328 research outputs found

    Isolated congenital absent aortic valve cusps in a fetus: A case report

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    Congenital absence of aortic valve cusps is an extremely rare congenital heart malformation. The absence of aortic valve cusps leads tosevere aortic regurgitation with resultant rapid and progressive heart failure and growth retardation in the fetus. Congenital absence ofthe aortic leaflets in association with other cardiac defects has been reported in the literature, but the isolated anomaly is not reportedyet. We present a case of a fetus with isolated congenital severe aortic regurgitation from absent aortic cusps and pathological specimenof this rare entity

    First On-Sky High Contrast Imaging with an Apodizing Phase Plate

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    We present the first astronomical observations obtained with an Apodizing Phase Plate (APP). The plate is designed to suppress the stellar diffraction pattern by 5 magnitudes from 2-9 lambda/D over a 180 degree region. Stellar images were obtained in the M' band (4.85 microns) at the MMTO 6.5m telescope, with adaptive wavefront correction made with a deformable secondary mirror designed for low thermal background observations. The measured PSF shows a halo intensity of 0.1% of the stellar peak at 2 lambda/D (0.36 arcsec), tapering off as r^{-5/3} out to radius 9 lambda/D. Such a profile is consistent with residual errors predicted for servo lag in the AO system. We project a 5 sigma contrast limit, set by residual atmospheric fluctuations, of 10.2 magnitudes at 0.36 arcsec separation for a one hour exposure. This can be realised if static and quasi-static aberrations are removed by differential imaging, and is close to the sensitivity level set by thermal background photon noise for target stars with M'>3. The advantage of using the phase plate is the removal of speckle noise caused by the residuals in the diffraction pattern that remain after PSF subtraction. The APP gives higher sensitivity over the range 2-5 lambda/D compared to direct imaging techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, ApJ accepte

    Growth abnormalities of fetuses and infants

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    The objective of this special issue is to address recent research trends and developments about the advancements of image processing and vision in healthcare. A substantial number of papers were submitted, and after a thorough peer review process, some of these were selected to be included in this special issue. Growth abnormalities (either growth restriction or large for gestational age) during perinatal and postnatal life are a hot topic issue, since they are often linked to alteration of uterine environment caused by placental insufficiency, maternal metabolic syndrome, and in general under- or overnutrition of the fetus. These fetal abnormalities account for the leading causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Moreover, under the hypothesis of developmental origin of adult diseases, they bear consequences in later life, programming the infant physiology for a higher risk of noncommunicable diseases, cardiovascular adult diseases, and neurodevelopment delay. Low birth weight, caused either by preterm birth and/or by intrauterine growth restriction, is recently known to be associated with increased rates of cardiovascular disease and noninsulin dependent diabetes in adult life. The “developmental origins of adult disease” hypothesis, often called “the Barker hypothesis,” proposes that these diseases originate through adaptations of the fetus when it is undernourished. These adaptations may be cardiovascular, metabolic, or endocrine and they may permanently change the structure and function of the body, increasing coronary heart disease risk factors, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidaemia. This hypothesis originally involved from observation by Barker and colleagues that the regions in England with the highest rates of infant mortality in the early 20th century also had the highest rates of mortality from coronary heart disease decades later. As the most commonly registered cause of infant death at the start of 20th century was low birth weight, these observations led to the hypothesis that low birth weight babies who survived infancy and childhood might be at increased risk of coronary heart disease in later life. There is an increased evidence of the link between intrauterine and perinatal alterations and adult diseases. Although the main focus so far has been the timing of delivery and follow-up, the study of the pathophysiology and of possible recovery is of paramount importance and needs the contributions of physicians from several fields, biologists, bioinformaticians, and engineers

    Constraining the Inflationary Equation of State

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    We explore possible constraints on the inflationary equation state: p=w\rho. While w must be close to -1 for those modes that contribute to the observed power spectrum, for those modes currently out of experimental reach, the constraints on w are much weaker, with only w<-1/3 as an a priori requirement. We find, however, that limits on the reheat temperature and the inflationary energy scale constrain w further, though there is still ample parameter space for a vastly different (accelerating) equation of state between the end of quasi-de Sitter inflation and the beginning of the radiation-dominated era. In the event that such an epoch of acceleration could be observed, we review the consequences for the primordial power spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figur