314 research outputs found

    Variable Hard X-ray Emission from the Candidate Accreting Black Hole in Dwarf Galaxy Henize 2-10

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    We present an analysis of the X-ray spectrum and long-term variability of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10. Recent observations suggest that this galaxy hosts an actively accreting black hole with mass ~10^6 M_sun. The presence of an AGN in a low-mass starburst galaxy marks a new environment for active galactic nuclei (AGNs), with implications for the processes by which "seed" black holes may form in the early Universe. In this paper, we analyze four epochs of X-ray observations of Henize 2-10, to characterize the long-term behavior of its hard nuclear emission. We analyze observations with Chandra from 2001 and XMM-Newton from 2004 and 2011, as well as an earlier, less sensitive observation with ASCA from 1997. Based on detailed analysis of the source and background, we find that the hard (2-10 keV) flux of the putative AGN has decreased by approximately an order of magnitude between the 2001 Chandra observation and exposures with XMM-Newton in 2004 and 2011. The observed variability confirms that the emission is due to a single source. It is unlikely that the variable flux is due to a supernova or ultraluminous X-ray source, based on the observed long-term behavior of the X-ray and radio emission, while the observed X-ray variability is consistent with the behavior of well-studied AGNs.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Continued Neutron Star Crust Cooling of the 11 Hz X-Ray Pulsar in Terzan 5: A Challenge to Heating and Cooling Models?

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    The transient neutron star low-mass X-ray binary and 11 Hz X-ray pulsar IGR J17480-2446 in the globular cluster Terzan 5 exhibited an 11-week accretion outburst in 2010. Chandra observations performed within five months after the end of the outburst revealed evidence that the crust of the neutron star became substantially heated during the accretion episode and was subsequently cooling in quiescence. This provides the rare opportunity to probe the structure and composition of the crust. Here, we report on new Chandra observations of Terzan 5 that extend the monitoring to ~2.2 yr into quiescence. We find that the thermal flux and neutron star temperature have continued to decrease, but remain significantly above the values that were measured before the 2010 accretion phase. This suggests that the crust has not thermally relaxed yet, and may continue to cool. Such behavior is difficult to explain within our current understanding of heating and cooling of transiently accreting neutron stars. Alternatively, the quiescent emission may have settled at a higher observed equilibrium level (for the same interior temperature), in which case the neutron star crust may have fully cooled.Comment: Accepted to ApJ without revision. Updated references and fixed few typos to match published version. 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    The fading of two transient ultraluminous x-ray sources to below the stellar mass Eddington limit

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    We report new detections of the two transient ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) in NGC 5128 from an ongoing series of Chandra observations. Both sources have previously been observed L (2-3) × ∼10 erg s, at the lower end of the ULX luminosity range. The new observations allow us to study these sources in the luminosity regime frequented by the Galactic black hole X-ray binaries (BH XBs). We present the recent lightcurves of both ULXs. 1RXH J132519.8-430312 (ULX1) was observed at L 1 × 10 erg s, while CXOU J132518.2-430304 (ULX2) declined to L 2 × 10 erg s and then lingered at this luminosity for hundreds of days. We show that a reasonable upper limit for both duty cycles is 0.2, with a lower limit of 0.12 for ULX2. This duty cycle is larger than anticipated for transient ULXs in old stellar populations. By fitting simple spectral models in an observation with ∼50 counts we recover properties consistent with Galactic BH XBs, but inconclusive as to the spectral state. We utilize quantile analyses to demonstrate that the spectra are generally soft, and that in one observation the spectrum of ULX2 is inconsistent with a canonical hard state at >95% confidence. This is contrary to what would be expected of an accreting intermediate mass black hole primary, which we would expect to be in the hard state at these luminosities. We discuss the paucity of transient ULXs discovered in early-type galaxies and excogitate explanations. We suggest that the number of transient ULXs scales with the giant and sub-giant populations, rather than the total number of XBs.Peer reviewe

    Extreme Quiescent Variability of the Transient Neutron Star Low-mass X-ray Binary EXO 1745-248 in Terzan 5

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    EXO 1745-248 is a transient neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary that resides in the globular cluster Terzan 5. We studied the transient during its quiescent state using 18 Chandra observations of the cluster acquired between 2003 and 2016. We found an extremely variable source, with a luminosity variation in the 0.5-10 keV energy range of 3\sim3 orders of magnitude (between 3×10313\times10^{31} erg s1^{-1} and 2×10342\times10^{34} erg s1^{-1}) on timescales from years down to only a few days. Using an absorbed power-law model to fit its quiescent spectra, we obtained a typical photon index of 1.4\sim1.4, indicating that the source is even harder than during outburst and much harder than typical quiescent neutron stars if their quiescent X-ray spectra are also described by a single power-law model. This indicates that EXO 1745-248 is very hard throughout the entire observed X-ray luminosity range. At the highest luminosity, the spectrum fits better when an additional (soft) component is added to the model. All these quiescent properties are likely related to strong variability in the low-level accretion rate in the system. However, its extreme variable behavior is strikingly different from the one observed for other neutron star transients that are thought to still accrete in quiescence. We compare our results to these systems. We also discuss similarities and differences between our target and the transitional millisecond pulsar IGR J18245-2452, which also has hard spectra and strong variability during quiescence.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Wide-Field Chandra X-Ray Observations of AGN in Abell 85 & Abell 754

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    To better understand the mechanism or mechanisms that lead to AGN activity today, we measure the X-ray AGN fraction in a new sample of nearby clusters and examine how it varies with galaxy properties, projected cluster-centric radius, and cluster velocity dispersion. We present new wide-field Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of Abell 85, Abell 754 and the background cluster Abell 89B out to their virial radii. Out of seventeen X-ray sources associated with galaxies in these clusters, we classify seven as X-ray AGN with L_{X,B} > 10^{41} erg/s. Only two of these would be classified as AGN based on their optical spectra. We combine these observations with archival data to create a sample of X-ray AGN from six z < 0.08 clusters and find that 3.4+1.1/-0.8% of M_R 10^{41} erg/s. We find that more X-ray AGN are detected in more luminous galaxies and attribute this to larger spheriods in more luminous galaxies and increased sensitivity to lower Eddington-rate accretion from black holes in those spheroids. At a given X-ray luminosity limit, more massive black holes can be accreting less efficiently, yet still be detected. If interactions between galaxies are the principal drivers of AGN activity, then the AGN fraction should be higher in lower velocity dispersion clusters and the outskirts of clusters. However, the tendency of the most massive and early-type galaxies to lie in the centers of the richest clusters could dilute such trends. While we find no variation in the AGN fraction with projected cluster-centric radius, we do find that the AGN fraction increases significantly from 2.6+1.0/-0.8% in rich clusters to 10.0+6.2/-4.3% in those with lower velocity dispersions.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journal, 17 pages using emulateapj.cls, 10 B & W Figures (degraded): Full resolution paper available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~sivakoff/AGN/XAGN_A85_A754.pd

    The Galaxy Distribution Function from the 2MASS Survey

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    We determine the spatial distribution function of galaxies from a wide range of samples in the 2MASS survey. The results agree very well with the form of the distribution predicted by the theory of cosmological gravitational many-body galaxy clustering. On large scales we find a value of the clustering parameter b = 0.867 +/- 0.026, in agreement with b = 0.83 +/- 0.05 found previously for the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. We measure b(theta) as a function of scale, since this is a powerful test of the applicability of computer simulations. The results suggest that when galaxies clustered they were usually surrounded by individual, rather than by communal haloes.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, accepted: 14 pages with 23 embedded reduced resolution Postscript figures & 2 table