost autoimmune diseases (AID) are linked to an imbalance between autoreactive effector T cells (Teffs) and regulatory T cells (Tregs). While blocking Teffs with immunosuppression has long been the only therapeutic option, activating/expanding Tregs may achieve the same objective without the toxicity of immunosuppression. We showed that low-dose interleukin-2 (ld-IL-2) safely expands/activates Tregs in patients with AID, such HCV-induced vasculitis and Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Here we analyzed the kinetics and dose-relationship of IL-2 effects on immune responses in T1D patients. Ld-IL-2 therapy induced a dose-dependent increase in CD4+Foxp3+ and CD8+Foxp3+ Treg numbers and proportions, the duration of which was markedly dose-dependent. Tregs expressed enhanced levels of activation markers, including CD25, GITR, CTLA-4 and basal pSTAT5, and retained a 20-fold higher sensitivity to IL-2 than Teff and NK cells. Plasma levels of regulatory cytokines were increased in a dose-dependent manner, while cytokines linked to Teff and Th17 inflammatory cells were mostly unchanged. Global transcriptome analyses showed a dose-dependent decrease in immune response signatures. At the highest dose, Teff responses against beta-cell antigens were suppressed in all 4 patients tested. These results inform of broader changes induced by ld-IL-2 beyond direct effects on Tregs, and relevant for further development of ld-IL-2 for therapy and prevention of T1D, and other autoimmune and inflammatory diseases